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alone-a cry for help 1

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synthCat's Avatar synthCat
Level 16 : Journeyman Princess
i feel the chills all over
the pain that froze me still
and all the people around
just don't have the will
i sit here in a dim light
no one has the sight, to see
to see whats devouring me from the inside
and slowly killing me

(the photo is not mine)

part 1

sarah-im sorry about yesterday
willow-its fine
sarah- i mean why do you let people walk all over you
willow- i dont have the energy
sarah- its just weird you know
willow- *no comment*
sarah- why do you sit here alone dont you have friends
willow- i dont know
sarah- whats that supposed to mean
willow- i just dont think i do
sarah- well.... okay
willow- what
sarah- you seem pretty rude, are you salty that you don't have friends?
willow- no im.. no
sarah- why arn't you exited its friday and you seem pretty dull
willow- im just tired
sarah- anyway.... im leaving
willow- okay
*willow continues to fiddle with her lunch, she isn't particularly hungry* *two boy walks up to her and one spills his food on her*
daniel- oh i'm sorry haha, let me clean the loser off
ryan- daniel c'mon were late already *looks at willow feeling sorry*
willow- just leave me alone
daniel- alright im coming *makes a face at willow*
ryan- you are so unnessesary sometimes *ryan and daniel walk past her*
*everyone in the cafeteria is looking in willow's direction*
willow- *leaves the cafeteria table and starts to cry as she hides her face*

-i will be making part 2 soon

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