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Apprentice K Interviews GrayRemnant

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Apprentice K's Avatar Apprentice K
Level 14 : Journeyman Skinner
YO,What's up guys,Apprentice here and I am here with my first interview with none other than the fantastic,GrayRemnant!
You can check out GrayRemnant's account right HERE and give him lots of diamonds!
Just saying my text will be blue and his will be red.

1.How did you find PMC?
I found PMC by way of Keralis back in late 2011.

2.How did you come up with the name 'GrayRemnant'?
Through mysterious circumstances that cannot be detailed in words. :P

3.I've seen your Week in Reviews,so why did you want to do this series?
I've always liked the idea of having a PMC-dedicated weekly showcase series,and since nobody was
really doing it I thought 'why not?' . ;)

4.Did you make your profile picture or did someone make it for you?
My profile picture was made in Minecraft by me. The purple aura around it was rendered in by a friend.

5.And what is your profile picture?
It's meant to be opulent and eye-catching. It's not really anything. :P

6.What do you like posting more,Blogs,Projects or Skins?
Blogs,mainly because they allow me to incorporate a lot of humor. I hate making skins. xD

7.What is your goal to reach on PMC/Youtube?
You can see that in my 'about' section on my PMC homepage. ;)

8.Who are you inspired by on PMC?
Keralis.He was revolutionary back in the day and changed the way people built in Minecraft.

9.Do you plan on welcoming any new series to your account?
Oh yes,I've lot's of ideas in the works.I'm working on a new let's play series titled 'Games To Live By' at the moment.

10.And Finally,what do you want to say to everyone seeing this?
Go PM Horwitz1011 and tell him not to make Bouncy Boat 2.I don't want to deal with that crap. Ever >:(

Well everyone that was my interview with GrayRemnant.You can check out his account above on the HERE link and yeah
thank you Gray for letting me interview you and that's all.Also REMEMBER to Diamond,Comment,Favourite and SUBSCRIBE.

Well that's all from me thank you all for coming bye bye.

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Apprentice K
07/06/2015 5:43 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Skinner
Apprentice K's Avatar
P.S. You described Jurassic World very good cos i saw it yesterday :)
07/05/2015 10:04 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Why do all you people keep interviewing this useless GrayRemnant loser?  I wish somebody would interview me.  :'(
09/20/2015 3:43 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Spectral's Avatar
I know how you feel...
07/13/2015 11:44 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
I'm Going To Interview You A Second Time But This One Will Be A Special Edition:
Horwitz and Bouncy Boat Edition All The Questions Will Be Based On Horwitz and Bouncy Boat (1 and 2)
So Expect A PM with The Questions Soon ;)
07/13/2015 10:53 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mountaineer
Creatizkit's Avatar
I know!!! This "GrayRemnant" Character is SO STUPID!!! He steals all the diamonds and NEVER gives anyone else any >:(
Apprentice K
07/06/2015 5:42 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Skinner
Apprentice K's Avatar
Yeah, he's such a loser. ;)
Apprentice K
07/05/2015 2:46 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Skinner
Apprentice K's Avatar
07/05/2015 2:59 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
*sighs* No Just No
07/04/2015 6:23 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Robot
Horwitz1011's Avatar
"10.And Finally,what do you want to say to everybody seeing this?
Go PM Horwitz1011 and tell him not to make Bouncy Boat 2.I don't want to deal with that crap. Ever >:(
07/04/2015 6:26 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
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