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A place to call home

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FireBellFairy's Avatar FireBellFairy
Level 49 : Master Nerd
Please do not re-create my work, as it is mine. Thank you. <33

For SimplyRabbit's poetry contest. c:


Poem :)

An everlasting forest of gloom,
a glowing sky from the moon.

From a small wooden cabin in the middle of no-where,
To the torch on our walls that create a bright flare.

It seems as if here is something we know,
though only those who spend long enough will grow,
a strong warrior beyond the great lands,
to the young villagers trudging through sand.

Enough time spent here and you'll soon find out,
that only those who enjoy playing will never log out,
even if it's dinner time and the sun is now setting,
your device has ten more seconds before it's so very upsetting.

Now it's time to go, farewell, goodbye.
Though not much time will fly by,
we will meet soon again, even if it takes hours,
just don't forget about the cordinates that brings you to flowers.

Please come back to the place you call home,
that little wood cabin in that flower biome,
and the small oak tree that blows in the wind,
and the little lake just around the bend.

Don't forget about this nostalgic feel,
every time you come near that oh-so blocky game.
Those blocky mobs will never forget that stunning stare,
even if it's a zombie that lost all the flare,
to the ocelots that mewed, and purred, and pounced,
to the little chiclets that chirp about.

( Word count : 225

( Stanza count : (Oops, I don't exactly know what a stanza is.)

( Poem type : (I don't know much about poems, but this definitely is not a haiku. If someone could tell me what type of dang poem this is, thanks.)

( Poem theme : My old minecraft experiences, back in 2014/2015 :) )

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11/04/2018 10:05 am
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
AgentShieldjj's Avatar
A Stanza is the group of words in the poem. Your first Stanza is

An everlasting forest of gloom,
a glowing sky from the moon.
So you Have seven.
10/29/2018 4:44 pm
She/Her • Level 1 : New Network
folieadeux's Avatar
I believe this type of poem would be called a 'Free Verse Poem', due to it's characteristic of 1. Non rhyming lines, 2. Immense length and 3. Slightly detailing (figurative language, imagery)
10/28/2018 5:09 pm
She/Her • Level 44 : Master Whale
frankisarat's Avatar
Wow! That's awesome! :D
And, even though I didn't add it, you rhymed!

(A stanza are the little bundles of lines. You'd have 7 of those)

10/28/2018 5:07 pm
Any/All • Level 56 : Grandmaster Wizard Professor
mcrjellyfish's Avatar
I love this~
the poem really does shout nostalgic. Good luck!
I havent started mine but you already won lol
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