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Amelia (Chapter 2)

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CandyKaneMuffins73's Avatar CandyKaneMuffins73
Level 10 : Journeyman Pony
Why is everything dark? Wait... I see towers.. And pigmen! The Nether and The End has combined into one! I hope Amelia is not dead... Suddenly I look around an I see some pigmen holding a bag, and a girl is following them. Ha, The pigmen were really slow! After a moment, the darkness fades away and the big obsidian towers vanish... What happened? AHH! The NetherRack I was standing on collapsed! Oww. I got thrown into the corner and the NetherRack Hits me in the face. I feel really tired... (6 Minutes Later...) Where am I? And why am I chained against the wall... Oh no! The Pigmen found me and took me to a nether fortress!! I didn't bring a map or a compass!! I'll never return back home! I look down but then I see blood dripping.. Wait! That's not blood! That's Lava! I try to break off the chains but it's to strong. I see a person in the distance with an enchanted bow. It's pointing at me!! HELP!! The Person fires the bow and it hits the chain. The chain unlocks and collapses. I'm free! The roof looks like it's gonna break! Okay this part is weird but i'm running for my life!! There's something in my pocket. As i'm running I reach in my pocket I feel a rope.. I burst out saying "I HAVE A LEAD!!" I grab the lead and throw it on the fence block, I swing on to another block and the rope collapses. Thank goodness I made it before it ripped. I see that person again. He Or She stole my bow!! But there's really no one in the Nether except for Amelia's Brother, Amelia & I! But that could of been Amelia! I wonder what the pigmen want with her brother but I gotta find her..

(End of chapter 2)
*Author's msg*
Lol I don't care if some parts doesn't
make sense xD I wanted to make a long one ;P

(A sentence from tomorrow's chapter)
Amelia! I can't believe I found you!!

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