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Ambush in Sodaville | PMC: Apocalypse Chapter III

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Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Last we saw our heroes, they were in the Cholan Empire attending an emergency United Nations meeting called by King Elightin Elytra on IGEBM's request. During the meeting, Dr. Golden and her assistant Greief told the UN representatives about the Hadron incident, a failed collider test that resulted in the deaths of the entire research team, sans Greief, at the hands of a creature from another universe, and which resulted in their firing from the lab. They also told the UN representatives about the Golden Collider, a better version of Project: Hadron being built in a warehouse lab, and how they had brought a crazed version of IGEBM into this universe (from the same universe the creature was from) during a collider test. Tzyber then explained that his memories of the future were coming back, and that the IGEBM that came through the portal was the Maddened One, the cause of the apocalypse, which was going to begin in 2023. Following the meeting, IGEBM, Si, and Tzyber learned more about the future apocalypse, and Golden and Greief started on a new, even better collider with the help of Rob, Zibonzi, and Shadow Greief, which could potentially trap the Maddened One in unspace if a portal there could be opened. Meanwhile, in a cave on the Mainland, the Maddened One met with his Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, ordering them to attack nations, starting with IGE's nation of Sodaville.

IGEBM, Si, and Tzyber meet up with Dr. Golden and Greief at the docks, with the latter leading them to a boat with Golden's symbol on it. "This is the Golden Glory." Golden says. "A ship me and Greief built ourselves." "It's equipped with a weapons cache, fridge, mini-kitchen, sleeping area, and autopilot." Greief adds. "Come on, all aboard!" Greief hops on the boat, followed by Golden, and then IGE, Si, and Tzyber. "So, why are we leaving the Cholan Empire?" Si asks. Golden proceeds to tell them about their super collider plan. "However, we'll need a few resources that we can only find in other towns." Golden finishes. "Specifically, 4 energy rods and a nucleon power core." Greief adds. "Where are we supposed to find those things?" Tzyber asks. "I know two places where we can find each of those things." IGE says. "I have energy rods stored in the basement of my house in Sodaville." "And what about the core?" Tzyber asks. IGE pauses. "It's in a place I'd rather not go back to." he responds. "Let's get the rods from Sodaville and, during the trip, I'll try to think of another place where we can a core." "Understood." Tzyber says. "Well, in that case, let's set sail!" Golden says, entering their destination of Sodaville into the ship's navigation computer, and then turning on autopilot.

As the Glory sets sail, Greief shows IGE, Si, and Tzyber around the ship. He leads them down a small staircase into the room beneath the ship. "So, straight ahead are the beds." Greief says, pointing to the five beds at the end of the hallway. "To the right of us is the kitchen, with a fully-stocked fridge. On the left is the medical supplies cabinet, and directly below us is the weapons cache. Alright, I'll leave you three to get settled. We should be at Sodaville soon." Greief heads upstairs. IGE opens the weapons cache. "Wait, they have bayonets?" he notices. "I've been looking all over PMC to find a good bayonet that won't fall off of my plasma rifle! And these are laser bayonets, so they're stronger and the blade can retract! I'm loving this already!" He grabs a bayonet and takes out his plasma rifle, attaching the blade to the underside of the rifle's barrel. Si does the same with his plasma rifle. Tzyber grabs one for his plasma rifle, and also takes a few ammo clips. IGE and Si do the same, and they also grab some grenades. Tzyber heads upstairs. "I'm gonna do some target practice." he says. He takes a small ball off of his utility belt, throwing it into the air. It stops midair and begins to hover. Tzyber flips out a control panel on his wrist and pushes some buttons, causing the ball to move further back. He flips the panel down and draws his sniper rifle, firing at the ball. He hits it, and it falls down. The ball stops midair once again and returns to Tzyber. "I love futuristic tech." he says. "Like myself." "This is gonna be a long day." Greief says upon hearing Tzyber's narcissism. IGE and Si come upstairs. "Are we almost there?" Si asks. Golden puts down her book and checks the map on the computer screen. "We should be there in about 20 minutes." she responds.

20 minutes later, the group arrives in Sodavile. Golden docks the Glory and the team disembark from the ship. "This place sure has changed a lot." Greief says, looking at the town. "The last time I was here, I was bribed to work with the CocaCola Purists." IGE chuckles to himself. "I remember that." he says. "I offered you a lifetime supply of Sprite if you fought for us instead of the Differentists." "Ah, the good old days." Greief says. "I barely fought." Si says. "I was kinda just there through both wars." "Yeah, I was considering sending you in first as cannon fodder." IGE says. "What?!" Si asks, surprised. "Well, that was before we became close friends." IGE responds. "So I didn't really know you." "Can we cut the chit-chat?" Golden asks. "The fate of PMC rests upon our soldiers, so we can reminisce about the Soda Wars later." "I'll lead the way to my house." IGE says, leading the group through the streets of Sodaville.

