This Blog is an entry in the completed Fall Festival Community Event.

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Nitgo's Avatar Nitgo
Level 76 : Legendary Sus
What is the strangest Fall you had?

A Dim Fall

Fall is an interesting time of the year, for many it's just calm wave of cool air, and for others it's the start to winter, but if you think about it, many times fall could be a strange time, going outside to different places in fall could bring joy to one's mental feelings! Now for the story's purposes imagine waking up in an orange field of long plants... Classic right? But what makes something classic?

A classic!
A Dim Fall

A "Classic" thing is mostly just a thing that is a cliche, and cliches are everywhere nowadays, but why? Why do we not just make something new? Well, it's not that easy if you think about it, and it isn't even that it's something that you rarely run into, ideas rarely haven't been thought by someone before you... even, what i am saying right now has been thought before, heck even while I was making a previous blog I realized it almost had the same idea as another one before it! But I can't blame you for not having new ideas.... Because the earth has seen a total of one hundred billion people, and all of them have idea making machine inside of them called the brain, but why does the brain despite it's diversity still like cliches. Even if it has seen them many times?

Something new?
A Dim Fall

Well to answer that question let's go back to our beloved fall, remember that "Calm" Vibe to it that we just talked about? Well, why do we like that vibe every time it comes, or any other holiday? Well , our mind does get bored of cliches, but it's just that our mind likes anything that is "good", and that isn't always there. That's why some people would rather buy a limited time item instead of buying an all time item from a store, but you may ask what does our mind's perception of cliche have to do with autumn? Well it does if you look at it from the right way.

A fall like none other!?

Well The idea of this blog is simple, and "classic", and it's that despite that every single year there exists a fall, we always make it different in a way even in the slightest. Even if there has existed a hundred billion falls.

Also this blog was made by: Nitgo, but not the art tho.
CreditMy laziness

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10/24/2019 11:46 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Mariocraft_Best's Avatar
can i just ask how u make these pictures?! they're AMAZING.
10/25/2019 1:50 am
Level 76 : Legendary Sus
Nitgo's Avatar
I don't, I take then from my favorite artists... I already said that in the bottom line.
10/30/2019 3:26 am
He/Him • Level 83 : Elite Cowboy
Jicklus's Avatar
you should make that much bigger and at the top
10/30/2019 9:21 am
Level 76 : Legendary Sus
Nitgo's Avatar
Well, it's kind Of like a movie's credits. You never put the credits at the start, but at the end.
10/30/2019 11:44 am
He/Him • Level 83 : Elite Cowboy
Jicklus's Avatar
a lot of movies put credits at the start.
10/30/2019 1:30 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Sus
Nitgo's Avatar
Name me one that has the entire credits start at the start.

[​The credits have to mention every single thing about the movie including everyone that worked on it]
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