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Becquerel Chapter II: Woodman Citadel

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vvv56eer's Avatar vvv56eer
Level 42 : Master Loremaster
  After wandering around for a few minutes, he saw the first sign of civilization. The elementary school had been patched up and there were a few people going in and out of the building. Barett called out a greeting,

“Hello, I’m Barett,”

“Greetings, what do you need from us?” was the reply he got.

  He told them about his mom, and they let him into the school. It was big, but mostly empty. Some of the desks and chairs had been pushed together with pieces of cloth on them to form makeshift beds. There was trash and junk scattered around the main room. They had refurbished the cafeteria and were serving a variety of food. In one of the 3rd grade classrooms, they had set up a meeting place. Barett was taken to that room to talk to some of the organisers of the school stronghold.

  The desks and chairs had been pushed into a circle in the middle of the room and Barett took a seat. There was a little bit of natural light coming from a window that had a piece of cloth draped over it. The man who had met him outside, a short athletic-looking man, maybe in his thirties or forties, sat across from Barett. A tall woman and an even taller man came in and sat to the sides of the first man. A few people from the settlement came and sat in various positions around the circle. “My name is Emory Harris. I’m the leader of this shelter, the Woodman Citadel. This is Carie James, the lead medical officer.” He pointed to the woman on his right; she was a thin Asian woman with a long, thin scar down her left arm. She wore a faded yellow tank-top and had a belt of medical equipment around her torso. “And this is Jared Crewdman, head of security.” He pointed to the man on his left, a tall, muscular man with short, dark brown hair. He had a rifle slung across his back and was wearing a dusty Denver Broncos t-shirt with a hole in one of the sleeves.

  This felt a little overkill to Barett, he just needed to know how to get to the hospital. “From what I understand, you diagnosed your mother with a radiation born disease, likely leukaemia, and you think we can help you with that?” asked Emory.

“No, I just need to go to the UAChealth central hospital, or something like that, do you know how to get there?”

“If you mean the UCHealth Memorial Hospital, I can get you a map there.”

“Yes, that would be great!” Barett replied.

“You are way underprepared for such an endeavour,” said Jared. “We can give you some of the necessary items to help get you there.”

“Like what, a car or something?” asked Barett.

“Well we don’t have a car or, rather, a working one, but you definitely need more food and water, and some medical supplies wouldn't hurt either.”

 Barett accepted the supplies and was given a worn piece of paper.

“This is a map of Colorado Springs,” explained Emory. “Well, it was. If you follow that red line,” he traced the diagonal line with his finger, “after fifteen or so miles, you should be at the hospital.”

“Thank you all very much,” Barett said as he left the Citadel. He looked at the map. The red line formed a lopsided, backwards L on the paper. He walked through the messed up neighbourhoods until he got to the highway. The sun was high in the sky now, just before noon as Barett walked down the remnants of Highway 24. The destruction wasn’t really that bad. The bomb had likely gone off near the Air Force Academy, since it would have been a military target, so there wasn’t much blast damage, only radiation. As he left the town behind, he started to realise just how different the world had become.

  Barett walked along the once busy road for a long time, stopping occasionally for a quick drink of water. In the far distance, he could barely make out the remnants of Colorado Springs. Eventually he made his way to an intersection and he turned right towards Cimarron Hills. He decided to go this way because he wanted to explore some of the city, and the map said that there was a King Soopers in that direction. He made his way through the neighbourhood, keeping an eye on his map. After a few minutes, the supermarket came into view. There was a large wall surrounding the parking lot. The wall was made of old cars, a couple shipping containers, and various other junk. There were a couple of people with makeshift body armour and rifles. Barett decided that he should leave before he caused any trouble.

“Hey Kid! What do you want?!” said one of the guards.

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