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Apple is a problem | Time to jump ship back to PC? Dolla Dolla Bill

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Zelkia's Avatar Zelkia
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Ok. Let me clear this up. This is not just an announcement or telling you to switch to PC. If you're richer than Markus, fine. Go ahead. Keep buying Macs and their 500 DOLLAR VIDEO EDITING APP (God, why!?) among others. I personally wouldn't support Apple's FUTURE endeavours, but whatever floats your boat. Second, I also use a Macbook Air from 2015, i believe. And for the specs, it works WONDERS. 4gb ram and an Intel i5 1.6 gHZ is actually all i need for most of what i do, and it works great. Apple's past products have been amazing, and they work great. Being behind 90% of the time previously isn't their problem, and considering that they were always behind, they were still great. On that note, them previously being behind everyone isn't the problem. I'll detail that in a second. Let's get started.

Dolla Dolla Bill

Let's face it... Apple doesn't do anything for any reason other than to roll around in bank notes. The same could be said of all companies, but with many of Apple's style, they can get away with it. Those other companies? They're with the times. They understand new technology. Apple charges more for less. Their "new technology" is built off lies and wanting more and more money. "Oh, we removed the headphone jack in place of other things! or to pave the path for new technnolo-" NO! THAT EXCUSE DOESN'T WORK! Maybe it DID when you ADDED stuff! But it DOESN'T under other circumstances! Remember when you invented USB? That leads into the next part of this discussion...

"Paving the path for new technology"
...Is an excuse that, under current circumstances, does NOT work at all, except to the mindless Apple zombies! Are you paving the path for new technology but adding USB-C? Yes. I appreciate that. BUT KEEP! THE OTHER! DAMNED PORTS! WHAT ABOUT USB, HUH?! THE ONE YOU INVENTED? You're paving the path for new tech but not giving YOUR INVENTION any survivability! What?! Is?! The?! POINT?! Oh ok, let's see the next worst offender... This one will blow your minds. Probably not because everyone knows it. The iMoneyBin, also known as the iPhone 7. Don't EVEN get me started. The Airpods. THE GOD DAMN AIRPODS. There are SO many problems on here, i could list it in a separate section. In fact...

The AirPoops
Is a sad excuse for just about anything. Problem 1, you don't get any earpods with your phone. Why? Because they didn't release them until 2 or 3 months later. What's the bet they're STILL not gonna package them with future iPhone 7s? I would see that happening just because Apple. Second. The Headphone jack. THE HEADPHONE JACK. Now. Let me get this straight- I'm not salty about it's removal- I'm salty about the handling. The jack itself i could deal without. IF THEY PACKAGED THE AIRPODS IN WITH THE 7, AT LAUNCH, FOR FREE. JUST. LIKE. THE EARPODS. "But they weren't out yet-" THAT'S THE PROBLEM! THEY WERE CLEARLY READY! AND IF NOT, SOFTWARE PATCH THEM. You could probably patch an Apple Pen with an iPad Pro, what about this?! (That was metaphorical, by the way. I have no idea if it does that.) It's a sad excuse for a cashgrab, and a completely blatant one. Even the mindless zombies say the Airpods suck. Plenty of them have said it. I'm done ranting about this for now... Let's see what's up next... Oh no.

The MacCrook pro
Oh boy. Don't even get me started. I'll start myself. Let's list the problems so i don't take 3 hours writing this.
-This thing is a sorry excuse for a professional laptop.
A professional laptop isn't about specs. It's about usage, what kind of people use it and what they use it for. Video editing, pictures, programming, several things that require storage. Usage is extremely hard as of now due to the lack of USB-C or SD support. The worst part is, SD DOESN'T EVEN HAVE AN ALTERNATIVE! What're you gonna use, 3DS cartridges?! WHY remove SD cards, if USB-C isn't supported and there's no alternative?

