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Adrestio's Adrestios [Volume 1]

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Adrestio's Avatar Adrestio
Site Moderator
Level 47 : Master Architect
The first collection of my Online persona Adrestio Skins that I have made and wore over the years! I compiled this list because a lot of you have inspired these skins to be made or some character to be designated with each. If you need inspiration, reference, or download the skin and see how I made it, it is now officially up! (Obviously no redistribution)

This is part of the Second Annual Adrestio's April Showers Event!

Adrestio's Adrestios [Volume 1]

”Adrestio” comes from the first character I fully developed for a story. It was one of my more unique and proud ideas for a character but I eventually scrapped the story and made it my online alias. (The scrapped story had the main antagonist out of a substance simply titled darkness which is why half of my skin is pure darkness, was a cool Jekyll and Hyde concept).

The name comes from the goddess Adrestea, a very underappreciated goddess, that represents retribution and balance. I am a nerd for Greek and Roman Mythology.

So once my idea came into place my twin sister made the skin (unfortunately she doesn’t have a PMC account)!

Adrestio's Adrestios [Volume 1]

Made originally for my return to the PMCSMP, I had many plans to stretch my business endeavors for my Fancy Pants store. One of the simplest skins I currently have and thrown on for my professional affairs. Hmm yes, fancy. 😎🎩

Adrestio's Adrestios [Volume 1]

“The Demon”:
Right after cleaning up the PMCSMP spawn with the one and only Zitzabis, I had the random urge, the lurking feeling, to start something new. (Unheard of?! Adrestio starting another impulsive event or collaboration?!?) This one was different though, I had a character simply called “The Demon” and so with my good friend Zitz, and some other onlookers I soon recruited, we headed to one of the only unexplored areas of the 5k map. We called it Pandemonium and we each had a corner. The Beard (Zitz), the Jester (CraftyGamer_) , The Fish (guineafish), and the Hood (which had like three whole people come and go Mosquitarr, realgnatthew, and GigaGrungo) all gathered and began building our embodiments of chaos.

Long story short: I got to organize some of the chaos.

THE COPPER GOLEM SHOULD HAVE WON!! I made this skin to commemorate the fallen. Even if the Allay seem useful Copper Golems could have served a real purpose of friendship. 😔

Shoutout to all the people who voted correctly...

Right after the first annual Pal-entine’s Day Event, I had the ambitious plan to develop a brand new and interactive event on the PMCSMP! As the last event of mine was such a success I “hired” the help of xalixilax who helped me make a very hidden-but-sadly-not-really-hidden getaway prison titled Fort Cypatrazz. Eventually we started losing steam and the project sadly had to close due to how long it took and how little time we had.

But I made a prisoner suit get-up of Dark Gray Glazed Terracotta which was the prison’s themed block.

“The Swamp”: One of the few skins that doesn’t involve the SMP. This was originally for an event hosted by EleanorRose and someone else (sorry i cannot locate them) but I didn’t read the rules and I believe the event was scrapped. The concept is a vacation attire half with some zombie/swampy outbreak on his right side (with a muggy boot). This is one of my proudest skins so far!

My good friend @GigaGrungo had joined the server! The chaos ensued! I liked bugging people so I made the “Ur a” and Giga dawned the “Nerd” section. That's it! Then Zitzabis made his own and the nerderer had become the nerd. (I also got the last cat with this skin on to get the Complete Cat-alogue ;)
Gosh how many people did we bother that day?

“The Strider”: This skin was made during the time of the PMCSMP but it was not for that SMP directly. My friends and I had gathered a separate server which I simply made a skin for it. I like to represent this skin with the alias of “The Strider” which was my character on our separate server. Imagine hiding away in the cold and plotting like a conspiracy theorist about everyone, that was my character.

For anyone waiting on their fan-submitted skins to be featured or the plentiful Pal-entine's Day Event suits I dawned, That will be in Volume 2 all neatly organized ;)

Enjoy! :D
(More backstories to come!)
CreditMy Sister for making the OG skin

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04/04/2023 9:35 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
This is actually perfect for my lore blog’s new multiverse update-
04/18/2022 1:46 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Cow
GigaGrungo's Avatar
Good times man, Though i will stand forever ALLAY 4 LIFE! we truly bothered many with our nerd skins
04/14/2022 8:31 pm
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
You have a really talented sister!
04/13/2022 8:55 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Herobrine
Creeper_awwwwww_man's Avatar
ya! copper golem should have won
04/10/2022 11:51 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Gent Programmer
Zitzabis's Avatar
Let me just use Ctrl + F on this page and type in "Zitz" lol
Forgot about the nerd skins. Good times
04/10/2022 5:43 pm
He/Him • Level 62 : High Grandmaster Kitten Kitten
Chiaroscuro's Avatar
Interesting how there's no mention of a Maidre...
04/10/2022 8:10 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
Adrestio's Avatar
There is a chance for Volume 2 to include that...
04/10/2022 1:23 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Waffle
TNTFortify's Avatar
Ok I voted for Copper Golem. I needed some new statues. What? That was a proposed feature.
04/10/2022 2:00 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
Adrestio's Avatar
At least it gave Copper another use :P
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