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A collection of cheesy poems by Spot

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-Rae- deactivated's Avatar -Rae- deactivated
Level 36 : Artisan Sheep
These are some poems that I wrote a while back. I hadn't initially intended to release them to the public, but it should be fine as long as you guys are expecting it to be bad, so here goes:

Cry of the Wolf

Sometimes late at night you hear

The hoot of an owl, a passing deer.

But when you hear that cry of woe,

Do not go, do not go.

When the chilling night arrives,

Hide in your hovel, take out your knives.

Bolt the door and lock it thrice,

Lock it nice, lock it nice.

Howl's of horror, howl's of death,

Howl's that could mean your very last breath.

Listen to the howls at night,

Hide in fright, hide in fright.

When the morning ‘rives again,

Look up at the singing wren,

Wait for the moment the sun sinks below

The grotto, the grotto, the pleasant grotto.

Then the whole cycle repeats, repeats,

Then the whole cycle repeats.

The Mountain

Come to the mountain,

Tall and strong,

Let all of your wonderful feelings prolong,

At the foot of the mountain,

Tall and strong.

Climb up the mountain,

Magnificent, large,

Let your fierce spirit forcefully charge,

Climb the grand mountain,

Magnificent, large.

Rest on the mountain,

Wonderful, gay,

Let your mind gently wander away,

Rest calm on the mountain,

Wonderful, gay.

Dream on the mountain,

Blissful, blithe,

The one in your dreams gracefully lithe,

Dream deep on the mountain,

Blissful, blithe.

Live on the mountain,

Husband and wife,

A home on the mountain devoid of strife,

Grow on the mountain,

Husband and wife.

Pass on the mountain,

Father to son,

The two things you love, together as one,

Pass from the mountain,

Father, then son.

The Trail

Wake in the morning,

Tired, bland,

Brush away the sleepy sand.

Gather resources,

Water, food,

Do away the groggy mood.

Drive the road,

Dusty, long,

All before the sun is strong.

Trek the trail,

Rocky, rutty,

Hiking boots completely muddy.

Arrive at the peak,

Glorious, bright,

Through the mountains a brilliant light.

And let's finish with a haiku, my least favorite form of poetry.


Pitter-patter flight

Soft footsteps in the meadow

Dawn is here again.
CreditMy Creative Writing teacher

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04/23/2020 11:31 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Ahh, these are not bad; I refuse that. Sure, some people have some kind of lyrical mastery that lets them write better ones, but these are good, so I refuse to accept they're bad. xD
I can relate to disliking the haiku form of poetry though. You did alright with it, at least.
-Rae- deactivated
04/24/2020 8:31 am
Level 36 : Artisan Sheep
-Rae- deactivated's Avatar
haha, thanks :D
04/24/2020 2:44 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
You're welcome. :)
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