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Alone & Wondering: The Three Heroes

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Aegis_Keeper's Avatar Aegis_Keeper
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon
Chapter #1: The Beginning
On my (Knightspartan09) daily routine, I left the mine with some iron and coal. When suddenly i opened the door to my small wooden home, there was a something in my home, a Minotaur (P0rschy), I approached it.
I asked "who are you and why are you here, do you need help?"
The Minotaur responded "I'm P0rschy, I don't know why i'm here, i just woke up outside with no memory other then my name".
I then started telling him the strange rules of this land; knowing how to farm, mine and fight is necessary, there are monsters out there.
I offered "here take some steak, in the morning i'll teach you how to survive these harsh lands"
P0rschy replied "thank you,you have been very kind, I gladly accept your help".
I told P0rschy he could sleep on the bedroll by the fire for the night and I would arrange something more appropriate in the morning.

Chapter #2: P0rschy's First Day

When we got up I gave P0rschy a stone axe, an iron sword, some torches, a piece of bread and 2 fish. P0rschy chopped a tree and was quite pleased with himself until he saw a creeper.

P0rschy asks o whato s that green thing Knightspartan09?o

I respond o a creeper, I wouldno t touch it if I were youo .

P0rschy questions o why not?o

I answer o they explode if you get too closeo

P0rschy understandably replies o glad I didno t go near it yeto

I state o I want you to go and try to kill ito

P0rschy cautiously responds o hmmo ¦ okay?o

P0rschy drew the iron sword and charged at the creeper and slashed at it, it hissed and exploded, P0rschy vanishes in thin air. I head home to expect to see him by the front door, and there he is standing there. He starts interrogating me.

P0rschy questions unhappily o Knightspartan09 what happened!o

I informatively respond o you did the equivalent of dying here, you vanished in thin air and appeared here moments later with nothing but your clothes, quite an empty feeling isno t it?o

P0rschy responds o Io ll sayo

We go and collect the sword, axe, and the torches, half a loaf of bread and 1 fish and I start to teach him the basics of fishing. While he fishes I tell him Io ll be back a bit later, I head home and start making an extension of my home I put up the walls clear a doorway, make flooring, a ceiling, place a bed, a chest, and more importantly put a couple of torches in the room to light it up. I then run back to P0rschy realising that ito s nearly night time, I tell P0rschy to run back to the shelter. We both start sprinting, once we make it back I show P0rschy the extension and P0rschy looks in awe, and thanks me for everything so far, he then shows me the 17 fish he caught, he gave me 10 fish as a thanks. He stores the rest in the chest, and I head to my room to let P0rschy rest. I then go to sleep for the night.

Chapter #3: An Eventful Day

After we woke up from that night, I took P0rschy to my mine to teach him about ores and a little more about the dangerous monsters that live in this realm.

P0rschy shouts o wow, Knightspartan09 this is amazingo

I state o yeah it iso .

I gave P0rschy some wooden planks, 2 sticks, a couple of strips of leather and 3 iron ingots. I then told him to make a sturdy surface out of the wooden planks to craft, then to make a pickaxe with the iron, the strips of leather and the sticks. P0rschy did it surprisingly well, we then came across some coal and we both mined it very quickly. I took P0rschy to an unexplored section of the mine with several zombies, and a couple of skeletal archers, 3 spiders and a creeper, P0rschy charged at the creeper then jumped back before the impact, it exploded and so the cave ceiling of the unexplored area gravel fell on the monsters and suffocated them, we both laughed at the cave-in.

P0rchy excitedly yelled out o did you see that!?o

I ecstatically respond o yeah, that was epic!o

When we head back, I show P0rschy my secret vault behind the house in a small tunnel, protected by reinforced iron walls and an iron door in the centre is my chest with 8 diamonds, 2 diamond swords and a diamond pickaxe.

P0rschy in awe states o this is amazing, look at all your diamonds Knightspartan09o

I gave P0rschy one of the diamond swords, P0rschy thanks me and said that he owes me one. We went out fishing and lost track of time. The time is around 9pm, zombies started rising from the ground and spiders appeared in the trees and skeletons started appearing from nowhere. We drew our swords hacking and slashing our way to the house until a skeleton shot me in the foot and I fall, then a spider bit my fighting arm, ito s numb and my sword fell out of my hands P0rschy helps me up and I pick my sword up with my left hand and put it in my sheathe, as P0rschy throws a rock at the skeleton who fired the arrow and slashed the spider, P0rschy fought them off while I was limping home sticking close to P0rschy. Once the whole ordeal was over I ripped the arrow out of my and bandaged it with some previously collected cloth crafted by spider silk, I also bandaged the bite and drank some milk to ease the poison. I thanked P0rschy for saving me then I went to bed for the rest of the night but before I did, I gave P0rschy a book I wrote on surviving on this world called o Surviveo no Thriveo , he stayed up and read it in his room.

