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AnimeFan Game Reviews - Undertale (MOST OVERHYPED GAME EVER?)

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AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW
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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Hello everyone, AnimeFanFTW here. And yes. I am FINALLY reviewing Undertale. Oh boy.

It's been a while since I've reviewed a game, and besides still planning my SAO II review, playing Rocket League and Jet Set Radio, and watching One Punch Man, when I can, I've been playing Undertale, the indie game of 2015 that took the internet by storm. Undertale is praised as a masterpiece and one of the best games ever made. But after playing, I set out to answer some questions: Is Undertale really the best game ever? Is Undertale overhyped, as some people say it is? Is Undertale better then its indie rival, Rocket League?

Today, I'm out to answer these questions, and give my full opinion of this game. But before we start, some things to keep in mind:
1. This is MY opinion. I'm very sure some people won't agree with some things I have to say, but bear in mind, that not everyone can have the same opinion. That being said, I actually like this game, so don't call me a hater, and listen to what I have to say.
2. If you have not played the game yourself, please please PLEASE play the game. Even with me being light on spoilers, this game is best experienced knowing as little as possible. It's very cheap on Steam, so do it.
3. This review was at some point posted unfinished, but now it is 100% done. So no more updates, yaaaaay.
4. A special thanks goes to PMC user EnderDurant, for giving me tips and help against one of the very hard bosses in the game. I would probably still be stuck at that boss if it wasn't for EnderDurant.

So yeah. Let's begin!

Introduction and Facts
AnimeFan Game Reviews - Undertale (MOST OVERHYPED GAME EVER?)
RPG's. A very popular genre in gaming. From amazing titles like Final Fantasy, Crono Trigger, and even the Mario and Luigi RPG series, it's a genre with a very passionate fanbase, and has a formula that hasn't changed much in ages. The act of exploring massive worlds, defeating enemies for XP and items, and deep plots is pretty much normal in the RPG scene. But in September 2015, a little RPG came out, called Undertale, made by a guy called Toby Fox, with the help of Temmie Chang, using the GameMaker program, and funded by Kickstarter. And it blew up. Mere weeks after release, hundreds of thousands of copies sold, and it was universally praised for its story and characters and its battle system. It was nominated for several awards in the indie game scene, and even won some Game of the Year awards. Heck, it was even voted "Best Game Ever Made" by GameFAQS (although I get the feeling that poll was rigged...). The game is heavily inspired by various other games, with the biggest inspirations being Earthbound, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga and Touhou Project. Not only that, a playable demo was released in 2013. Yep. 2013. This game has been a thing for a while.

