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A World of Cubes [Contest]

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Tomandgreen's Avatar Tomandgreen
Level 38 : Artisan Pirate

/ / / A World of Cubes / / /

[NOTE: This blog is designed to persuade somebody to buy Minecraft, and is for a contest. Show it to any friends who need convincing, and enjoy!]

Minecraft is a sandbox game. That means, like in a real sandbox, you can do whatever you want with whats given to you. There's building, mining, and yes, crafting. The essence of the game is to fight off monsters while making cool contraptions, buildings, farms, whatever you could want in a virtual world. It is a world of cubes, and you can shape it however you see fit!If the premise of Minecraft doesn't already make you want to buy the game, here are some other reasons to get it:

1. It Never Ends

Unlike traditional games, Minecraft has no end. Yes, there is a dimension called The End with a "boss" and credits that follow shortly after, but even once that's done you can go back to making the world even cooler. It literally isn't possible to get to a point where you have "beat the game" because there are always more diamonds to mine, more villages to loot, and more caves to spelunk. Infinite generation = infinite game time.

2.There's Always New Features

Minecraft is unique because it never stops getting updated. Every couple months a new version comes out, with new blocks, mobs, mechanics, sounds, and features that will make your heart skip a beat. It's like if Pokemon had new gym leaders and areas to explore and story-lines every couple months, for years.Free, eternal DLC. Yup.

3. You Can Play With Your Friends

If single player games aren't your cup of tea, then have no fear! Minecraft servers exist for every type of person. PvP servers, creative servers, civilization servers, mini-game servers, RP servers, the list goes on. Heck, make your own private server! It's pretty easy too!

4. The Community Is Excellent

Minecraft is the most played and watched game on YouTube. This means we Minecrafters are part of a huge community that can't easily be rivaled. Websites like Planet Minecraft ;D, Minecraft Forums, and The Minecraft Wiki really highlight the vast numbers we have on our side. We are strong in numbers, but we are also amazing! Cool Minecraft maps come out every day, in addition to mods, resource-packs, and skins! We never slow down, and make amazing works of art at an insane pace.

5. The Many Mods/Plugins

Minecraft can be anything you want it to be when you take mods and plugins into consideration. Want fish? You have fish. Want guns? There's your guns. Want more dimensions and structures? [Done and Done] x 100. You don't have to conform to Minecraft's limitations, because there are none. Think about that the next time you play Call of Duty.

6. The Price Is Cheap

This game sounds so amazing, it must cost like, $10 a month, right? WRONG. It's one payment of $20 bucks. ONE PAYMENT! That's a steal! For the 200+ hours of game time MC has given me, that's 1 dollar per 10 hours. Compare that to a DVD, which probably also could sell for $20 and only give 2 hours of enjoyment, maybe 4 or 6 if you watch it enough. Buying Minecraft is a wise purchase, and you'll reap the benefits.

There are plenty of other reasons to buy the game, but I'm going to stop my rant here. If you are still, after all of that unsure as to whether or not this game is right for you, why don't you just try the demo on the official site? My words don't do the game justice, you really must experience it for yourself. That's all! I hope I did well convincing you (well, not really you, because chances are you already have Minecraft) and if you want to show support click the little diamond button up top! Much <3,

- Tomandgreen


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09/14/2013 10:40 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Blob
Speedy's Avatar

I couldn't count mine, probably somewhere between 1000-5000
09/14/2013 10:49 am
Level 38 : Artisan Pirate
Tomandgreen's Avatar
You caught me. By 200+ I mean 200+3000.
09/01/2013 7:17 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Geek
iansonwheels's Avatar
What an annoying texture pack

It doesn't stitch correctly
09/01/2013 7:18 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Pirate
Tomandgreen's Avatar
Lol, twas an effect :D
09/01/2013 7:19 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Geek
iansonwheels's Avatar
Damn you OptiFine
09/01/2013 7:17 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
Cbenchimol's Avatar
That is really good, sadly the world doesn't respect Mojang hard work, so they just do this.
09/01/2013 7:17 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Pirate
Tomandgreen's Avatar
Thanks. They just do what?
09/01/2013 7:18 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
Cbenchimol's Avatar
Ermm, nevermind, I dont know what I said :3
09/01/2013 7:21 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Pirate
Tomandgreen's Avatar
Lol. Diamond if you liek.
09/01/2013 7:22 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
Cbenchimol's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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