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Alex of the Terrakines: Part One - Delusions and Clarity

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JediJerboa's Avatar JediJerboa
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
  The gaping wounds slashed across her chest burned with agony, but all she could do at the moment was curse under her breath. She didn’t know if she was still being followed or how far he’d gotten, but she knew her wounds would only worsen if she kept running. She retreated under the shade of the tree, blood soaking her pelt. His scent still lingered in her nostrils. He was close. Very close. Still, she had to rest for just a moment. He might be tired, but he was still dangerous.
  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a flickering blue light darting between the trees. An unsuspecting wisp. She mustered up the little strength she had and pounced on creature, causing it to dissipate into a shower of energy, surrounding her in an aura of shimmering light. The pain slowly drifted away, finally allowing her to relax and meditate on the battle to come.

  She imagined slipping off her heavy coat, for it was bloodstained and hot. She imagined standing up tall, for her front paws hurt from running so far. Finally, she imagined she was human, for she was not a wolf. Once she opened her eyes, she stood up and inspected herself. The wounds had not been inflicted by magic, so they did not carry over. Her clothes were still dirty, her leather jacket still covered in dust and her boots still caked in mud. Her hair had also not fared much better, as her ponytail had broken and let her long blonde hair get completely tangled in the wind. Still, better a messy human than an injured wolf. As she was dusting herself off, she heard the crackle of leaves behind her.

  She seized the grip of her blade and thrust it out in front of her, the tip of her dagger pointed straight at a warrior clad in shredded robes and blood-stained armor. He was a tall, lanky man, yet his muscles were still lean and agile, able to out-maneuver any foe. When he saw the blade pointed at him, he merely laughed at her, a sickening smile spreading across his face.

  “Ah, Miss Alexandra Dakota Longstaff,” the man grinned. “I have been waiting for you.”

  “Shut it, Holger,” she snarled, “Also, it’s Alex.”

  “Fair enough. Your name is quite a mouthful.”

  “I said shut it!” Alex circled around Holger, making sure her dagger stayed level to his neck. Holger still kept eye contact, mirroring Alex’s movements. Power glimmered in his emerald-green eyes. A great, violent power. Alex was not deterred. “I want answers, traitor.” Holger’s eyes turned cold.

  “That’s a strong word,” Holger growled, something inhuman invading his voice.

  “I do not want bloodshed,” Alex said, “I only want answers. All I want to know is what really happened.” Holger murmured something, perhaps a spell or curse. Alex stood on guard, ready to strike.

  “Why should I tell you?” he retorted.

  “The truth may save you. Please, tell me what happened at Yggdrasil.” Holger’s body began to twitch with anger, his joints bending in painful directions. His eyes burned with fury, morphing into something more monstrous. He bared his teeth, revealing sharpening points. Alex sheathed her blade.

  “You shall know nothing!” he howled, lunging at her as his form changed to that of a ferocious tiger. Alex leapt over him, morphing into a doe and began running with all her might. She was no longer worried about her other pursuers. All that mattered was taking Holger down.

  Alex made a sharp cut around a tree, changing into a wild mustang before kicking Holger’s tiger form straight in the chest. Holger fell back a few feet and shrugged off the attack. They stared each other down for a moment, just waiting for the other to make a move. Alex was still and unmoving, while Holger trembled with anger. Unable to contain himself, Holger morphed into a bull and began to charge. Thinking quickly, Alex changed to a squirrel, climbing up the tree with blinding speed hoping to stand clear of the charge. Holger rammed his head against the tree, yet only leaves fell. He charged a second time. Nothing. The entire forest was silent. A sudden rustle in the treetops rang out, followed by a ferocious growl. Before Holger could even react, a mountain lion attacked from above.

  She raked her claws across the back of Holger’s bull form, sinking deep into his flesh to anchor herself onto him. He bucked and bucked but she would not let go. Suddenly, she fell to the ground, Holger wriggling himself out from under her as a badger. As she picked herself up, Alex was flung into a tree by Holger’s stag form, using his strong antlers to throw her against a tree trunk. Alex heard something crack. It was her rib. She tried to stand but Holger held her down under his front hooves. As he prepared to lay a killing blow with the point of his antlers, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, forcing him to crumple to the ground. Looking up, Holger saw Alex, standing up in her human form, gripping a bloody dagger in her hands.

