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Assault and Infiltration: A bedwars guide.

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MaximusPrime23's Avatar MaximusPrime23
Level 39 : Artisan Archer Droid
Assault is its name, attacking something(example: Team Yellow), and is done in 3 variants:
Assault/Swarm: A team starts invading a base and when one dies, one comes, making it difficult to survive one.
Infiltration: A group or a single person enter a location unseen and hide while reaching their goal(breaking the bed)
Rush: A player does not grab anything except some blocks and goes to attack the unprepared enemies when the game only has 1 second on the counter, those are fairly common and tend to get their bed broken instantly but then they die with at least 1 broken bed.

To assault, it is needed to communicate effectively, there are many options to do that.
Voice Chat: It is always needed to have a pre-made team to use it so if your friends are offline this is useless.
Text Chat: Default communication, not so fast but helps giving short messages such as "INC"
Gestures, also known as Minecraft Sign Language: Simple and helps with communication while muted, can also function to give messages in the middle of a fight. Not efficient if your teammates are far away.

To set up a swarm make 3 bridges from your base to the assaulted, make sure they are efficient, it does not matter if they are seen. One from above, one from the front/secondary island, one from the top, and one which is unseen and is optional. After that send 2 teammates to attack while 2 stay to defend/replace the dead ones.
Make sure to have healing and pickaxes, your enemies won't have mercy if you come too close.

Note that you irreversibly compromise your team's safety if you don't kill fully all the assaulted enemies.

To infiltrate you need a basic set of armor, along with a good pickaxe, blocks, and a location to trace a bridge while not being seen. After that place a hidden area where you will be mining the bed. You can use the enemy-made bridges so they won't suspect.

How to rush and then die:
Basically, DO NOT GET ANYTHING except blocks, come to someone's base by godbridging and then break their bed before dying and getting final killed.

Combinations of techniques:
Double rush, also known as rushing assault: rushing done by multiple players, therefore being like an assault, but since there is no bed defense it is rush.
Rush -> Assault: A rush turns into an assault.
Assault -> Infiltration: This can be done in many ways, the most popular one being invading a base while one of the attackers infiltrates.
Assault Denied -> Infiltration: This is done by using enemy assault bridges to infiltrate, a enemy is less likely to spot a player than a giant bridge.
Infiltration -> Assault: A player infiltrates the enemy and takes over the bed before the whole team assaults the base to final kill everyone.

How to gain priority in combat:
First of all, would you literally assault a diamond-armored team with a carrot? I guess you aren't crazy enough to do that. So, you have to gain priority in combat.
"SkIlL iS eVeRyThInG!1!!111!1!1" No.
Skill defines your capabilities of gaining an advantage, there are multiple types of them:
Positional: It involves if you are comboed or doing a combo on someone and also involves structures, height and range.
Numerical: A higher number can bypass any of the other advantages except healing, if 5 swords hit at the same time you get a WAY HIGHER damage since 5+5+5+5+5 is 25 and not 9 like a netherite sword alone.
Healing: A very important advantage, it defines how much you can heal and survive in prolonged damage, this is usually gained through Golden Apples.
Gear: It multiplies your stats but can be bypassed with ease through any of the others, and armor is more important than weapons for this.
There are many more of those advantages but it would take me a year to list them all.

Armor has a significant priority due to the calculation being low due to the difference in armor points being higher than weapon difference.
CreditMinecraft Wiki for the bed item in the thumbnail.

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