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P_Jay's Avatar P_Jay
Level 1 : New Crafter
Hi guys, P_Jay here, to every minecrafter interessed in minecraft adventure maps and superheroes. I'm announcing a new franchise of Minecraft Marvel Cinematic Unvierse adventure maps wich will be about MCU movies (I will leave a strawpoll link so you guys can tell me if you want ONLY movies or movies and series). I already made half of Iron Man 1 and started to make The Incredible Hulk. This maps are modded , wich means that are being envolved mods such as Superheroes Unlimited, Heroes Expansion, Lucraft core and Custom NPC's (I don't no if I'm using more, it will be this ones until I decide to add more). I hope you guys support my idea and help trough it. Like and share with your friends ;).


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11/19/2018 4:41 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
P_Jay's Avatar
Forgot to say that if anyone could help me in this project I'm accepting ideas. I urgently need an idea to build a helicopter🧐🤪🤩
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