This Blog is an entry in the completed What Makes You a Minecrafter? - Blog Contest #7.

Minecraft Blogs / Story

What makes me a Minecrafter - A Minecraft Autobiography

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Bluecolty's Avatar Bluecolty
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
A proverb once stated "The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step" This can be said about the beginning of my Minecraft story, and everyone else's. Your story can only truly begin when you place a block for the first time. My story, we'll my story started very humbly, it was a warm late May night in 2011. I had just begun the world of video games, and had no idea what and how video games (particularly Minecraft) would change my life for the better. Lets jump back to that May night, where it all began...

I was browsing the appstore on my Mom's phone at the time, looking for a construction game, when I stumbled across this odd game called Minecraft. I looked into it, and decided to try the demo PE version. What I didnt know is that this megar little game would change my life for the better. But that wouldnt come till later. When I first began playing, I immediately fell in love with the game. After about a month, I got the full edition of PE. I played this until about a year later when my friends and I got into this conversation about it. One friend told me about Minecraft PC. I looked into it, and convinced my parents to get it. Oh what a blast it was, so realistic and so many cool blocks. The version was about 1.4, when the game was still sort of young you could say. But there was one problem, the game was really slow (a friend informed me the correct terminology was "lag" ), and I mean really really slow, like 1 fps constantly. I stopped playing the computer version after I had tried building a Nether Portal, and it crashed the computer. And so resumed the life of playing Minecraft PE. But then one faithful night, the phone had an update and wiped the game, and all my worlds. I put back the PE demo, but it wasn't the same. But then on Christmas of 2012, I got a tablet, which had Minecraft PE already on it. I began building a city, a basic city, but a city none the less. Now I had not known, but this idea would play a crucial part in application pictures for a particular project. I continued to play PE, and then in November of that same year, I bought myself a laptop. Brand new with Windows 8. I then remembered about Minecraft PC, and got it installed, and it worked great. Then, I discovered the possibility of mods. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get it to work ( I now know how easy it was to do it, but that was then ) So instead of using mods, I watched mod videos. While doing this, I kept stumbling across these same YouTubers, with the same world they kept destroying. And they kept mentioning the name Greenfield. So I searched it, and there it was, right on PMC. I downloaded it, but had no clue what to do with it and how it worked. So I deleted it, but I still thought it was awesome. Now let's put that aside too, that will come into play later. Lets move ahead to my seventh grade year (2015). It was again December, and my history class was down in the computer lab working on a project which I was behind on, when a couple of my friends came over to chat and work with me. Talk was basic, until one asked me-
"Roy, do you play minecraft?"
"Yes, it's great"
And then he told me about his server. Now up until this point, I had no idea about the possibility of multi-player. I guess you could call me a noob, but I had not known about the possibilities of the game. He told me, I could come over with them to another table and he would tell me all about it, or I could continue working on my project, which at the time sounded pretty appealing. But something in the back of my mind told me that I should go listen to him, or I'd be sorry. So I did. That afternoon, I went home, and got on his server, and Minecraft really began to open up with possibilities for me. About six months later though, that window closed, and everything went screeching to a halt. It was a simple disagreement really. Me selling enchanted diamond armor for 25 diamonds. He wanted it for 22. A simple disagreement soon blossomed into a horrific argument, and he banned me for not selling them to him. By now though, I had found out about public servers, and began hopping around different servers, which I found I seemed to enjoy "prison" the most. One day on the website, I stumbled across the GTAMC server. I began playing on it, and began to notice something peculiar about the map. It had some very familiar streetlights. In fact they almost looked like Greenfields. Upon further investigation, I found out that it was indeed the Greenfield map. I then began to play on that server up until September of 2015. Some how, my friends and I got into the topic of Greenfield. We were talking about how cool it was when my friend turns his computer screen around, and he was on the map. So I download it, figure out the works, and build on it. Then one day in late November, I decided to apply for the Greenfield build team. I'm not sure what made me think of it, it just popped into my head. But when I was looking over the server page, one thing gravely concerned me. Pictures of previous builds. And then it came to me. Use the PE city I built all that time ago. So I applied using pictures from that city, and I got accepted that December. A month later, someone told me about Planetminecraft, and I made an account. I soon then learned about texture pack making, shaders, and more about mods than I could stand. But to this day though, I still think and wonder, what I would have done if I hadn't decided to check out that odd little game called Minecraft.

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09/03/2016 4:49 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
aa60665's Avatar
now i want to make one
09/04/2016 3:15 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Bluecolty's Avatar
Ye do it, just not for the contest though, ya missed it by about 2 weeks
08/02/2016 2:57 am
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Saiwon's Avatar
Very entertaining, good story! :D
08/10/2016 5:17 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Bluecolty's Avatar
Thank you!
07/31/2016 9:40 pm
Level 27 : Expert Button Pusher
StarmanZero's Avatar
This was a really great story, I read the whole thing and didn't get me bored. Nice job.
08/01/2016 12:53 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Bluecolty's Avatar
07/31/2016 12:26 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
Anakiiin's Avatar
Banning you for not selling him something for just three diamonds more? That's just crazy. xD
07/31/2016 1:56 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Bluecolty's Avatar
Lol, ikr, it was the dumbest thing ever
07/31/2016 2:19 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
Anakiiin's Avatar
I remember back on classic, I helped out a server a ton, but the owner decided to ban me because he was "fixing" the server and didn't want anyone on, but he didn't even give a warning before doing so. It just goes to show you how people can be complete dumbasses sometimes xD
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