Chapter #4 There Has To Be More

In the morning I heard P0rschy walking outside and then I heard running, I was thinking that most people would think he was probably never going to come back, but not me, I assumed he was going to take the book I gave him and take the tactics and strategies of survival into practice. I then ate some bread and steak, I then headed out to see if P0rschy was at the fishing area, he wasno t anywhere in sight, I then headed to my favourite hunting spots and to no prevail, not there either, I started to worry. After looking in the mine with still no sign of P0rschy I headed back home realising that it was evening already, time in this world, way too fast then Io m used to. I sat by the fire and ate some cooked pork and read a book in my shelf titled o The Nethero ito s a book about the legend of The Nether, a hellish wasteland with a lot of alchemical resources, humanoid pig zombies, electrical beings known as blazes and worst of all pale fiery fiends with tentacles known as ghasts. A world only accessible by forging a giant portal out of obsidian the second toughest rock besides bedrock and using flint and steel to light it up. When I finished the book noticing P0rschy still wasno t back it was midnight, I ate a final slice of bread then headed off to bed. I woke up late in the morning with the warm sun already out I heard a crashing noise I grabbed my sword then headed towards the entrance my home, seeing the door on the floor and P0rschy standing by the doorway.

P0rschy apologetically said o oh dammit, forgot how strong I am sometimes, oh and Io m back Knightspartan09o

o Your back!!!o I said happily.

P0rschy then told me he had a gift but it was too big to carry and that he wanted to take me to it, I accept and we head off to an unexplored area with a forest, some ground level caves and in the distance there were some mountains. P0rschy then told me we were near, I saw a massive, elegant, stone fortress with towers on the walls. P0rschy showed me the interior with a crafting area, 4 big bedrooms with fireplaces on the second floor, on the ground level entrance were 2 big dining tables with enough room for about 20 people per table, behind a bookcase there was a staircase leading to the subterranean sections was a furnace room, and a vault lined with obsidian.

P0rschy then said o I call this structure o Fort Intellecto , ito s for you Knightspartan09o

I gratefully thanked o thank, thank you ito s amazingo

P0rschy said happily o I owed you a lot, it only felt right that you get to live in such an amazing structureo

I asked afterwards o what is with the extra bedrooms P0rschy?o

P0rschy then explained o surely there must be more people in such a massive realm besides us Knightspartan09, I made it just in case there are others in such a lonely realmo

It was early in the afternoon, we headed back to our old home and grabbed the vault valuables and put them in the vault securely, then took 2 more trips for the rest of the stuff. Before we knew it, it was evening, I thanked P0rschy one more time, he ate some food and went to bed straight away, probably tired from building such a big structure on his own in such a short time, I ate some mushroom stew and headed off to bed enjoying the warm fire.

Chapter #5: A New Arrival

I couldno t get much sleep last night so I started putting together communicator out of a magical substance called Redstone dust and gold ingots, Redstone dust is embedded in rock as an o oreo , it is solid until struck with a pickaxe, it then deforms into a dusty red substance. After fiddling around with the gold and Redstone for a bit, I decided to try again later, I then go up from my workbench in my room and started walking through the fortress admiring the architecture to the entrance which I decided to call the o throne roomo due to the amazing dining area and the 2 thrones at the end of the rolled out red carpet. I saw P0rschy eating a couple of apples he said he found them on a tree outside, I went outside and climbed up a tree and picked some apples, I then went back inside and ate some and stored the rest in the food storage chest, I went outside to see P0rschy was now chopping a tree, after he succeeded I said we should explore some of the land in this realm to see if there are others, knowing there probably wasno t but it was worth a look. We headed out and started wandering through the forest, we saw a few creepers and spiders, we had to kill the creepers, but the spiders are friendly during the day. After a few hours of exploring we came across a swamp with a small wooden shack, I went inside while P0rschy stood guard outside, I saw a poor starving hooded figure with a bow and a quiver of arrows (Camico2000).

He requested o help me, Io m Camico2000, I ran out of food and am starvingo

I replied with o Io m Knightspartan09, here take thiso

I pulled out a pork chop and gave it to Camico2000.

He then gratefully thanked me, I then asked him whether or not he would come with us to o Fort Intellecto , and he accepted but first asked what I meant by o uso , I took him outside to P0rschy.