  “I’m sorry,” she murmured, “I didn’t mean for this—” Holger cut her off.

  “It hurts…” he coughed, slipping back into his human form. Alex could see fresh blood all over him. She rushed to his side, praying that there was something she could do. The cut was large, but not very deep.

  “It’s going to be alright,” Alex assured him, “I can fix this.” She fumbled through her pockets, desperately searching for the salve she had. She took off her jacket in order to better check the wounds. That was when Holger caught sight of the glittering jade pendant around Alex’s neck.

  “T-the World Turtle medallion…” he stammered.

  “What?” Alex said quickly, trying focus on cleaning his wounds.

  “I… am so… sorry, my Queen. I… have failed you.” As he finished his last word, Holger shut his eyes and blacked out from pain. Alex began to panic until she heard the clattering hooves of a mounted cavalry.

  “My Queen!” their leader called, “Are you injured?”

  “No,” Alex replied, still utterly confused. "But he is." She pointed to Holger, who lied still and unresponsive.

  “Is that not a traitor my Queen?” another guard asked. “Did he not attack you?”

  “He did but…” Alex looked down at her blade, noticing an odd substance swimming through the bloodstains. Upon closer inspection, there seemed to be almost a living glob of tar running through the blood, causing bubbles to form in unnatural amounts. She showed it to the guard, who stumbled back upon looking at it. “What is this?”

  “That is a Shadow Infection spell, my Queen,” the leader answered. “Did you find this on Holger?” Alex nodded. The leader motioned towards the two guards, saying, “We must take Holger to the medical ward with all due haste. He might have information on his attacker.” He turned back to Alex. “My Queen, please allow me to escort you back to the palace. It is not safe for you here.” While the leader proceeded back to his horse, a million questions ran through Alex’s mind, freezing her in place. World Turtle? Shadow Infection? Queen? There were too many to answer.

  Finally, Alex said, “You said I’m the Queen. The Queen of what exactly?” The lead guard raised an eyebrow and smiled.

  “You are the Queen of the Terrakines. Is that not obvious?”

  “Um… Sure?” she lied. The lead guard let out a small chuckle.

  “Please, come with me. Once we get back to the palace, I’m sure it will all come back to you.” Alex grudgingly complied and got on. As they rode, Alex thought about Holger. She remembered saying he failed her. Something did not sit right with that. Thinking on it, nothing sat right.

  As my first order as the supposed Queen of the Terrakines, she told herself, I will demand an explanation out of everyone. Myself included.

This blog is actually a complete rework of an old blog I did a long time ago. Click the link to check out the original!: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/prophecy-of-the-earthenborn-chapter-one/
CreditThanks to Mangled for the confidence boost and inspiration!

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07/11/2019 6:34 am
Level 22 : Expert Blockhead
raidarr's Avatar
Looks better than the original. Well done. "Part 1" is an encouraging sign.
07/11/2019 10:29 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
Thank you so much! I’m very excited to continue the series. The wait won’t be long.
06/30/2019 1:49 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Sus
Nitgo's Avatar
WhErE ArE tHe ImAgEs?!

Pretty interesting blog over all...
06/30/2019 1:57 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
I would have other images but I take too long to draw so...

Also, thanks!
06/30/2019 2:05 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Sus
Nitgo's Avatar
No no, I mean free online images! Like what I do.
06/30/2019 2:28 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
I dunno, I try to focus on imagery and not images.
07/11/2019 6:32 am
Level 22 : Expert Blockhead
raidarr's Avatar
And a fine choice that is. You don't see people littering their novels with images. Your writing stands quite well enough by itself. Besides, imagery of these contents sounds a little beyond the age scope of the site.
07/11/2019 10:26 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
I would have a hard time drawing what I write.l anyway. Not that I cannot visualize it, I just never get it quite right so that it matches my imagery. So now I try to make my imagery a bit more digestible but still descriptive. As of right now, it seems to be working.
06/30/2019 1:02 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Meme
Mangled's Avatar
I will have to read this when I've got the time!
Sounds very interesting! ^^
06/30/2019 1:14 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
Thank you! :)
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