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A Helpful Survival Guide

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Minepika94's Avatar Minepika94
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer

A Helpful Survival Guide to Minecraft

So you want to live a long, full life in your blocky lands? Well, I can help. This guide will show off crafting recipes, some tips on building safe houses. Let's get started!

Your First Steps

When you first spawn, look for trees. Then punch them. You need at least 24 logs to make a house, tools, torches, and various things. Once you have your planks, use four of them to craft a crafting table. You do this by putting planks in all four slots of your crafting grid. You only have ten minutes of daylight, so work fast.

Place down your crafting table and right click on it. This will open a larger crafting grid, which allows you to craft swords, picks, and everything else. Craft a pickaxe, hoe, and sword. You will need these later.

Most other recipes look like to item you're crafting as well.

Swords are two planks up with a stick below them.

Pickaxes and three planks across the top, and sticks down the center.

Hoes are made the same as pickaxes, but with two planks instead.

Swap out the wood for stone, iron, gold, or diamond.

Pickaxe in hand, go mine some stone. Thirteen pieces is enough for a furnace, sword, and pickaxe. If night is falling, dash over to your crafting table and build a small home. If you see sheep, kill them so they drop wool. You can use three wool and three planks to make a bed. If you have one right click it to sleep at night, and only at night. If not, build your house and make a door. If you don't have enough planks, use dirt. The reason you need a home is because you need protection from hostile mobs.

Hostile Mobs
These green armless mobs run at you and explode, damaging you and the terrain. The best way to deal with these guys is with a bow, crafted from three sticks and three strings. They drop gunpowder, which is used to craft TNT.

These green skinned fellows just amble at you to hit you. A simple wooden sword is enough to deal with them. They drop rotten flesh, which isn't good for much.

Spiders are like zombies, exceptt faster and having less health. They also leap at you to attack and climb walls. Use the same tactics as zombies. They drop string and spider eyes.

Skeletons use a bow to shoot at you and thusly are a real danger to the unprepared. It is best to use a bow on them. They drop arrows and bones, which is used to tame wolves.

They are neutral mobs, meaning they only attack you when attack them. When you attack one, they all come after you. So leave them alone until you can tame them.

Witches look like evil villagers. (See below) They attack with potions of harming and of poison. The poison does not kill you but leaves you at half a heart, so avoid it. Use a bow to keep out of their range. They drop sticks and potion ingredients.

These black, tall, and thin mobs teleport around and pick up and place blocks randomly. They are neutral until you look at them or hit them. Fight them with a sword. They drop ender pearls, which when thrown, teleport you to the place they land and deal some damage to you. Ender pearls also help you get to the End. (See below)

These green jelly cubes just hop into you until you die. They come in three sizes, but only the smallest drops the slime balls. The tiny slimes deal no damage and die in one punch, so whittle down the bigger slimes down to the tiny ones, then punch them to death.

These little pest sometimes spawn when you throw an ender pearl. Just whack them with your sword. They drop nothing.

These little pests live in stone blocks in the Extreme Hills biome. You'll know when you find a silverfish block because they break faster with your fist than your pickaxe. They also drop nothing.

These cyclops fish live in a under water temple in Deep Ocean biomes. They shoot lasers at you and thus should be fought with a bow. They drop fish, prismarine scales, which can be used to make blocks, and wet sponges. Smelting a wet sponge dries it so you can soak up water with it again, which makes it become a wet sponge.

The Next Day

Once the next day rolls around, you need to get food. Punch grass to get seeds, and right click on dirt with your hoe to turn it into farmland and plant your seeds with a right click. While you wait for it to grow, go see if you can find any animals that drop meat. These animals are: Pigs, sheep, cows, rabbits, and chicken. You can cook the meat in a furnace by placing a furnace and putting the meat in the top slot, and putting the fuel in the bottom slot. Coal cooks eight items, so I recommend using it. Other items smelt more or less than coal, so you can smaller or larger operations. If you don't have coal, you can smelt logs to make charcoal, which works the same. Make torches with coal or charcoal on top of a stick. You should also make windows for your home by smelting glass

Once food is situated, you can go mining. You can go explore caves, with is dangerous unless you have armor, or you can staircase mine. Do not dig straight down, it could drop you in lava, a cave, or both.

