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A vivid perspective of the Minecraft and its community

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OsmellisO's Avatar OsmellisO
Level 9 : Apprentice Artist
Detail may not always tell the best story however, allowing the mind to interpret the story how it precieves it opens the mind even more                  

perspective - a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view.

This blog is all about the perspective of this website and minecraft.

I'm going to start with minecraft and how it has evolved.

From my perspective minecraft started as a project by Marcus (Notch) to create an environment to express your creativity through a game without having to worry about making anything look bad becuase it was already pixelated. Is this why minecraft became so different or was it because it was the first build and craft pixel adventure of its kind?

Did Marcus create this project as just he was bored and he could not be bothered to make anything high detail so he just made it pixelated? I guess you would have to ask him but its your perspective and it is what minecraft did for you.

Minecraft soon attracted the very small indie community at the time and some even say minecraft created the genre 'indie games' but believe it or not there was a time before Minecraft.
Within that indie community was Simon. (yes Simon from the Yogscast) If you scroll back to Yogscast's very first voice videos (after their WOW vids) Simon was the voice of reason which reverses the current role of Lewis being the voice of reason and simon a comedic entity.

Why am i mentioning the Yogscast you wonder? Because some say Yogscast's video of 'the first night' rocketed minecraft into the gaming world from the very small community of Indie gamers from which it started however, some people may say it was just the start of Indie games getting reconized and Minecraft was lucky because the Indie gaming community was talking about Minecraft at the time.

Minecraft evovled form there with it gaining players by the minute and more Youtubers doing 'Lets Plays' and everyone was enjoying the beta days of updates and massive nergasms of eaach and every update. This lead to everyone wanting more and more enjoying the new itemns and blocks. This only lastest up towards the full realease and at which point the older minecrafters were ranting about the good old days, back when cobblestone had a different texture.

Some people think that minecraft should be expanded as much as possible to create want Marcus wanted which was the freedom to create what your mind desires with no limitations (reason for redstone and pistons?)

Or was Marucs just putting on a veil of saying he wants the best for the community when he actually wanted more money, well now he has more than he ever dreamed... 1 billion dollars of dreams...

People were in minecraft for many reasons, the hype, the community, the freedom and the list goes on. But is it not what they got out of it in the end and what their perspective of it is, rather than the actual reason they joined.

What made the community stronger? was it the constant evolving of servers and signing up to a new server engin site every day and the goal to reach admin on a server? like the guys that joined servers saying "Hi, I'm from planet minecraft and I am testing your server plugins. Just give me OP and I'll check. From my perspective it was minecraft forums which brang custom maps and mods to light and it was planet minecraft which showed everyone what server they should join and what skins they had made.

Planet minecraft back in 2012 was getting bigger and bigger. The servers back then were... well.. I would put it as annoying if i was to sum it up nicely. I remember joining the latest factions server and 20 people spawning in quickly to rush for the best gear and the best spots. If you someone was killed they would leave and joined the next latest server for the next race. What did Planet minecraft do for you? was it the servers, finding the latest skin to be different from everyone else?

Planet minecraft evolved into a more wide community adding contests which was a big thing i liked to look at, i never really realised some of the levels of skill people had until i saw the top 3 winners. I was used to a couple of mates finding out how to make rapid fire arrows out of dispencers and the hype of different ways to kill someone. 

It's funny to think i never thought of myself to be one to start making anything for the community to stop and think about their perspective of minecraft and what it did for them, as you can see my join date and my low level is weird compared to allot of people who joined when i did are level 80 and are big skin, mod, map and server makers. Then there is just me floating along viewing the progession of mineraft as a whole and now telling you what my perspective of my journey through.

Minecraft now is now a global icon and you would have a hard task of finding someone who has not heard it at least once. Now all the old servers are gone and they are all replaced with 'networks' and massive factions servers which within 24hours your base is gone with the use of some sort of hacked client. From my perspective I miss the feel of small faction servers with 4 or 5 factions taking days to find someone and conducting seiges and tactical attacks in the night. Now it is just ender pearl glitches and 'my TNT cannon is bigger than yours' kinda thing. For the old players what is your perspective of minecraft servers once passed? and are you glad for the changes?

I would like to think everyone has read this through and while i could right for ages about the different aspects of minecraft, I would be spoling the point of this blog and how It's your perspective. I would also like to see people reply to this to tell me your story and for some of you, you will be thinking how stupid I am and what is this crazy guy is on about.  a simple answer to why you think that is that you do not have your own perspective yet. Explore and find your own perspective then you will find the long time answer to why the cake is a lie and that you may find why herobrine is still being removed for the patch notes. Is it that herobrine represents your perspective? that it will never actually be removed? But then again it is your perspective.

- Thanks, OsmellisO / Dellis (yeh I am both of those guys)


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06/03/2015 3:47 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Artist
OsmellisO's Avatar
Anyone have their own ideas?
Planet Minecraft


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