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About My life!

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Mythic_Gem's Avatar Mythic_Gem
Level 31 : Artisan Unicorn
So a bit of a warning, it may get a bit depressing, but pls know I don’t want people to think I’m saying this stuff for attention because tbh I’m not, and I don’t like it..I just want to tell you all a story so here ya go! (Enjoy!!)

So where do I began...I guess where I start is when my mom and dad made me, my mom and dad were just high school loves...but they weren’t expecting a daughter, when my mom found out she told my dad...who wasnt really happy with the whole situation, he left my mom after she said no to abortion, (this actually improves in the story), when I was born my mom never held me or even looked at me...like I was a monster, my dad on the other hand stayed away as much as he could for he didn’t want to see what he made. Later he found out he actually loved me and wanted to keep me, but my dad and mom never got married, I would always spend the weekend with my dad, and when I would leave I’m I would cry because I knew I would be going home to a beating of my moms bf, he hated me for being born and tbh...I still feel his hate, but I also thank him because now I’m more careful in who I trust, although what he did, was also very bad because it made me feel like I was a mistake, I would go home to my dad and he would always find bruises and hand prints, the abuse later ended about 2 years later, my dad was able to take me on as his full daughter and I wasn’t allowed to spend more than a week with my mom, it’s been like that for awhile now, my mom now has a fiancé and 4 amazing children not including me, I’m still not allowed to see her because of the law...my dad and I hang out a lot more and my grandma and grandpa take me in as their own still when my dad isn’t around. I may have been through hardships, but I’m not as different as people think, so what if I had a bad past, that’s doesn’t make me different, it makes me cautious, and I have amazing friends who help me through my life and I also have people I help that get hurt a lot, so if you have a friend that hurting, even if you don’t know what they are going through, sometimes just letting people know there’s someone there for them helps a lot, and if anyone needs to talk about something, I’m always here to talk to and help anyways I can! Thank you all! Hope you enjoyed!!

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09/03/2020 7:35 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
I approve of your view on this a lot. :) What happened is awful on all sides, but what you've taken from it and the future you ended up finding from it is lovely, and I approve, heavily, of the strength and confidence it takes to feel that in the present you not only feel you can be happy with those you care about who care about you too, but also that you can help others in the process as well. I approve of that kindness. :)
09/03/2020 2:25 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Unicorn
Mythic_Gem's Avatar
thank you so much! <3
09/03/2020 2:54 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
You're welcome. :)
04/27/2020 12:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
lanceweber's Avatar
I used to be the same way. Confidence is good, but trust me, you&#39;ll come back two years later and cringe when you read this.
8 ball pool
05/01/2019 2:48 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Unicorn
Mythic_Gem's Avatar
I was honestly really sleepy when I wrote it but ok I will lol and thanks it’s was like 2 am when I wrote that lol
04/30/2019 11:14 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Fish
CHorse's Avatar
I'm sorry this happened :C

But just to note; the following critique is just some pointers on how to better write, I'm not trying to devalue what happened to you.

-Word wall might need a bit of formatting; I really tried reading it all, but for some reason it being a big word wall kind of hurt my eyes. You don't have to fancy it up; but some paragraphs and spacing would help quite a bit.

-Also, run on sentences, I know this probably isn't the type of thing that might need punctuation tips n' all, but just generally beware of run on sentences.

Anywho, I hope you're ok :D
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