P0rschy yelled o I knew there would be others!o

Camico2000 asked o others?o

I couldno t get much sleep last night so I started putting together communicator out of a magical substance called Redstone dust and gold ingots, Redstone dust is embedded in rock as an o oreo , it is solid until struck with a pickaxe, it then deforms into a dusty red substance. After fiddling around with the gold and Redstone for a bit, I decided to try again later, I then go up from my workbench in my room and started walking through the fortress admiring the architecture to the entrance which I decided to call the o throne roomo due to the amazing dining area and the 2 thrones at the end of the rolled out red carpet. I saw P0rschy eating a couple of apples he said he found them on a tree outside, I went outside and climbed up a tree and picked some apples, I then went back inside and ate some and stored the rest in the food storage chest, I went outside to see P0rschy was now chopping a tree, after he succeeded I said we should explore some of the land in this realm to see if there are others, knowing there probably wasno t but it was worth a look. We headed out and started wandering through the forest, we saw a few creepers and spiders, we had to kill the creepers, but the spiders are friendly during the day. After a few hours of exploring we came across a swamp with a small wooden shack, I went inside while P0rschy stood guard outside, I saw a poor starving hooded figure with a bow and a quiver of arrows (Camico2000).

He requested o help me, Io m Camico2000, I ran out of food and am starvingo

I replied with o Io m Knightspartan09, here take thiso

I pulled out a pork chop and gave it to Camico2000.

He then gratefully thanked me, I then asked him whether or not he would come with us to o Fort Intellecto , and he accepted but first asked what I meant by o uso , I took him outside to P0rschy.

P0rschy yelled o I knew there would be others!o

Camico2000 asked o others?o

I then explained what had happened so far and how we are the only people as far as we know of. We headed to Fort Intellect with Camico2000, once we arrived it was night time, I had P0rschy tend to Camico2000o s hunger needs and to show him his room as I went at another attempt to make the communicator, I could tell I was probably weeks away from making it work. I heard Camico2000 thank P0rschy, Camico2000 ask him to thank me because he was tired from after nearly starving. P0rschy walked in to Thank me for Camico2000, he then asked what I was doing, I told him I was working on making a communicator but am a few weeks off of finishing it. P0rschy ended up going to his room, I then put the Redstone and gold back under the bed and went to bed.

Chapter #6: Nether Ever

I didno t know where I was, sinister red surroundings glowing blocks and lava, I then started wandering around for a way out when I saw it. A ghast, shooting fireballs around me, I didno t know what to do, I was frozen. Just as one the fireballs were about to hit me, I found myself in my room. It was just a dream, a lucid and terrifying dream. If it was a dream that is, it felt like more of a vision, it felt way too real. Realising that it was probably around midnight still, I couldno t get to sleep, I decided to go outside and plan out a new mine, just realising that we didno t have one yet I started digging, around the indent of where the living quarters and the Main room connect, I know what youo re thinking, dono t worry about the monsters Io m within o Fort Intellectso walls, nothing can get me here. As I hit stone, I found myself feeling calmer about what had happened, I hear the forto s door open, it was P0rschy.

P0rschy asked o Knightspartan09, is that you? What are you doing up so late?o

I respond unhappily o Woke up at around midnight, couldno t go back to sleep, decided to mine.o

I had a feeling P0rschy knew something was wrong, it was morning so I asked P0rschy to take Camico2000 out for training, he accepted and went to the dining room to get him and then they left. I had an empty feeling inside, only 3 people seemed to exist on this lonely forsaken land. I grabbed 14 bits of obsidian and started constructing a nether portal, I dono t know why, I guess I wanted to confront my fears, I was determined. Once the construction was complete I struck it with flint and steel and it gave a mystifying purple aura, in astonishment I geared myself with diamond armour and a sword from the vault. I then charged at it as fast as I could, I then found myself in theo ¦ the nether, it was exciting yet terrifying at the same time, I saw a few pig zombies, they didno t seem to mind my being there, I left them alone and went onwards and saw a nether fortress I went in there horrified but still determined to wipe out everything in there. Slashing and stabbing, I took out every last blaze in the fortress until one hit me, I was burnt on my right elbow, I then attacked it. I knew what I had done, I had taken out an entire fortress without hesitation, I knew there were more fortresses but that was for another day. I headed back to the portal only to see a ghast, I ran up to high ground as it was hailing fireballs, I then jumped on it and stabbed it until it started crashing down, it was falling in lava, I knew I had to jump, I mustered up all my strength and speed, I jumped off the ghast onto the portal. I walked through the portal proud of what I had done, I went to my room and tended to my burn, I then went to sleep as not having any sleep for 12 hours. P0rschy and Camico2000 came back a few hours of me falling asleep I believe.

