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A New Minecraft Adventure? (Updated again sry)

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SeismicGamer's Avatar SeismicGamer
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
I've been working on my own Minecraft adventure game taking place in a Laboratory. For quite some time now I felt I should at Least show the name. I'm hoping to one day finish this project and move onto others, but in the meantime I'm stuck on a sound problem. Lol! P.S. (I know the name is weird but it will make sense in the game.

I'd also like to take the time to mention that a part of the soundtrack for "Tweebles Inc." Has been released and made by my good friend "Creative Compositions" called "Life in the Laboratory". You can check it out on his channel here. More music will be on its way soon! Stay posted.

I'd like to give an update regarding the game. I had my friend take down the Teaser for progress reasons. I'm kind of stuck in a slump on 2 parts, one for Voice acting and sounds and another for plot movement, I've recently got a job and I'm basically working on it by myself right now, but I feel like I need more help, I've been wanting to create my own team for a long time but don't really know where to start, so until I can figure these problems out, game progress will be slow for a while, sorry for the inconveniences.

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