Several minutes later, they arrive at IGEBM's house. He opens the door and leads them inside. "The energy rods are in the basement." IGE says, pointing to the door underneath the stairwell, which leads down to basement. Golden opens the door and heads down the stairs. Greief follows her. Tzyber goes outside to walk around the front of the house, while IGE and Si walk around the house. IGE sees a picture of him and Peter on the dining room table. He takes the picture out of the frame and folds it up, putting it in his pocket. Golden and Greief come back upstairs, each holding two energy rods. "Alright, let's go." Greief says. The group leave the house and head back to the docks.

Unfortunately, this walk is interrupted by the arrival of the Maddened One's Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse! As the group near the docks, the Horsemen gallop out from behind a building, riding their menacing demonic shadow horses. "Are those-" Si is cut off by Tzyber. "Yep." Tzyber responds, cutting off Si. "That's the Horsemen." "Well, well, well, look what we have here." DarkGEBM says. "You know, we were just coming on the Maddened One's orders, which were to attack various nations, starting here, but I guess we also have the opportunity to kill you guys. Horsemen, attack!" Their horses disappear as the Horsemen land on the ground, getting ready to fight. DarkGEBM generates a shadow scythe, DarkIce generates a frost glaive made of corrupted ice, Shadow Zibonzi generates his sculk gauntlets, and Silence generates a pair of shadow daggers. "Golden, Greief, get the rods to the boat." IGE says. "We'll cover you." He generates a light kusarigama, which he swings at DarkGEBM. "I've got Silence!" Si says, firing his plasma rifle at his opponent. "I'll take DarkIce and Shadow Zibonzi." Tzyber says, drawing his Tzaber. Meanwhile, Golden and Greief take the opportunity to race back to the Glory.

Tzyber charges at DarkIce and Shadow Zibonzi, and DarkIce responds by blocking him with his glaive. The two duel, and Shadow Zibonzi turns his gauntlets into sculk tendrils extending from his arms, which wrap around Tzyber's legs, dragging him across the ground. Shadow Zibonzi then throws Tzyber around, but the futuristic cyborg frees himself by cutting the tendrils with his Tzaber. "It's gonna take more than sculk to stop the Supreme Machine!" he says. Shadow Zibonzi generates the tendrils again, but Tzyber cuts them again. DarkIce conjures several corrupted ice throwing knives, which he throws at Tzyber. "This is gonna be fun." Tzyber says, dodging the knives. He draws his plasma rifle, which he fires at DarkIce. He keeps Shadow Zibonzi at bay by firing a smaller arm blaster at him with his left arm.

Meanwhile, Si battles Silence. "I will end you." Silence says telepathically to Si. "Eh, we'll see about that." Si responds out loud, firing his plasma rifle at his shadowy foe. Silence enters his shadow form, causing the plasma blasts to go right through him. He charges at Si, returning to his normal state to stab him with one of his daggers. However, Si gets out of the way, causing Silence to hit the ground. Si continues to dodge Silence's attacks, occasionally firing plasma blasts at him. Then, Si switches from holding his gun like a gun to holding it like a sword, deploying his laser bayonet and charging at Silence, attempting to cut him with it. "You really think that tiny blade cut me?" Silence asks telepathically. "You're one to talk." Si says, referring to his daggers. "Fair enough." Silence responds, entering shadow form again as Si nearly stabs him with his bayonet.

While his friends fight, IGEBM duels with DarkGEBM, his counterpart from another universe. "Well, now I know where you've been, DG." IGE says as he swings his kusarigama at his opponent. "Stop calling me that." DarkGEBM responds, swinging his scythe to block IGE's kusarigama. "It's better than calling you DarkGEBM." IGE says, swinging his kusarigama again. "Or would you prefer I call you War?" "I'd prefer that, thank you very much." DarkGEBM says, dodging the kusarigama. "Well, too bad, DG." IGE says. DarkGEBM growls and enters dark form, a counterpart to IGE's light form that makes him intangible. DarkGEBM teleports behind IGEBM, before returning to his normal form to put him in a chokehold. IGE enters light form and phases through DarkGEBM's arms. The two continue to battle.

In the meantime, Golden and Greief leave the energy rods aboard the Glory, and begin to grab all the grenades they can. After doing just that, they run back to the fight, where they see their friends struggling to fight the Four Horsemen. "Hey, Horsemen, eat explosives!" Greief shouts, throwing a bunch of grenades at the Horsemen. Golden does the same. IGE, Si, and Tzyber get out of the way as the Horsemen are hit by the explosives. The power of the Maddened One protects them from the blast, but they are disoriented. IGE, Si, and Tzyber take this opportunity to ambush their enemies, and Golden and Greief join in by firing their plasma rifles at them. Shadow Zibonzi summons several sculk tendrils from the ground, but Tzyber cuts them all with his Tzaber.

