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100 Days To Survive

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JefferyColonTTV's Avatar JefferyColonTTV
Level 23 : Expert Dragon
Day 1: Beginnings
Day 1:

Just to get everyone started on who everyone is at the time, This will explain it for this 100 Day journey.
Gavin = Its me of course. I am the main character of the story obviously. :D

My Survival For Day 1:

Okay, Right now I am in some sort of Creation Center  in some where Outa Town (Create New World Screen).
I have created my world with the name of  Planet Minecraft World and a Seed of PlanetMinecraft/GavinThePowerful.\
I am Going to Go to the Create New World button.
I have spawned in some sort of Forest With trees that crackle in the wind, and Animals that are as noisy as a jet engine.

The Forest

I Go over to a Tree and start punching it. as my hand gets more bloody it feels as it is getting stronger aswell. I now have some logs in my pocket, How am i doing this? i have no idea. I then create some Wooden Planks, And then use those to make a Magical Table of Crafting. I then create a few sticks, and then see if i can create some sort of tool to mine the stones of the Earth. I put the wood and sticks in a certain pattern after hundreds of false recipes. But finally, I make a Wooden Pickaxe with my wood.

Right after that Experience of many trials creating a pickaxe, I race to the nearest mountain, trying to fight the sunset.
I made it to the mountain right at sunset, I am going to mine into the mountain.
seconds later, I hit this rock in this mountain as hard as i can. I hit it so hard that the mountain shook a little. I mine enough to make a small hole in the mountain with one apple that i picked up after punching trees. I hid in the hole for the night, only nibbling on the apple that i picked up, begging for my life In the hole. In the meantime, I create some Harder, more durable tools made out of this rock, and am able to mine more minerals deep down in the earth.

The Hole Of The Night

And at this point we have survived Day 1 and we must build up our legacy on this pixelated world.
Day 2: The House

Day 2:
I finally Slept through the night. I must go out and find food before my half-eaten apple is eaten completely.
I go out and find a few sheep. I raise my rock sword high, just knowing that I must kill this creature. I bring my sword down with a Boom, And the creature is dead. The sheep dropped some mutton and some other wooly substance. I kill a few more sheep and have enough wool to create something, I go in and create a Bed which will help me sleep one thousand times as fast through the night, What a strange world! At around midday, I go and chop some extra Logs with my rock Axe, which is much faster than my hand, and theres no blood. Followed by some Rock that I mined when i was in the Hole. After hours of work, I Finally finished my House. not too big and not too small, but just the size for me. I go back to the Hole and grab my Table of Crafting right after i create a furnace for cooking some mutton. I stare at my furnace proudly as it cooks some mutton. Minuted later, I go back to my House hearing the wind whistling in the cracks of the house. But no matter, after a few minutes, i got it fixed up. so i could finally go back to sleep and stare at the Destructive, Blood hungry monsters out my door, and Finally Fall to sleep.

The House

That the end of Day 2!
Day 3: Monsters

Day 3:

I Woke up one this third, beautiful morning, and soon realize the monsters are crawling all over my front door, The windows, and even the walls! I knew that I had to fight back. I count the monsters and see what they are and how many there are. There are undead bodies, A bony creature that looks like a skeleton, a Creepy crawly of the ground that may climb walls if wanted, and a Dreaded Bomb creature, one that will blow up its own body and soul to take revenge on the humans.

Under attack!

There was 4 undead, 2 skeletons, 3 creepy crawlies, and 1 Bomber. I run out my front door with the doors flying open, knocking a few of the undead folks back. I then turn around, Jump on a small pillar, raise my sword and come down with a clash of creatures. I was not afraid anymore at this time. I knew that I had to deal with these monsters at some point. Right after an undead warrior cuts my arm, a skeleton shoots my leg, and a creepy crawly bites my neck, I finally finish off the battle. The skeleton drops its bow with some arrows, which i will use for future battles in the depths of the caves...
Day 4: The Caves and Deadly Threats

Day 4:

I have equipped all my gear that I have collected at the time. Which is my Bow with about 3 arrows, a Stone Sword, some tools and some mutton. I finally journey down to the caves that I found after wondering around for awhile that day. I saw this cave and knew that I was in for an adventure.

The Cave

I go down the cave, hearing the horrific noises of monsters in the walls. I come across some Iron ore and go and mine it with my pickaxe. It was a strange material that was much stronger than my rock pickaxe, But I have to Smelt it in my furnace before I can use it at all. I go a bit deeper, only having to fight off a few of the undead warriors and skeletons.
I reach some Boiling, extremely hot liquid at the bottom of this cave. I clear out some extra stone for minerals and see the shining light in the distance. I had found my first diamonds!


There where 7 Diamonds in the pack of them. I climb back up, following the crackling torches that lead me back to where I started. I finally get to the top and see that it is Night time. I have to kill a few more monsters. but this time, it was different, there was a bomber pulsing with power or lighting as a thunder storm hit.

