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An Adventure To The End -With EnderSteve

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Ziad Amer's Avatar Ziad Amer
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
An Adventure To The End
-Written By Ziad Ahmed W. Amer

 This story( An Adventure To The End ) is made by Ziad Ahmed W. Amer and no one helped him create it, at all, no ideas, everything was made by only me, this story talks about a guy, in a normal life which a meteorite hit him and was teleported to Minecraft, to discover a whole new world, enter 2 more worlds, fight, conquer, find new people, marry, start an Empire, discover that there is an apocalypse and he must gather the highest number of weapons and people, and must be smart to know how to attack, then he discovers the end, he wants to defeat the dragon, then here comes the part, he knows about a new world, mini world called the minebrine world, which he finds herobrine and wins againest him and sees Notch, the man, in the beginning of the story, Then he tells him that he has 5 people to choose, that will get 5 wishes.. he chooses who ? why ? and what does he wish ?! We will know that in "An Adventure To The End" !
Chapter 1 Teleportation
    As of everyday I woke up, as normally, a normal day, I was young,  wanted to drive on a highway, with my dad, I drove at 130km/h and then suddenly a huge meteorite was coming exactly at me ! "DAD !! OH MY GOD !! FIRE !!" the it hit us, suddenly I saw all my life, infront of me, and a man saying "Steve, welcome to our new world, made by me, where everything is called an item or a block, you craft, mine, teleport, survive, kill and respawn, it is Minecraft" then I blacked out
Chapter 2 A Whole new world
    After that, I found my self in a huge crater, as if.. if.. that meteorite hit me and caused that crater but I wasn't blown off, but I was just killed.. and maybe.. maybe... respawned ?! but the thing I couldn't believe is, I respawned in my place, that I was killed in, but not on the highway, just inside plains, and some trees, "Where am I ? Is this place, Earth ? Or a virtual world ? Are there people here with me ? How can I live ?!" then I though about creating a house, looked around, trees, grass, cows, sheeps 'n stuff, then I felt as if my hand was sharp and like steel.. unbreakable, I tried hitting anything, so i started with a tree, I punched it, suddenly, the piece that I hit disappeared, I stopped for 5 seconds, then the piece that disappeared, appeared again ! I kept hitting until a cubic thing was taken off the tree trunk, but, the tree kept flying, I was surprised, and the tree trunk piece was transferred into a 10x smaller tree cubic trunk, I will call it an oak tree block, it was flying, I got nearer to it, it got pulled into my pocket, I kept doing that, breaking trees, I tried breaking it into smaller pieces, I sliced it with my hand, into 4 plank-like cubes.. or .. blocks, I prefer calling it oak planks, then I put 4 of it as a cube, the I struck it with my hand it was changed into something, wooden, which I can edit things on, or craft things on
Chapter 3 A house !

I was walking, I found some chickens, pigs, cows and sheep, I killed them and took the stuff up, and went, I stopped, placed the craft bench, and finally started working.

  I started building a house, I built the walls, the roof and dug a hole to a "Steve's Mine" I saw the sun going down, night coming up, I crafted a bed, then slept. I had a nightmare, I woke, likely to be 3 AM. I went out, searching for water, I found a river, like 1/4 away from my house, on my way back, I was walking slowly as I was hungry, Suddenly, I heard something, being me, creepy, very near "ssssssSSsssSsssSs" it sounded, I was very afraid, I ran very quickly and heard an explode "HELL NO !" I told myself "I saw a tall green thing. Was that the thing that exploded? I will called it creep until I see it face to face", when I came back it was like 5 AM, I heard a knock on the door, I opened, I found a girl, and a boy, teenagers, like me, "H-hello, w-we would l-like s-some water, P-pl-please" The boy said. So I ran quickly and got some water which I brought, and gave some for the boy and some for the girl and told them to come in and relax on my bed.

CHAPTER 4 A New Couple
    Coming up

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