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5 Ways To Kill Heavily Armed Enemies

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CreeperLadMC's Avatar CreeperLadMC
Level 56 : Grandmaster Slime Tamer
For you faction-goers, I trust you've probably had a lot of experience concerning heavily-armed, diamond-donning players dominating the Warzones and easily killing everyone in sight - it gets really annoying how they linger around for so long and horde all the supply drops (well, for some faction servers, anyway). If you want to get rid of 'em fast whereas you haven't got the gear to match theirs, below are a couple of fast, efficient ways to deal with the dudes in diamond:

1) Potions

Let us not forget that, even though you might not be able to deal much damage with your sword, armor provides zero protection against potions. All you need are a couple of ingredients, a spider eye and some Nether wart to swiftly deal 20 or more HP of damage against an enemy. Just do it fast enough to prevent your enemy from being able to chug down some golden apples.

2) Fall damage

Another easy way to take care of your foes is to take advantage of the surrounding landscape - and of course, the easiest way to do that is probably by knocking your foe off a cliff. Sure, diamond gear really helps against fall damage, but a 32-block-fall is enough to massively reduce your opponent's health. After the fall, simply finish off your opponent with a bow, or, if the area allows it, drop TNT onto his head.

3) Creepers

If your skills are up to date, exploiting creepers would probably be a good way to defeat your enemies. See a foe in the distance? Use a fishing rod to knock a creeper right into his face, then ignite it with a pair of flint and steel while using snowballs to keep your opponent in place. Of course, that strategy won't work in the Warzones...

4) Fire Aspect

Even though it really is quite an expensive enchantment, fire aspect really helps against killing enemies. No, it's not because the fire deals damage over time - it's because the flames will prevent your enemy from being able to sprint. Exploit this fact by running your sword into your enemies' legs over and over again, knocking them backwards while preventing him from being able to hit you back.

5) Sand and Gravel

Another fun fact about armor is that it offers no protection against sand or gravel suffocation. Knock your foe into a pit, then drop a tower of sand onto his head. His diamond shovel isn't gonna do him much good.

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