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An Update from RedloofIII

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RedloofIII's Avatar RedloofIII
Level 17 : Journeyman Dragon
From the people who decided to subscribe to me, here you go. An update.
So I've been posting some spriting thingys recently because it's something new I have taken up and it's fun to do.
Don't worry, I'll keep doing the stories, and I'll probably drop the ball on the whole spriting thing within a week or two because my current teacher is really mean. Unless you guys want me too, then I'll keep doing it :3

As far as the short stories go, I'm currently working on a horror one and a Pokemon one. Horror one should be up tonight if all goes well. Sleep well ~

I am also taking requests for stories! Just gimme a subject and I'll come up with something.
OR if you want a story done of a specific event, sure. The less details you give me, the more I can use my imagination, and that can spiral sometimes. Unless you want a random story. I do have ADHD, which often oh look a butterfly
OR you could just give me a timeline and I'm good with that.
Sorry for making it sound so technical :I

Jag lär mig svenska, också!
(I'm learning Swedish, too!)

Keep on derping ;)

-- Redloof the DESTROYER >:D

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