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A Rant About Asking For "Diamonds"

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hollow123's Avatar hollow123
Level 39 : Artisan Nether Knight
I don't wish to offend people. Sorry if I do.

Why do people always have to ask for "Diamonds" now. By asking for "Diamonds" people only think less of you. You're asking for someone to give up what they think for you to be happy. Note that if you are good, then a person will give you "Diamonds" and you gain there respect. By asking for "Diamonds" you make yourself look desperate and more pathetic then you would probably realize.

Why do you people then feel the need to pressure these people. "Oh if I get 40 Diamonds I'll make another.". You realize how low you have put yourself in. You are making someone "Diamond" your work to let them be happy. Someone has to give up there free choice to get something they want in return. They will give up "Diamond" for you if you're really that good, but don't make it where someone has to give away there free choice just for you to be greedy with power and attention. I tired of people having to be greedy and trying to make people give them more attention than they deserve.

Point is people need to stop asking for "Diamonds". It only makes you look bad and gives people a low view over you. If you want "Diamonds" then let the people give them freely. It's not for you to choose who should like you and give you what you don't deserve. Don't be greedy with power, let people have a free choice on what they want to do! Don't swallow the peoples power and choice.

Stop asking for "Diamonds".

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07/22/2012 1:48 pm
Level 45 : Master Engineer
M0R0Z's Avatar
i, only give diamonds when truly earned, aka: only 1 time on this whole site.
07/22/2012 6:14 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Nether Knight
hollow123's Avatar
Thank you! It's hard to see the understanding of people know in days. Aka: Most people turning to idiots (sadly).
01/08/2012 2:47 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
Cedric2's Avatar
I couldn't agree more. Asking for diamonds only serves to aggravate viewers in my opinion. I have also noticed that people who are not good at pixel art, or blogs, or whatever it may be that they post in ask more for diamonds than people who are good. I think that this just goes to show that there is a growing population of new, uneducated, unwilling to learn players in Minecraft and members on this website.
01/08/2012 3:14 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Nether Knight
hollow123's Avatar
...and yet sadly no one's learned that yet!
Lord Tristem
12/31/2011 10:50 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Explorer
Lord Tristem's Avatar
I agree completely what kind of self respecting minecraft creater expect diamonds just to be handed to him or her. If you diamonds it should be based solely on wheather your stuff really warrents it or not. I perssonally have never asked for one and have only handed out a couple. Great Blog hollow.
12/31/2011 10:53 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Nether Knight
hollow123's Avatar
Thank you and what you'v stated is also true. I just wish for it to stop! It used to not be this bad either. When I was first on (near when I first made my account) people wouldn't have asked for "Diamonds", but now it's everywhere and becoming worse! Who knows though maybe all it took was this blog to change some of there views. It'd be a lot better if I could get this on the front page to spread the word more too! Thank you again for being understanding and seeing my view!
12/31/2011 10:02 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
mathreconnect's Avatar
That was a good speech! :')
You stood up for everyone :]
PS I will only give diamond to my near friends <:]
12/31/2011 10:15 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Nether Knight
hollow123's Avatar
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I'm just so tired of seeing it everywhere. I just wanted people to know, but it was kind of harder to put my thoughts on this topic unlike my other rants I'v done. None the less I'm glad you liked it!

Oh and don't forget to give me DIAMONDS (Just kidding)! :)
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