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Batman V Superman Review (Spoilers Hidden)

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Galactic_X's Avatar Galactic_X
Level 25 : Expert Ninja
I would first like to say that if you choose to look at the spoiler do not go posting in the comment section that i ruined it, it was your choice thank you.

Batman VS Superman
The fight people will remember for years to come has landed with a boom, Batman vs Superman not only intrigued me but put the long lived argument who would win to rest. Although it did have many ups there were downs that could've been avoided like Wonder Woman's fighting scene which didn't last very long. Following on that many mistakes were made that some directors didn't really see as listed in the spoilers. Overall my review for this movie is both negative and positive so I give it a 3 out of 5 stars.

Spoilers (Click at your own risk)
Hello everybody you have chosen to look at the listed spoilers that i have generously given you the option of choosing. To start off it is to hard to ignore the fact that Batman was having dreams that proceeded to occur in the future, yet in every single comic book or movie that led to this point Batman has just been an ordinary man with no powers. The title Batman vs Superman is  a little to much considering their was only one fighting scene in the movie in which someone who came to the movie stated that "Batman beasted and feasted". Batman's change of suit was later noticed by me in which I mean that it showed no seen where he went and changed from his robotic suit to his normal one, the only scene was him leaving to go get Martha (Superman's mother). Although many mistakes were made as said the movie did have it's ups, for instance the remarkable scene when they replayed the scene of Batman's parents dying with very emotional parts. Emotion was the movies key factor because of all the death, action, and even surprise that serves as the foundation for the movie. Although many people would argue the movie was not emotional you can't say you weren't sad when you thought Superman was going to die at the end and the joy you had when you found out he was still alive. Well that's it for me this is Galactic X signing out.

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