Story - 8.5/10
AnimeFan Game Reviews - Undertale (MOST OVERHYPED GAME EVER?)
In terms of story (all 3 main stories, at least), they are excellently well written. In Undertale, you are a young kid (who is unofficially named "Frisk") who has fallen into the Underground, a place filled with Monsters, which were banished there by humans, after the two species had a massive war. You encounter a flower named Flowey (best name 2015) who at first seems to help you, but actually wants to kill you. Before you are killed before your adventure even begins, you are saved by a goat lady named Toriel. Toriel teaches you about the Underground, and takes you to her house. But Frisk wants to go home. So after escaping Toriel (either through the kind way or the "mean" way), you set out to find Asgore, king of the Monsters, to try and escape the Underground and return home. But at the same time, the Monsters set out to kill Frisk, because in order for the Monsters to escape, they need 7 human souls, and they currently need 1 more. From then on, you adventure through various places, meeting friendly and not-so-friendly monsters along the way. That's basically what the story is in a nutshell. And it's done amazingly. Now, in Undertale, there is 3 main routes: Pacifist (where you try to kill no-one), Genocide (where you try to kill every single living thing) and Neutral (where it's kinda in the middle between the two.) And the story changes based on two factors: Your actions in the game, and your actions in a previous playthrough (The previous playthrough mechanic will be talked about very soon in the blog). See, the story is actually kinda short. It's not too short, but it's not that long either, which helps in "multiple playthroughs" mechanic it has. One of the driving points of this game is the option not the kill your enemies, but rather "Mercy" them. I won't go into too much detail into that yet, but basically, the story changes on what you do in the game, and how you approach battles. And depending on what you do, characters will treat you differently, and different story events will happen. And nearly all of these events are handled fantastic. Wonderfully well written, lots of funny and shocking moments, and all 3 endings end very well. Although I have no major problems with the story, I didn't think it was perfect. Some moments were predictable and even badly handled, but most of the time, the story did an amazing job in immersing me in its world.
My opinions on the Neutral Route
The Neutral route is by far the best route in the game. Not too easy nor too hard, story is well written, gameplay if more forgiving then the other routes, and the ending is fantastic. To not spoil too much, the final boss is nightmare fuel, and is a constant power struggle. The ending continuously breaks the 4th wall, and will even sometimes close the game on its own. Which makes it sound like a creepypasta game. It's definitely the best route in the game, and it's recommended as the first route you take.
My opinions on the Pacifist Route
In terms of story, the Pacifist route is the best. Alot of the story is beautifully well written, and the ending, although a bit predicable, was absolutely perfect in its execution. The only problem I have with the route is the Mercy system, which I will talk about soon enough in the blog. Because you can't kill enemies, you can't level up, meaning you will be always be stuck on a measly 20HP for the whole route. Just make sure to not kill anything, stock up on healing items, practice a bit in the bullet hell, BUY THE TEMMIE ARMOUR, and you should be fine.
My opinions on the Genocide Route
I have alot of mixed feelings about the Genocide Route. One of the things I love about it are the themes. It's extremely dark, and the mood is always sad, which makes sense, since this is a route where your aim is to kill everyone. Plus the story is really great. But in terms of gameplay, it's all over the damn place. It can get extremely easy, because you level up frequently. Almost all the bosses can be one-shotted, which can be extremely disappointing (Mettaton NEO could have been so good...), and half of your playthrough is farming for enemies, which can get boring quickly. But you also have 2 bosses in the route (Undyne (The Undying) & Sans), which are easily the hardest bosses in the game, making this route very difficult. I recommend you do this route last, due to its difficulty, and the fact it can change your game, even after True Resets. Make sure to have a walkthrough handy (because failing this route is actually pretty easy if you have no idea what you're doing), stock up on very strong healing items, practice a crap-ton on the bullet hell, and stay determined. It can get really difficult. Overall, a decent, but disappointing route. Does present a good challenge though.

Characters - 7.5/10
AnimeFan Game Reviews - Undertale (MOST OVERHYPED GAME EVER?)
In terms of characters, while some of the characters are absolutely amazing, there is so much wasted potential here. Basically, as I said earlier, you're a young and (almost) mute child, who is basically mute so you can envision yourself as that character, which is all well and good. Then you have the various characters. Some of these characters are amazing. You have the previously mentioned Flowey, an evil flower who will stop at nothing to get absolute power, Undyne, a fish knight who is incredibly badass, Asgore, the king of the Monsters who is really a gentle (but badass) giant, Temmie, the greatest character ever made, and Mettaton, the killer robot with more personality then any robot ever made. Then you have the legendary Papyrus and Sans. These two skeleton brothers alone are great, but together, they are the best duo I have seen in video games in a very long time. From Papyrus's confident personality, to San's lazy and goofy nature, these two skeletons are by far the best characters in the game. So I hear you ask "Where's the wasted potential?" Well, in nearly every other character. While all the characters are likable in some way, some of the characters were either completely forgettable, were not developed enough, or were just annoying/not funny. I didn't like characters like Alphys, for example. I wanted to like her, for her depiction as a loser otaku scientist, but most of the time, unless you play the Pacifist route, she was just not interesting. Plus, for some time in a section in the game, she constantly texts you, which gets REALLY ANNOYING. Then you have Toriel, which I wished was explored as a character more. Heck, even I thought Sans was a bit disappointing. I liked him in alot of scenes, but sometimes, the jokes he made fell flat, or was just there for no reason, because video games. Then you have alot of various NPC's which were completely uninteresting, like Muffet, for example. Muffet had an excellent boss fight, and excellent theme song, but was a complete failure in terms of character, due to being uninteresting, and appearing for an incredibly short amount of time. Some characters were absolutely amazing and funny (Shoutout to the scene where you date Papyrus. Funniest thing I've ever seen in a video game.) But I felt like Toby Fox could have done more. Sometimes, the characters absolutely shined. And sometimes, the characters failed to make me laugh, or be interesting.

