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9 Days Chapter 1

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Studio15's Avatar Studio15
Level 20 : Expert Artist

9 Days- A Zombie Apocalypse Story

Disclaimer: None of this is true, Please continue with caution


Monday, 9:30 p.m
San Fransisco.

< News Reporter Speaks at the T.V > " A person named James H. Johnson, has been

Attacked by a werewolf, his body was found at the dark forest, he is still breathing

But the doctor said he is dead, a rabies is keeping him alive, and the rabies is

Strong, and there's no cure for the disease. < News Reporter stops Speaking >

" That's weird... But I hope he's ok " Jake said. < Later at the hospital > " Sir,

We can't make it, he is too wild. " the nurse said, " We can.. " the doctor said,

" How? "
The nurse replied, " Just trust me ok? " the doctor replied as well,

" ok. ", the nurse said quietly, after that, the doctor steps closer to James.

" James, it's alright. don't be scared. " the doctor said to James, then James replied

" Doc.... Help... ME! ", and then James bites the doctor. " Ouch. " the doctor is in

So much pain. " Sorry. Doc, I didn't mean To! "
James said.

To be Continued...

Made by: DarienGaming

Part 2 coming soon!

CreditThanks I hope you like it. Remember theres part 2!

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12/31/2018 10:40 am
Level 20 : Expert Taco
Darth_i's Avatar
wow this is sooo scary : i added the blog to me favorite (and i give a diamond)
12/16/2018 8:31 am
Level 1 : New Network
Evan_Jaxson's Avatar
we will be waiting for part 2!!
12/18/2018 9:19 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
Fresh_Eyes's Avatar
Ye I agree
11/26/2018 10:31 am
Level 26 : Expert Collective
sentinel99's Avatar
its a bit ....concise
11/24/2018 1:34 pm
He/Him • Level 54 : Grandmaster Pyro Magical Boy
FishyBusiness's Avatar
this is just amazing!
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