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Art Blogs: Problem of Diversity

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jman5000555's Avatar jman5000555
Level 40 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
Back Again

         It has been a long time since I have been truly active on this site. I understand that has changed a lot and so has Minecraft. However I have seen some things in my random check-ins with the site that has disturbed me. Well, perhaps not disturb, but definitely a concern. As I looked through the blog section I used to enjoy so well I noticed something. When clicking through the pop reel, around 50% of the blog's were "Art Blogs", I mean that in the most sincere way. It isn't that I have any problems with art blogs. Minecraft is a definite muse, that inspires beautiful artwork. What disturbs me is the multitude of it. It is creating a lack of diversity that reminds me of a plague that littered the Skin section for a long time...Teen skins. 
    I am not directly comparing these two things, Art blogs take way more talent and creativity than any teen skin. However it is still something that is taking over. It is becoming a fad that is definitely taking over the blog section. "But Jman who cares if it is taking over, what is wrong with art blogs?" Now concerned reader I understand what you are saying. But for PMC to showcase all of the great content that it has in each section, it can't be weighed down with just one type.
       Are they Really a problem?

      "But Jman, more art blogs are posted so more should get to be showcased." Now again I understand but I feel that is like an election. There are two main parties, with each having significant backing, however you don't really connect with either of the two parties, but instead connect with a third independent candidate. However because his lack of support you go with the lesser of two evils of the two big parties. What I mean by this is, some people are looking to get their work acknowledged, so after feeling frustrated by seeing the lack of response to there other types of blogs they do an art blog. They get tons of recognition because of it and continue to make art blogs. Yes they are not doing what they want to do, but for them it is the only way to get the recognition they deserve, or at least want.  
What to do about it?

I don't really have any certain solution that will fix this "problem" I am more spreading the word, and trying to change some people's opinion. I understand that the art community on PMC is very strong and tight-knit community. I am not trying to hate your craft. I just feel that it is causing a lack of diversity in the Blog section, (eg. the pop reel) Feel free to disagree with me, and share your opinion below.

Now before any of you go "You are just complaining because your blog can't get on the Pop Reel, that isn't why I made this blog, I have been on the pop reel plenty of times before, so there is no jealousy there. I am writing this out of general concern for the blog section as a whole, and want to see if I am the only one out there who sees this as a problem. I also want to hopefully find someone who can give a fair solution. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!! If you liked it please leave a diamond, and if you really liked it maybe you could favorite it or subscribe to me!
Credithttp://thefederalist.com/ for supplying the picture.

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12/25/2016 10:16 pm
Level 46 : Master Technomancer
Melancholism's Avatar
I certainly see your point.
12/22/2016 11:22 pm
Level 42 : Master Musician
AquaGirl's Avatar
As someone who enjoys art, especially supporting new artists who aren't as talented yet, I love all the art blogs. But, I recognize that not everyone has the same interests as me, so there definitely should be a better mix of blogs on here for all people!
12/22/2016 11:36 pm
Level 40 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
jman5000555's Avatar
I will say things seem to be getting a lot better in that regard, but the skin section is another story... Thank you for the great comment!
02/26/2016 12:29 am
Level 28 : Expert Button Pusher
yoda473's Avatar
Yeah. And I think some people just do it for the sake of it. Seriously, I've seen art blogs and I've been like, "I could draw better than that!" And that's saying something. I'm not saying those two or three people I've seen do that are bad, I'm just saying that it proves they don't actually care about their art blog other than for the diamonds.
'Course, there are amazing artists on the site, too. :)
02/16/2016 10:32 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Sus
Yunexa's Avatar
Ah, I understand this viewpoint. Although I'm a fan of art blogs, I see how it could get a little repetitive seeing them on pop reel all the time, especially since PMC is really a Minecraft dedicated site, and most art blogs have nothing to do with the game. I mean, there are tons of amazing blogs that actually do deal with Minecraft and PMC, such as tutorials, reviews, and interviews, that some people may really be interested in seeing rather than an art blog. I'm sure most are here for Minecraft and not a blog showcasing a user's unrelated art, although there are so many artistic and talented members on PMC who have posted some amazing art blogs!

However, it seems like EVERY SINGLE art blog makes it onto pop reel, because every time I look there's at least one on there, if not multiple art blogs. I really do love art blogs and seeing the community's talent, but I mean, there's really a place for everything, and maybe art blogs don't necessarily belong on this site. There are pleeeeenty of other art sharing websites, like DeviantArt, where users can share their art. I can completely agree that sometimes it would be better to showcase some other blogs in the pop reel, and not just art blogs, because art blogs really seem like an easy route to attention tbh. (I don't know how much I can speak for this though, because that's what happened with me. I'm guilty lol.)
02/17/2016 9:03 pm
Level 40 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
jman5000555's Avatar
This was a great comment thanks for letting me know!
02/01/2016 3:54 pm
Level 83 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
Everyone is entitled for only 1 art blog. I don't get your point of a lack of diversity as there is more than just art blogs on PMC like interviews, tutorials, stories, poetry, reviews, and commentary on the website such as this blog, etc. 

Of course art is highly prevalent and popular in a creative community and I don't see this as a real issue. It is up to the people to decide what they want to make.
02/01/2016 9:58 pm
Level 40 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
jman5000555's Avatar
I know there are more than just art blogs on PMC Crafty, but they are being showcased in pop reel to the same extent as Art blogs are. I want to see a bigger push for the other blogs, the reviews, commentary, tutorials, etc. These blogs are being underrepresented in the pop reel, and in quantity as well. I don't think any one genre is the best, and that is why Art blogs don't need to hog the spotlight, give everyone a chance.
02/02/2016 12:06 am
Level 83 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
Everyone does in fact have a fair chance, but few people step up to the plate to make a good quality blog. I just looked at the popreel and its:
  • poem
  • Rendering tutorial
  • article about stolen skins
  • Art Blog
  • article about why 1.9 sucks
  • Airplane animation
  • Article about understanding Undertale's storyline
  • Shading Hair tutorial
  • Interview with Hakno
  • manga review
  • art blog
  • art blog
  • Faction Review
  • Blog about being a sculptor in a game is hard
  • art blog
  • art blog
  • Poem about Depression
  • Article about being a PMC Blogger
  • blog about a cat
  • Interview

So only 5 out of 20 popreel entries are Art Blog. That is only 25%. Of course popreel is a constantly changing thing and we won't get the same results every single time. But this does prove that every genre has a fair chance of getting into blog popreel, which isn't that hard to get into infact. :P
02/01/2016 10:31 am
Level 28 : Expert Architect
cel_eri's Avatar
Quite honestly I agree with you 100%.
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