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Becquerel Chapter I: Armageddon

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vvv56eer's Avatar vvv56eer
Level 42 : Master Loremaster
  2077, The world has been trapped in a raging global conflict for over nine years. Tensions are high and the first nuclear warheads to be used in a major conflict since 1945 have just been detonated in Europe by the United States. They know that they have just caused the beginning of the end for humanity. They are right. One cloudy April afternoon in Falcon, Colorado, a little boy and his mother were heading into their recently built fallout shelter, preparing for the worst.

  Seven-year-old Barett Carson and his mother ran to the front of their small house and opened the heavy steel door that blocked entry to their underground bunker. His mom, Lena Carson, held the hatch open and told him to get in. “Everything’s going to be okay honey,” she assured him.

They crouched in the small metal box that would shield them from the coming apocalypse. There was plenty of supplies, food and water that could last up to fifteen years, warm clothing to protect from the freezing temperatures of a nuclear winter, plenty of books and magazines to keep them occupied, a couple of gas masks to protect them from breathing in radioactive fallout, and even a geiger counter to detect radiation. The only thing that was missing was Barett’s dad.

  He was at work, in Colorado Springs, and they were hoping that he could drive home in time to survive the bombs. Barett’s mom had gotten the warning of the attack on TV a couple minutes prior, and they had run to the bunker as fast as they could. They waited for a few minutes before they heard the ear-spitting blast of a one megaton nuclear bomb exploding over Colorado. The sound was deafening, a horrendously loud boom that shook the ground from the force of the shockwave.

  Barett didn’t know what was happening. He knew that there had been a war and that a lot of people had died, but there was no fighting in America, or Colorado, at least. Why did Colorado get attacked? Barett wondered. He couldn't understand why. They hadn't attacked anyone, they didn’t start the war, right? America were the good guys, and the good guys always won, right? He started to cry. This was too much for a seven-year-old to handle.

  They lived in that cramped metal cube for about eleven years, but they couldn’t be exactly sure. As Barett got older, his mom told him more about the war, even though there wasn’t much she knew about it. Before he turned eighteen, Barett’s mother got sick, very sick, and food was running out. Barett was scared, he had already lost his dad, he didn’t want to lose his mom too. Using some of the medical books and machines they had, he was able to determine that his mom had gotten leukaemia, or something like it. This was almost undeniably caused by the radiation received from the nuclear bombs.

Lena knew about an experimental cancer cure that was being developed in the UCHealth hospital.

“I should go out and get it,” Barett told her.

“No, it’s too dangerous, I’ll be okay,” she replied.

  Barett wasn’t going to listen, he wanted his mom to live and he was willing to die to save her. He grabbed a gas mask, two fresh filters, the geiger counter, a pistol and two magazines, and some food and water. He shoved them into a small duffel bag. Barett was going to get that cure, even if it killed him.

  Carefully, Barett pushed open the big doors as sunlight poured in. He poked his head out and looked around. The sky was grey and overcast, and the ground was covered in a thin layer of grey soot. Across the road, the houses were in terrible shape, almost all the windows were shattered and some of the houses had their paint burned off. There were loose papers scattered on the ground and small trees had been knocked over by the shockwave. There was a small blue car that had somehow landed upside down on the roof of a nearby house. There were trash cans and mailboxes on the street, flung in various directions and were in varying conditions.

Barett pushed himself out of the hole they called a bunker. He pulled out his geiger counter and measured nine becquerels per hour.

“Not bad, I think,” he judged.

  He had absolutely no idea where he was or where the hospital was, so he just headed down the road. The destruction wasn’t horrible in Falcon, the buildings were still standing and only some of the weaker objects had been knocked over. The bomb had probably been detonated in the Springs. He walked around, looking at the destruction, and wondered if anyone else had survived.

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