"Guys, I have an idea!" Tzyber says. Over the comms, he quietly tells his teammates to lead their opponents over to him. IGE and Si proceed to move backwards while fighting, leading DarkGEBM and Silence towards Tzyber and their fellow Horsemen. Golden and Greief continue throwing explosives, which keeps DarkIce and Shadow Zibonzi distracted from IGE and Si's moving battles. Once all four Horsemen are nearby, Tzyber enacts his plan. "Hey, DarkIce, hit me with everything you've got!" he shouts at the cat-like human. DarkIce, not wanting to miss an opportunity, fires a huge beam of corrupted ice in Tzyber's direction. Tzyber, who is standing in front of the other three Horsemen, leaps out of the way as the ice beam hits them. The Horsemen, to slow to react, are frozen in corrupted ice. Then, Greief knocks out DarkIce.

The citizens of Sodaville, who had retreated to the nearest building upon seeing the Horsemen ride into town, exit the buildings, carrying on with their day. "Nice job, Tzy." IGE says. "Now, let's get back to our mission." They walk back to the Glory. "Were you able to think of a place where we can find a nucleon power core, other than the one you had in mind?" Si asks as they step onto the ship. "Sadly, no." IGE responds. "Which means we're gonna have to go to a place I really don't want to go back to." "And where is that?" Greief asks. "Golden, chart a course for Hell's Island, or rather, what's left of it." IGE answers.


Cast (in order of appearance)
LegendarySi as Si
Tzyber as Tzyber
GoldenScientist as Dr. Golden
Greief as Greief
DarkGEBM666 as DarkGEBM/War
DarkIce8727742 as DarkIce/Conquest
ShadowZibonzi as Shadow Zibonzi/Death
-Silence- as Silence/Famine

Mentioned (in order of mentioning)
The Maddened One

Writing began 5-18-2023 at 6:05 PM ET
Writing completed 5-22-2023 at 5:28 PM ET
Released 5-30-2023 at 4:00 PM ET
Written by IGEBM

Why the song?
Well, if you're wondering why there's a Metallica song linked at the top of this blog, I've decided to link a song at the top of eachApocalypse story blog that I think fits the story. In this case, I chose "The Four Horsemen," because this chapter marks the first time our main cast encounter the Maddened One's heralds, the Four Horsemen. It's also the first time we get to see them fight. In addition, some of the lyrics fit the story, like "It's time to wield the blade" and "'Cause now you have got the fight of your life" (although that one works better with the last chapter of the series), and, of course, the chorus. Lastly, if you're wondering why I chose a fan version of the song (an S&M-style rendition by Ben Zimmermann, which means it has an orchestra) because it sounds more grand, and the Ben Zimmermann version is my favorite version of the song, even if it's shorter than normal. (And, if you're wondering, that's also why I chose the S&M version of "The Thing That Should Not Be" for the first chapter.)

People I'm Tagging So They Can See This
Stormy, ghostoftheglade, Aspirin60, GhostlyBit_57, Guts N Pixels, DarkRob333, TheMcPig, Pixella_9487, anonpmc4316492, Sp3nc3r_, Rakkitatoru, CrownDeluxe, AxolotlArmy, BigFatPotat, FE98, Noncommercial, Owange, ShadowOnTheLoose, Crois, GracieMockingjay, Arianwyn, Insomniac_Toad, ItsYeWffl, TacoFromTheSky

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06/08/2023 11:26 pm
He/Him • Level 44 : Master Lemon Cake
CrownDeluxe's Avatar
cool again
06/08/2023 4:29 pm
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
I'm bad at story writing,but you have the patience and skill to write books in your real life!
06/08/2023 10:15 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc4316492's Avatar
06/08/2023 10:26 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Glad you’re enjoying it

There’s two chapters before it, and chapter four came out on Tuesday

I just finished writing chapter 5, and it’ll post on Tuesday, but you’re gonna be in 6 and 7 (the last two)
06/08/2023 10:28 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc4316492's Avatar
06/08/2023 4:27 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
I'm gonna collect them all later so everything can be found in one place
05/30/2023 8:23 pm
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
05/31/2023 6:54 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Good suggestion (the roleplay), but I don't like to host roleplays for my stories, especially considering the fact that I already have plenty of ideas flowing through my head as I write.
05/31/2023 7:54 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Peacock
DumbIntellectual's Avatar
Hm oki
You mind if I host it? :o

I kinda wanna show off my backstabbing skills if you know what I mean hehe
05/31/2023 4:22 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
No. I'm not allowing that. Leave my lore to me. (Sorry if that sounded harsh, it wasn't meant to be.)
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