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[A Server Rant] McMMO, Factions, Stealing, Raiding, PvP, Griefing - 1,000 slots!

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SplodyBitz's Avatar SplodyBitz
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
I've bit my tongue on this issue for far too long.

Is it just me, or is there near no originality in MC servers these days?

Take a look under the Server tab. Tell me, how many titles contain the word "Factions?" How about "stealing?"

PvP, griefing, McMMO, raiding?

And these titles, these servers... Do they also have an absurd amount of player slots?

You don't need to answer those questions; I already know the answers.

Maybe you can answer this question for me, though.


Why do people dedicate time, money and effort to a server that is nearly identical to their neighbor?

Please do not misunderstand me. I am not saying your server is bad because it has these aspects. I am saying that they are undeniably a tad overused.

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07/23/2012 9:02 am
Level 39 : Artisan Pony
Kozume's Avatar
You have a point, and it's a shame because I'm pretty sure this dividing of the community across a bunch of similar themed servers is what causes the quality to lessen in most of them. Either they aren't very active, have corrupt staff, or have an outrageous ranking system involving, mainly, donations of hundreds of dollars.
02/29/2012 10:33 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Spelunker
Ele_meno's Avatar
Thank you! Fianlly, they say they have the best servers ever but seriously, it's the same as the next. Think of something creative to make you stand out.

What about people who dont want griefing, raiding, hardcore PvP?

Some of us just like Minecraft with an added twist.
02/29/2012 10:06 pm
Level 20 : Expert Taco
Emoney's Avatar
Your right
02/29/2012 10:02 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Aleck25's Avatar
I completely agree, wherever did the idea of a historical rpg server go? Another example of an overused server is Fantasy rpg with castles and such. I, for one play on a historical rpg server with Romans, Greeks, and Tribes. I think castles are completely Cliche, and people should come up with new ideas. Mini-games? Pirates? Sci-Fi?
02/29/2012 10:08 pm
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
SplodyBitz's Avatar
A Pirate RPG... Now THAT is creative!

I would love to see servers like the ones you are listing, but I fear it might not happen for a long time.

When people finally realize they have one big server.
02/29/2012 10:36 pm
Level 40 : Master Goblin
ItsBill's Avatar
I keep a private server with a Japanese Oriental theme for my IRL friends. We treat wool as a rice lattice.
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