Chapter #7: A Redstone Adept & some New Friends

When I woke up I immediately started trying to create that communicator, after failing several times Camico2000 entered the room and offered help.

Camico2000 exclaimed o Hey Knightspartan09 I know a fair bit about Redstone, may I help?o

I then answered o Of course please, ito s driving me insaneo

Camico2000 started what appeared to be fiddling with it at first, after half an hour it was done, it was astounding. I then gave him some more gold, Redstone and iron to make 2 more for us, once another was made we tested them out before making another. I headed to the nether portal, which was in the small mine I was digging up earlier and spoke, I heard Camico2000o s voice, it works I ran back and said they work. I was still annoyed how what took me several days and didno t work Camico2000 managed to get them all done in a matter of minutes. I walked around to find P0rschy, not realising that he wasno t here again, I asked Camico2000 where he was and he said he didno t know. We searched the mine I constructed earlier, Camico2000 asked what that Purple glow was, I explained what it was but not why it was there. I gave Camico2000 an iron sword and told him to explore the mine while I look in the Nether. As soon as I got to the nether I saw something strange, P0rschy was attempting to mine glowstone.

I asked o What are you doing?o

P0rschy responded o Trying to mine this light stuff for the forto

He passed me all the dust which formed from the glowstone, I then put pressure on it to make a block of glowstone. I explained how I left Camico2000 in the mine and that we should help him before something bad happens. We sprinted through the portal and Camico2000 was slashing and stabbing at some zombies, it was night time, time in the nether goes faster than normal. We help Camico2000 kill the zombies then we all head back to the fort before ito s too late. When we are inside we hear what sounds like a bark and a meow. We enter the main hall seeing a black and white cat getting chased by a wolf. P0rschy pulled out a bone and threw it to the wolf, the wolf ran to P0rschy and started chewing on the bone happily, I pulled out a fish I got earlier and gave it to the cat, it was cautious. After a while he ate the fish with some leather from cows I skinned before I met P0rschy and made two red collars, one small, one large. I put the put collars on the two animals, we decided to call the wolf o Trackero , but we wereno t sure what to call the cat until we left the fort for a minute for wood and a creeper appeared out of nowhere and the cat scared it off. We decided to call the cat o Creeperbaneo . Tracker seemed to have picked P0rschy as the favourite, I headed off to bed and Creeperbane followed me and laid by my feet, I gave him one last fish and then went to sleep.

Chapter #8: Something Rather Mysterious

Today was a rather simple day when I think about it, P0rschy went out to play fetch with Tracker and to train him. Camico2000 and I went to the mine to simply clear out the monsters, improved the lighting with torches and mined a bit further until I heard Camico2000.

o Argh help me Knightspartan09! Theyo re everywhere!o Camico2000 yelled out worriedly

I hastily responded with o Okay! Io ll be right there!o

I then rushed to his aid and helped him slaughter they merciless beings. There was something strange where Camico2000 had been excavating.

o Phew, thanks for that. I was mining out this chunk of rock when I saw it, what appeared to be a o strongholdo o Camico2000 stated.

We light up the entrance to this o strongholdo and then block it off for now with a hastily built wooden blockade. While we headed to the surface I explained to Camico2000 about how I read something about strongholds, there were theories of how they came to be. Some say it was a group of dwarves who were interested in the Ender dragon. An ancient being who eventually attacked all of the strongholds in full force when they made o End Portalso and turned them into tall hollow figures with a dark aura. They had a knack for moving dirt around to annoy the wanderers that used to roam these lands, they called them o Endermeno . After what felt like ages we were finally there. We spoke to P0rschy about what happened, after we finished explaining what had happened we all got geared up in iron armour with diamond swords and we charged in there like a crazed bull. We killed every last thing in there and lit it up. The worst thing in there was the silverfish, small little insect creatures which would hide in a wall and come out in full force when you attacked one. We came across one of these portal rooms with a disassembled portal which seemed to require 3 more o Eyes of Endero these can be crafted with o blaze powdero which is from blazes in the Nether and ender pearls which are dropped by Endermen. This is going to be a lot of work, we headed up to the surface and collected our thoughts and planned out what to do next.


Now you may be wondering why this is the end, this is due to the fact I've stopped writing these due to lack of views and compliments and all that jazz, I may start writing again in the future, for now? No


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05/31/2012 11:55 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
tehe10293847's Avatar
pretty cool! diamond for uuu
06/01/2012 3:32 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon
Aegis_Keeper's Avatar
Thanks :)
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