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Amnesia: A World Of Pain - Short Story by MentalFox

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Level 34 : Artisan Ninja
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Amnesia: A world of Pain

I wake up in a room, trying to remember how, when, why. Sitting on a red chair, room full of blood. I move to the door and try to pry it open, locked. I analyzed the room and found a crowbar behind the chair. With all my energy I have in my body I pull my arm back and break the door open.

I leave the room, and find myself in a dark corridor. Still with the crowbar in hand. Swaying through the corridor, until I find a light switch. I flip it on and start feeling ticklish starting at my legs, I stare down and screeching the word spider at the top of my lungs. Tearing through the corridor, hoping to run away from this nightmare. I ended up in a barley lit room. Then I sat down to think. As I sat a voice appeared, it was calling out a name, at first I couldno t understand and what he said. He called out o Jasono ¦o

I realized then, that I had a name and it must have been Jason since I was the only person in this dreadful place I assumed. Then the voice said something else o Io m coming for you.o At that moment, I triggered a memory deep and locked in my brain. I remembered that phrase used a by a weird man that was an imp. Jack, yes that was his name. I then stood up and continued my journey to remember the past.

Walking through the mansion, I ended up in the main hall. I looked around I until I found an ugly statue, under it was a bronze plaque. Written on that plaque were the words o The Pain Monster.o I then remembered myself creating this so-called

Pain Monster but to create peace.

Walking around I found a small opening between the walls. I pushed myself in and crawled. Until I found a small chamber filled with buttons and levers all over. I was about to pull a lever, but I blacked-out. I said to myself o Not again.o

I woke up this time in a sewer. I smell the horrid smell of murky water. I am tired of moving so I stay where I am. Thinking about who hit me and why. Then it hit me, Jack. What I had in my hands was a control panel to something important to him. I knew then that it was my mission to find out what was happening.

I got up and started moving in a straight line. After about an hour, I found myself in a small room with a table in the middle. I looked to see what was on the table and found a lantern. A lantern meant I would no longer walk in the dark. I turned the lantern on and continued moving up a staircase.

Finding an exit out of the sewer. I continued up the staircase until I found a door on top of the door was in bold letters o Eckelson Corp.o I opened the door to find myself in any normal business office. Then I saw it, the only thing that could help me with the past. Files, a bunch of files. I thought that if I could read about myself I could remember my life, so I brought the file out of the only Jason in all the files. Jason Schatzburg.

Name: Jason Schatzburg

Age: 29

Weight: 75 kg

Height: 1m 59 cm

Blood Type: A

Description: Harvard Scientist that wanted peace for the whole world, died 1872

I died? I dono t feel died, last time I remember I was in 1867 finishing the so-called Pain Monster. I felt an urge to check o The Pain Monstero so file, so I did.

Name: Pain Monster

Age: Unknown

Weight: 150 kg

Height: 2 m 60 cm

Blood Type: Unknown

Description: A monster made to give pain and torture. Created by Jason Schatzburg and Jack Eckelson in 1867. Lives in Painvilleo s torture room.

I know what I had to do next, kill that abomination. I bolted through the city looking for the Torture Room. Museum, Restaurants, Shops, then at last I found it, the Torture Room. I started to have second doubts if I should enter, then finally picked up a rock and broke the lock. Then entered.

It looked like the room where all this madness had started. A red chair and the room full of blood. I could heir the cries and shouts of the poor people that had lived to feel this horrible monster. I walked farther in the door shut behind me. I then heard a weird noise coming from behind me. I turned around and it was him, The Pain Monster.

During that horrible night, a human died. The Monster still on the loose to hunt and kill, never to die. Until someone worthy will face him, and he will die.

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