This Blog is an entry in the completed Animal Whisperer Blog Contest.

Minecraft Blogs / Story

A dog in a day.

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ZappedZilla's Avatar ZappedZilla
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
This story is like no other, a dog meets one of his best challenges yet...

Time to go outside... Maybe my owner will give me a treat at the end of the day! Ah, what a beautiful day it is. But wait, whats that? A hole... Im going to explore it!A dog in a day.
Well that was a waste, it just led me outside! Oh well, I guess I should be go- sheep! Ooh, but the sheep sees me... I need a plan!

Okay, on the count of three im going to hunt it. 1, 2, 3!A dog in a day.
Yum! Wait... I see something in the distance. Like a house? A house! Multiple houses! Maybe they have some food?

Okay, so these villagers dont like me... Do they want to hunt me? Is this the end for me? What if... Just what if... What if they find me? This wont end well, I just know it wont. Oh no, one of them is coming towards me... What is he going to do to me!? AH! He trapped me! Why, just why!?
A dog in a day.Ouch... I dont like this guy! I just wanna go back home... Go back home! Thats it! If I can just squeeze through he- no I cant... If I go by midnight, this villager wont see me. Now lets just wait and see... An hour passed so far, nothing special. Okay 3 hours have gone by, its getting dark! 7 hours gone by, time to make my escape! Time to use all the force I have... 1, 2, 3!

Run! I cant stop, I cant now! They are coming after me! YES! My owner, Joey's house! Time to make the big jump for the backyard. Jump! Run inside, get inside, panic inside. With a few barks and an angry mob at our door, I got Joey's attention. I barked saying "We need to go, NOW!". Joey said to the angry mob of villagers, "Dont be alarmed! Its just my dog! Not a wolf!". The villagers sighed in relief, going back to their homes. Its nice being back here, I better patch up that hole. Well, a dog in a day, thats alot to see...

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