Be warned, the ores, except for coal, will require a better pickaxe than your wooden one. Iron requires a stone pickaxe, and all the others require iron. Before you can use iron or gold, you have to smelt them in a furnace.

The Ores
Coal is a black flecked ore that appears nearly anywhere. It is used for cooking and torches.

Iron is a tan-brown flecked ore that appears underground. It is used to make reliable tools and armor, as well as many other things.

Gold, Redstone, Lapis, Diamond, and Emerald are all found deep under ground.

Gold is a gold flecked ore that can be used to make highly enchantable armor and tools. They are very weak however.

Redstone is a red flecked ore that drops redstone dust, which can be used to make machines

Lapis is a blue flecked ore that drops lapis, which is used for enchanting

Diamond is a light blue flecked ore that is very rare. Diamonds can be used to craft the most durable and powerful tools and armor. A diamond pickaxe is the only tool able to mine obsidian, which is explosion proof.

Emerald ore is a green flecked ore that is the rarest. You might find one ore by itself when mining in a Extreme Hills biome. When mined they drop one emerald. They are used for trading.
Once you have 24 iron, you can craft a full suit of armor to help protect your self.

Armor Recipes
A helmet requires five ingots, four for boots, eight for a chestplate, and seven for leggings.

Swap out the iron for gold, leather, or diamond.

Advanced Stuff

Enchanting allows you to make your tools and armor more powerful. To build an enchanting table, you need a book, four obsidian, and two diamonds. Books and made with leather, which cows drop, and paper,  which, is made from sugar cane. Place the leather in the bottom left corner of your crafting grid, and place three pieces of paper around it. To make your enchanting table, put the four obisidian in a upside down T shape on the crafting grid. place the diamonds in the corners of the T shape. Then, place the book on top of the T shape. To enchant an item, place it on the left slot of the enchanting table, then place the lapis in the right slot. Enchanting costs levels and lapis. You gain levels by collecting XP orbs, which are dropped by mobs and some ores. You can power up the enchanting table by placing bookshelves around it. Bookshelves are made with three books and six wooden planks. Place the books in the middle row and place the planks in the top and bottom rows. Then place the bookshelves in a five by five square around the table, with it in the center.
Brewing is simple to start, but the ingredients require going to the Nether and mining for rare ores in the overworld. To craft a brewing stand, you must have a blaze rod and three cobblestone. Place the rod in the center of the crafting grid and place the cobblestone under it. Place your newly crafted brewing stand down get some bottles, made from three glass in a bowl shape. Fill those bottles with water by right clicking on a water source block. To actualy brew something, you need Nether wart, which is found in Nether forts. Blaze spawners also appear in Nether forts, so nab both nether wart and blaze rods there. Make sure to grab some soul sand as well, because Nether wart only grows on soul sand. Place the ingredient in the top slot, and the water bottles in the bottom three. Your potion will take a few seconds to brew, and then you can add another ingredient to it. When you add the nether wart to a water bottle, you get the awkward potion. From there, you can make all the best potions.

Ghast Tear = Regeneration
Magma Cream = Fire Resistance
Glistering Melon = Healing (Glistering melons are made by surrounding a melon slice with gold nuggets. One gold ingot makes nine nuggets, and vice versa. Golden carrots are made the same way as the melon.)
Golden Carrot = Night Vision
Sugar = Swiftness (Sugar is made from a single sugar cane.)
Rabbit's Foot = Leaping (Rabbit feet are rarely dropped by rabbits.)
Blaze Powder = Strength (Blaze powder is crafted from a blaze rod.)
Pufferfish = Water Breathing (Pufferfish are obtain via fishing. A fishing rod requires two string and three sticks.)
Spider Eye = Poison

Once you have a potion, you may use a fermented spider eye (Crafted with sugar, a mushroom, and one spider eye.) to reverse the effect of a potion, turning it into a negative effect. You cannot reverse a negative potion into a postive one. Potions of leaping, water breathing, and fire resistance do not have a counter part. They just turn into a potion of weakness. a potion of night vision becomes a potion of invisiblty when reversed.