Gameplay and Controls - 8/10

In terms of gameplay and controls, it's almost amazing. Almost. For controls, it's rather simple. Arrow keys move the character. C opens the menu, Z is used to advance text, talk to NPC's, attack and to accept choices in dialogue or the menu, and X is used as a back button, or an easy way to skip dialogue. Simple and effective. The gameplay though, needs some explaining. The main thing you do in the game is solve puzzles. The puzzles are simple and can be a bit challenging. Some puzzles are a bit lackluster, but mostly, they are well done. In terms of gameplay elements, the best thing is the combat system. When you enter a battle, You can choose to attack, or to mercy. Attacking requires timing and effort, similar to the combat system of Mario and Luigi RPG's. To Mercy, you must perform a series of tasks to convince the monster to stop fighting. Actions like talking, complimenting/insult, performing an action, and even flirting. But the best thing is the action of dodging attacks. How do you dodge? By avoiding attacks via a bullet hell system. Taking a page straight out of Touhou, to avoid damage, you control a little red heart which is your soul. And basically, you control the heart, avoiding attacks. And in some boss fights, they change it up, like adding gravity, making your soul a shield, and even turning your soul into a ship that shots back. This bullet hell mechanic is absolutely perfect. It's a unique system implemented into a battle system, and it's very responsive. If you get hit, it's never the game's fault, it's always your fault. Another mechanic the game has is the fact that when you reset your game, either by beating it, or choosing to reset at anytime in the main menu, depending on the actions you did in that previous playthrough, it changes the dialogue and story. Say for example you kill a certain boss on your first playthrough, and on your second playthrough, you talk to the boss. That boss's dialogue changes. On paper, this is a very neat idea. And for the most part, it is. It adds some replayability to the game. But I felt like it could have been better. Why? Because of two things. The dialogue changes don't change much, and also because it has no hard reset option. While there is a system where if you complete a Pacifist run, you can have the option to hard reset and start from scratch, I really think there should be an option to hard reset at anytime. In a game where choices you make can affect gameplay, even in a different playthrough, you would think a hard reset button would be available at anytime. But nope. Although I will let it slide, since it's not really that important. I just think it should have been an option. But my least favorite part about the gameplay is the Mercy system. On paper, it's a really unique idea. But it's handled poorly. It's a big hassle, having to go through specific instructions, just to Mercy them. Even when the game at the beginning told me to always Mercy when I can, half of the time, it was an annoying process to go through, and half of the time, I would just attack them instead, due to the fact attacking was easier, and less annoying. Not only that, it takes alot of trial and error. Every Mercy action you do takes up a turn, meaning you could be doing useless Mercy commands, wasting your turn, while the enemy just sits there and attacks you. This gets really annoying in the Pacifist run, a route where you ALWAYS have to Mercy enemies, and you can't level up, meaning your HP is always low. While it's a unique system I would like to see implemented in some games, it could have been handled way better. Regardless, the gameplay has alot of unique and amazing mechanics, and I had a blast with it. Even if it was a hassle.

Graphics - 6/10

I have alot of mixed feelings about the graphics. For the most part, the graphics look nice. It very obviously looks similar to Earthbound, and some parts of the game looks great, even amazing. I especially love the fluid animations of the characters when in a fight scene. But then there are some parts of the game that look....not that good. Some parts even look meh, like some of the Waterfall locations. They looked the blandest to me, even if the Waterfall levels has some amazing designs. Its art style is basically full of awesome designs, but also some bland and even bad-looking designs. Like Onion-san. Onion-san looks bad. Easily the weakest part of Undertale is the graphics. But it doesn't ruin much of the game, thankfully.

Sound - 10/10

Wow. This game easily has the best sound out of any videogame in 2015. In terms of voiceacting, it's takes a page out of Banjo Kazooie, and makes the characters chatting noises nothing more then them making different noises speaking gibberish. Which is fine. Sound effects are nice as well. BUT THE MUSIC, OMG! THE MUSIC IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT! From the absolutely hilarious track of Dogsong, to the techno-y sexy song that is Mettaton Ex's boss theme Death By Glamour, to the epic impactful song that plays when you fight Asgore called Bergentrückung + ASGORE, to the disturbing and terrifying theme of Flowey called Your Best Nightmare, to the extremely catchy theme of Papyrus called Bonetrousle, to the video above this text, which is the badass theme of Sans called Megalovania, this sound track does NOTHING WRONG. Not only is Megalovania one of the best songs I've ever heard in video game history, but Undertale has the most greatest and solid soundtracks I've heard in a very long time. Just the soundtrack alone is enough for me to recommend this game to people. I urgue you to search up the Undertale soundtrack, and listen to every single song. They are truly amazing. (For help, Youtuber Elu Tran has all the Undertale OST's.)

