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Becquerel Chapter III: Ruins of Colorado Springs

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vvv56eer's Avatar vvv56eer
Level 42 : Master Loremaster
  “Um, I was just looking around,” Barett replied.

“Well if you don’t need anything, then get the [​heck] out of here!”

Barett was a bit low on food and water, and he was a bit hungry.

“I do need some food,” he warily told the guard.

“The entrance is on the other side,” the guard said, pointing behind him.

  Barett walked around the nine foot tall wall of junk and a small door was opened for him. Inside the wall there were a few cars parked in various locations, and a few small fires were lit to provide warmth and light. Survivors huddled around the fires like moths to a flame and no one looked up at Barett as he walked by. The glass doors of the supermarket were shattered and some tattered pieces of cloth were draped over some of the holes.

  He walked into the store and saw that it had been turned into a makeshift hospital. There were people on beds, stretchers and some were even being held up by cinder blocks. The shelves had been moved to the wall to make room for the injured people. The deli and bakery sections had been turned into a small marketplace with a few vendors selling “freshly” grown fruits and vegetables and canned food from before the attack. He stopped one of the medical workers and asked what happened to the patent.

“They are injured from the fighting. But it’s not really any of your business.”

Barett was about to ask about who was fighting, but decided against it. Instead he walked over to the little market and asked a vendor what they were selling.

“I’ve got all kinds of fresh fruit! Beets, broccoli, carrots, lettuce, you name it!”

“Aren’t those all vegetables?” asked Barett.

“Eh, they're all the same thing aren't they?” the vendor replied.

“I guess so,” Barett said, “how do I pay?”

“Trading. I’ll take that geiger counter off you for two pounds of spinach.”

  Barett didn’t want to give away his geiger counter, so he passed on the spinach. He ended up buying a few cherries for twenty rounds of 9mm.

  Barett decided that he wouldn’t get much more help from there, so he just moved on. He decided to take a detour and look through a few destroyed houses. He opened the burned door and took a peek inside. The roof of the single-story house had caved in and had crushed almost everything inside. The light blue paint of the walls was peeling off and greying, and all of the windows had been shattered. Everything was covered by a thick layer of light greyish dust. One of the bedrooms had survived, and Barett found some jewellery in a desk. The other houses were worse off than that one and he didn’t find anything else of worth. Some of the houses’ walls have been burned down to the frame, and most of the roofs had collapsed. There were a few cars dotted around but none of them were in working order, and they didn’t have anything useful in them. Barett only looked through a couple more houses before he decided that it wasn’t worth the effort. He decided to head back onto the highway but as he walked south, he heard footsteps behind him. Before he could look back, he felt a sharp electric shock in the back of his neck and he couldn’t move!

  He fell to the ground and was paralyzed for a few seconds as he heard his attackers run towards him. He started to get back up, but he was immediately shoved onto the dusty ground and was held there with his hands behind his back. He could feel them going through his stuff and taking anything of value. When he tried to break free of the strong hold of one of his attackers, Barett felt the shock again, then he blacked out.

When he eventually came to, he was still laying on the street with his stuff strewn about. The sun was low in the grey, cloudy sky and Barett was starting to get tired. He picked up what was left of his things and crammed them into his bag. His geiger counter was gone, and so was most of his water and some of his food. He took his gas mask, replaced the used filter for a new one and put the mask on.

  Even though most of the houses were destroyed or heavily damaged, Barett decided to look for some food and especially some water. He looked through five more abandoned houses that are basically pieces of rubble now and only found two bottled waters and a can of tomato soup that expired nine years ago. Luckily, he still had his map and he headed east towards a storage facility, hoping to find some good supplies. There was a fallen over chain-link fence with barbed wire on top. Barett walked over it. He looked for an unlocked storage container and found a few with damaged doors or walls, but there is nothing good inside of them. As the sun set in the sky, it cast long shadows onto the destroyed city. Barett was starting to get tired, so he began looking for a place to sleep for the night.

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