The Lightning Bomber

It comes at me, and i see the giant BOOM in front of me. I survive with only a little bit of life pulsing from my heart to my blood. I Limped back to my house and try to get a good nights sleep.

Day 5: Forging

Day 5:

I finally recover by eating some of the mutton I collected from the sheep. I get out of bed, turn on the lights, and start making stronger weapons. I had 7 diamonds from our mining trip so I wanted to see what i could do with them. I first take 2 diamonds to make an extremely strong blade. Once it was crafted it was shining so bright on the Table of Crafting that i couldn't bare to look at it. It looked as if it where the blade of Notch himself.

The Sword

I then use another 3 diamonds to make a diamond pickaxe. It was three-times as fast as a Rock pickaxe.

The Pickaxe

After I created my pickaxe, I think to myself, what will i do with these left over 2 diamonds? So I went down to the caves and found some water to pour onto the lava we found earlier. The water and lava clash, and the lava turns to an extremely hard, Black substance on the ground. It was so strong that I could only mine it with a diamond pickaxe.

The Obsidian

I mine 14 of this hard, black rock and return home. I kill a few cows in the distance and collect a little sugar cane on a small peninsula in the mean time. I return to my humble, small home and turn the sugar cane to paper, and create a book with the leather from the cows, and the paper. I then take 4 hard rock and the final 2 diamonds and throw them on my table of crafting, hoping that it would create something. After a few seconds there was a BOOM on the table of crafting, It pushed so hard that I fell over. I see the table of enchantments on my table of crafting, and lay it in a corner of the house.

The Enchanting Table

That was all that happened today! Lets go to bed and get to Day 6!!
Day 6: The Underworld

Day 6:

I got out of bed on day 6, and started out going back to the cave. With my new, extremely powerful diamond pickaxe, I could break almost everything, Except Bedrock. I go back to the caves and dig around for awhile. But thats when I found a strange room. The room had a chest that was two times a regular chest size. Inside the chest was a book, and this was a very mysterious book. The writings of the book said, "With ten of thou Black rock, thou could maketh a portal to the Underworld."
I thought to myself, Who wrote this? When was there more humans roaming this world? I took the book out of the chest full of cobwebs, and race back to my house. I take out my last 10 obsidian rock, and form it into a portal shaped form. But why won't it let me through? Maybe I need some sort of ignition with fire, maybe a flint and steel. I create a flint and steel with some flint and some left over iron, and go and light the portal. It lights up with a loud noise and a Purple, substance of some sort was covering the portal.

The Portal

I slowly walk in and find myself in a place that would probably look much like "Hell".

The Underworld

I walk in to see some giant, ghost like things in the Air. They shoot fire from there mouths. One almost shot me, the problem was, there was lava everywhere below the giant beast. I take out my bow, and the first shot was a miss, so was the second, but the third and final arrow shot him right between the eyes, and the beast was destroyed. I pick up its tears and gunpowder, and run back home in a fear of falling. I get back and run back through the portal, and we are back home, still alive and well.

Stay tuned for Day 7!!

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1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by JefferyColonTTV 12/31/2016 10:23:06 amDec 31st, 2016

I added Day 2 to the First Update Log!!

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01/04/2017 5:09 pm
Level 22 : Expert Pony
Catsuite's Avatar
Not to sound rude or anything, because this is really amazing, but do you have enough material planned out to write to day 100? Again, I'm not trying to ask this in a rude way.
05/06/2017 1:02 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dragon
JefferyColonTTV's Avatar
Hmm, Good Question, the thing is, I don't have a Plan! xD So Im Honestly just going Day By Day, Some What Around Day 15 To 20, I Am Going to make a special part for it. Thanks for Replying!!
01/03/2017 9:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Madeformore's Avatar
I'm loving this blog. Can't wait to read more.

Hope you find many more Diamonds!!!
01/02/2017 6:56 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
parshu's Avatar
GO GO i am waiting for the 100 day to come! GO GO!! butiful!! so exciting! GO GO!! Is it too much spammyness cuz if it is... idk GO GO!!
01/02/2017 9:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
blackdiamondbabe's Avatar
This blog is awesome, you did such a great job! Good writing & attention to detail!
01/02/2017 9:36 am
Level 23 : Expert Dragon
JefferyColonTTV's Avatar
Thank you!! There is much more to come. Thanks again! <3
01/01/2017 12:09 pm
Level 22 : Expert Pony
Catsuite's Avatar
I really like this concept! Keep it up
01/01/2017 12:28 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dragon
JefferyColonTTV's Avatar
Thanks! Its more of a story / comic book type blog :D Thanks for the Diamond!! ;D
01/01/2017 11:32 am
Level 23 : Expert Dragon
JefferyColonTTV's Avatar
Thanks for all the diamonds and support!
01/01/2017 11:31 am
Level 23 : Expert Dragon
JefferyColonTTV's Avatar
Btw everyone, remember to check back on this blog every once in awhile, there is much more to come!!
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