Enjoyment - 8.5/10

No wonder this game is incredibly popular. Made mostly by 1 person, with a very small budget mostly thanks to Kickstarter, using Game-Maker, which isn't a powerful game-making engine, being in development for almost 3 years, with little exposure apon release and using nothing but word of mouth to advertise it, Toby Fox has created a game that will be remembered for years to come, for being a little game with big impact, alot of memorable moments and creating a huge fanbase. Next to Minecraft, it's one of the greatest and most successful indie game stories I've ever witnessed......And yet, I STILL don't think this game is the best game of 2015. The game still has problems, if a bit small. And don't get me started on the fanbase. For the most part, I don't judge a game based on the fanbase (and I still don't), but Undertale is almost ruined for me because of this fanbase. While most of the fanbase is normal and really like the game, others have overexposed this game so much. You cannot go through Youtube, Tumblr, Deviantart, most blogging sites and many other sites for 5 minutes without someone bringing up the topic of Undertale. People praise it for being the perfect game, when it really isn't. People praise it as the best game ever made, apparently being better then games like Super Mario World, Super Mario 64 and Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (*cough*GameFAQS*cough*), when at the end of the day, it really isn't. Heck, in terms of gameplay and graphics, Rocket League, Undertale's unofficial Indie rival, destories this game. Some of the fanbase even spoil the game for newcomers. There's a reason Undertale is quite infamous sometimes, and even hated apon. Because some of the fanbase will not shut up about it. But even with the crazy part of the fanbase, the normal part of the fanbase are pretty much spot on with this game: You MUST play Undertale. It's one of those games that must be experienced at least once. While some people won't like some parts of this game, there's always something to like about this game. So go and buy it. I bet you, you won't regret it.

Yes, the game is overhyped like crazy, but hey. At least the game is damn amazing.
Now those 3 questions I asked myself at the beginning of the blog? Allow me to answer those questions.

Is Undertale really the best game ever? NO
Is Undertale better then its indie rival, Rocket League? NO
Is Undertale overhyped, as some people say it is? YES, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT'S BAD

FINAL VERDICT - 8/10 - Awesome!

Hope you enjoyed. Some of you may not agree with what I said, but remember: I do love this game. :D

Until the next review...

This is AnimeFanFTW, over and out!


2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by AnimeFanFTW 02/29/2016 7:27:10 pmFeb 29th, 2016

Gave my opinions/review on all 3 routes in the game, removed the note at the beginning, tweaked the blog a bit, and labeled the review as finished.

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07/13/2016 4:56 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Fox
Jordanw5432's Avatar
Looking back at this game after, what, 3 months, my thoughts have REALLY changed
07/13/2016 6:15 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Changed how?
07/13/2016 1:21 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Fox
Jordanw5432's Avatar
Long story short; not in the best of ways
07/13/2016 8:37 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Ah, sad to hear that then.
05/09/2016 10:06 am
Level 36 : Artisan Steve
LoreCase's Avatar
Undertale is bae
05/09/2016 7:38 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
03/27/2016 1:35 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
WarmOrangeJuice's Avatar
I really want to play Undertale but I almost can't bring myself to because of the fanbase. I can't open anything on social media, do a simple Google search, heck, even walk around my own school without hearing about it.
03/29/2016 9:35 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Turtle
FlyingTurtles's Avatar
Play the game and form your own opinion on it, don't let a fanbase influence anything you try. I personally haven't played Undertale, but after spoiling the whole thing for myself there's really no point.
03/27/2016 2:10 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Yeah, the fanbase does get really annoying, but the game overall is fantastic, and isn't ruined at all by the fanbase. At least give it a chance.
03/07/2016 8:57 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Sardonyx's Avatar
Those are some great tags xD
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