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5 Reasons Why Premium Rocks

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diamond655's Avatar diamond655
Level 21 : Expert Pokemon
This is my first 5 Resons Why post. You should check out ImaLittleCreeper, she is my inspiration for making a 5 Reasons Why series.

1. Servers The Minecraft community is awesome, and Servers mean the more the merrier. Whatever server it is, I am SURE someone is willing to become good friends with you.
2. Usernames Who likes playing as they're email? Usernames can allow you to chat and be on servers without giving personal info, AND it allows for good recognization without seeing your skin as a unique one!
3. SKINS!!! This is REALLY cool. You can turn into anything as long as it exists! A dino, a zombie, and EVEN SkyDoesMinecraft! It really rocks!
4. YouTube Youtube videos can be epic with Minecraft. The best thing is, you can make lets plays of survival and gain TONS of subs!
5. Friends If you go on a server, I am SURE you will find friends! You can meet from servers like Mindcrack, Hunger Games or other mini games EASY!
Bad Reason. HACKERS! If you are popular, there is a risk of being hacked if you have no firewall. That means people can crash your servers, go OP without being given the power, or can even steal your account. But that doesn't cancel out 5 other reasons!

This is 5 reasons why Premium rocks, plus one reason why it doesn't. Overall you should get it. I have never been Premium, but I have a good idea of what it's like, thanks to YouTube.

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09/30/2013 11:02 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1072506's Avatar
10/01/2013 10:02 am
Level 21 : Expert Pokemon
diamond655's Avatar
LOL, this! I play offline, but I DID download it from Minecraft.net, so technically not cracked.
10/01/2013 4:36 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1072506's Avatar
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