Anyway. Usage is hard because professional usage requires space and power that you would otherwise get in a laptop probably half the price. Who is gonna use this thing besides those mindless zombies i keep bringing up? Exactly, no one. No one sane will use this. It's 1500$ AT BASE SPECS, has only 128gb of space with no expansions except the overly expensive ones straight from Apple at the laptop's purchase, and only has USB-C. What did the Macbook get flak for? ONLY. USB-C. They clearly don't care, and are using it as a scheme to suck money out of zombie's wallets. If they cared, what would it have? Actual touch screen, all the ports of the previous Macbook Pro except MAYBE less USB, and probably others i've forgotten.

-Fake innovation, to suck you in
Oh hey, look, the touch bar, another example of fake "innovation" just to suck you in. Another example is Retina display. GET A FREAKING 4K MONITOR AND WINDOWS PC, AND IT'LL STILL BE LESS EXPENSIVE! Anyway. That was the past. What is the touchbar? Simple. An OLED panel with touch capacity that can change depending on the app. Sound familiar? It's like a touchscreen, except crap! You have the width of a function bar instead of the whole screen if you so wish, as well as the INABILITY TO CHANGE VOLUME, BRIGHTNESS, OR ANY SORT OF MEDIA CONTROL, INSIDE 90% OF APPS. Sound familiar? Like the menubar, but worse!

-The trackpad is... unnecessarily large.
Good thing or bad thing, it depends on the person. But with my Air, i have enough trouble with accidental clicks on the trackpad already. Combine that with the subtleness of force touch as well as the trackpad that's bigger than a hand, and what do you get? A complete mess of a post that not even autocorrect can fix, because you kept acidentally clicking everywhere in the typing box and not noticing and it looks like this- "Infaactrd ify oucahel read thips yourr lloegend" Translation:

infact, if you can read this, you are a legend.
^ ^----------------------^
It's hard to type. Hello.
With "It's ____ to type" being on other lines on a fake post.

See? Just use a mouse, people. This is why we hate trackpads. They're interrupting everything.

So, what is their overall problem? Well, you've heard it here and only here (/sarcasm), GREED. They want nothing but more money, and are willing to remove everyday, daily-used features from things, just so you need another pair of Airpods after 3 days because you lost them, or you need a bigger USB to store photos or videos in, or any manner of things. "Hey guys! www.youtube.com/watch?v=84S4QJrCYR8" says one of the higher-ups. And then, they use the space from these removed features for things currently as worthless as USB-C or... A haptic motor. Need i say more?

We hope you can find peace, headphone jack. BECAUSE I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO IF I WAS KILLED JUST FOR MONEY.

Post-post edit: Oh look. Out of nowhere, you can't download anything from anywhere besides the mac app store without going to system settings and clicking something. Lovely.

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Eli the Zeratoed
11/27/2016 3:48 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
This is exactly why I still use an iPhone5 (with ios9 mind you) and an iPod Touch 4th Gen (with ios6 too). They may be old, but they sure don't have the iPhone7 Problems! xD My guess with the new laptops is that you cannot simply plug in a mouse or keyboard to counter the trackpad? If that's the case, your point is correct! xD

(Yes, I'm an oldie in terms of current tech, heck, I used Windows XP before it blue-screened on me! xD Now I use a Windows 8 Laptop and modified it to look like Windows 7... :P)

PS: I believe ios10 is Garbage (in my opinion). It's not really innovative, and more of the lines "kid friendly" because all they did was make Music look cluttered, make the buttons Rainbow Colored (this is what angered me when I heard ios7 was out at the time), and gifs (I actually like this, but I could copy/paste them into my chat...). "Innovative" would be touching the air, not changing a few things or making dumb mistakes. They were planning to do that, but nope, they make garbage. Welp, innovative or not, Apple has clearly gone down in sales.

Me: "Yo Apple! Where's my Touchscreen Hologram Watch that Peridot has in Steven Universe?"
Apple: "..."
Apple: "Behold! No Headphone Jack! Oooooooo!"
Me: "..."
Me: *slaps the head of Apple in the face*
11/27/2016 3:46 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
Zelkia's Avatar
Again, thumbnail later.
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