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How to Make Basic 360 Renders

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Kevaasaurus's Avatar Kevaasaurus
Level 53 : Grandmaster Taco
How to Make Basic 360 Renders

360 Renders
Basic Tutorial


This is a tutorial on how to make those 360 renders. This is a brute method, just a heads up. This method is the fundamentals of how gifs are made. If you are not willing to put in a little effort, and expecting some kind of auto pilot, then this is not for you. This type of render is best suited for small scale builds, but possible for larger builds as well.

Open magica voxel and import your .schematic. We'll be using an old build of mine for an example.

How to Make Basic 360 Renders
How to Make Basic 360 Renders

Find your desired starting angle and try to center the build. Now if you press 'D' or 'A' the camera will rotate on the center point. This is the trick to making this possible. What you want to do is quickly tap 'D' or 'A' so that the camera will rotate slightly.

So what you want to do is keep rotating and exporting. You will end up with a good amount of pictures.

Make sure you aren't short any pictures or went over. You can do a quick check with photo viewer, just open one picture and keep pressing your left or right arrow keys. It'll be blurry if you don't have a fast hard drive or ssd, but you will be able to tell if you are short some pictures for the whole revolution or over.

Making the gif
Open Photoshop and import your pictures. You can select all of them and drag place them. Keep spamming enter to place them all.

Expand the timeline on the bottom and create a frame animation.

Now export it. Make sure it's a GIF and look at the file size. This build is small, so the amount of pictures taken were minimal. If your build is large, depending on how you did it, usually a larger radius is involved to see the whole build, yada yada, so more pictures are exported. If you file size is huge you can downsize it from 1080.

And here's the final result one more time.

Some things to know:
  • Using ortho or iso view in magica voxel will create an infinite wide ground instead of just the cylinder.
  • toggling GD in magica voxel toggles the ground & background. This will make your gif have a transparent background instead.
  • If you have the patience, you can do some cool stuff with DOF, you just have to apply in every render frame.
  • If you have a video editing software and not photoshop, you can use that to make the gif as well. There might also be online alternatives that create gifs from pictures.


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04/15/2016 12:52 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
combikem's Avatar
Thanks for the tutorial!
03/25/2016 11:09 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Caveman
exsilit's Avatar
Thanks, very helpful!
But I have problems with inserting my gif in a post. I tried it with imgur. Which link should I choose? Do I have to consider anything else?
03/26/2016 2:14 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Taco
Kevaasaurus's Avatar
make sure to grab the original link. so the link should be .gif at the end not .gifv using imgure
03/26/2016 12:17 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Caveman
exsilit's Avatar
Thank you! That did it. :)
02/20/2016 6:59 am
Level 26 : Expert Hunter
xpCube's Avatar
I'll try this later :)
02/01/2016 8:07 pm
Level 83 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
Cool I may have to use this in the future
01/31/2016 10:00 am
Level 28 : Expert Cowboy
PermanentMarker's Avatar
Hmm.. For some reason it doesn't let me load the .schematic file.. I dropped it in like the tutorial said, and still nothing shows up. I'm using the renderer too.
01/31/2016 9:05 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
randomguy45's Avatar
I have that problem aswell! Have you found a fix yet?
01/31/2016 3:36 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Barbarian's Avatar
if the icon of the renderer when it's open, looks like some sort of little black pixel cat thingy, then its not the renderer.
01/31/2016 12:58 am
Level 1 : New Network
mizusen's Avatar
fooooo! Thank you!!!!!!
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