You can add glowstone or redstone dust to a potion to alter it. (Glowstone is in the nether and mining it gives you the dust, which four of them can be crafted back into the block.)

Redstone makes the potion last longer, where glowstone dust makes it more powerful, but lowers how long the potion lasts.

You can add gunpowder to a potion to turn it into a splash potion, which is thrown rather than consumed.
If you find a village, you can trade with the locals. The brown robed ones are farmers, the white robed ones are libarians, the purple robed ones are clerics, the ones with a black apron are blacksmiths, and the ones with a white apron are butchers. Each one sells and buys different things. You can get emeralds from them for items, and give them emeralds for items. 

Once you have been comfortably established, you can go to the other two dimensions.

Going to the Nether
To go to the Nether, you need and obsidian portal. To make one you need ten blocks of obsidian. To get these ten blocks, you need to mine them with a diamond pickaxe. Since obsidian is made from water coming in contact with lava source blocks, you can gather lava and make casts out of dirt to make your portal. However you made your portal, you need to activate it with flint and steel. Flint is randomly gathered from breaking gravel. You can craft the flint and steel in your inventory crafting grid by placing one flint and and an iron ingot in the corners. Once your portal is lit up, you can go through. Watch out for the Nether mobs, all of which want to kill you. There are Nether Fortresses that hold Blaze spawners and Nether wart, both of which can be used for brewing.
Nether Mobs

A blaze is a head floating over a cloud of smoke, with rods floating around it. These rods are what they drop when slain. To defeat them, you can use a bow or snowballs, as they're the only mob harmed by them. be sure to avoid the fireballs they shoot. These guys spawn in Nether forts.
Wither Skeleton
These tall, dark and mean cousins of skeletons don't use a bow, instead opting for a stone sword. When they hit you, you get the Wither effect, which acts like the poison effect but it kills you. They drop coal, bones, and rarely their skulls, which are used in summoning the Wither.
The Wither
The Wither is a three head flying boss that is summoned by placing four soul sand in a T shape, then adding three wither skulls on top of the soul sand. When summoned, you get a brief window of time to back away before it explodes and flys away, blasting everything that isn't undead. Shoot at it with a bow until it gets a glowing armor. The wither will float down and become immune to arrows. So come at it with a sword and finish it. It drops a nether star, which is used to make a beacon, with five glass and three obsidian. Place the nether star in the center and put the obsidian in the bottom row, and place the glass around the nether star. Place your beacon on a pyramid of iron, diamond, gold, or emerald blocks. These blocks are made with nine of the chosen item. When your beacon is working, it will shoot a beam into the sky. right click on it, choose your effect, then place one of the items shown into the slot, then click the check mark.
Ghasts are big floating ghost jellyfish. They shoot fireballs at you which you can reflect back at them, or you can use a bow. They drop Ghast tears, which are a potion ingredient.
Magma Cube
Magma cubes are just lava slimes. They're stronger, but still only come in three sizes. Use a sword on all sizes. They drop magma cream, which is a potion ingredient.
Zombie Pigman
These guys are like wolves, expect you can't tame them. Its best to pick them off one by one with a bow. They drop rotten flesh and gold nuggets.

Going to the End
Going to the End is a much more complex process, as you need to go to the Nether and scour the Overworld for them items nesscary and for the location of the portal. You need to defeat Blazes to get their blaze rods to craft blaze powder, and Enderman to get their ender pearls. You then craft these into Eyes of Ender by just placing blaze powder and an ender pearl any where on the crafting grid. You need at least twelve eyes to activate the portal, but you'll need many more to find the stronghold that holds the portal. Right click with an Eye of Ender in hand to launch it. It will float into the air in the direction of the stronghold, hover a bit, and either drop to the ground for you to use again, or go poof. Once you are there, place the eyes in the slots and jump into the portal. However, you may only leave alive when you defeat the Ender Dragon.

The Ender Dragon
While the End is loaded with Endermen, the Ender Dragon is the main threat here, as it is a boss. In order to do any lasting damage to it, you must destory the the Ender Crystals at the top of the obsidian towers. Once you have done that , just shoot the Ender Dragon. When the dragon is dead, it spawns a portal. Go through that and see the credits roll. But you can keep playing after that.

And there you go!

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