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#26 || Asher Interviews: wqffles

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Angelonasher's Avatar Angelonasher
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
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(better quality cover image) (periodic table name maker) (waffle gif)
Featuring wqffles

My questions are red, their answers are gold

#26 || Asher Interviews: wqffles

What are some things you'd like the reader to know about you before we begin?

I'm not very active at the moment.

#26 || Asher Interviews: wqffles

How did you find PMC and why did you join?

I found out about it through people on the skindex. A fair few people on there also have accounts Here, and I thought it might be cool to check it out. It was a rare good choice of mine X)


What sort of PMC-er do you consider yourself?

A slightly Innactive one? I'm Christian, I support lgtbq+, I make art, skins - where does that put me?


What is your opinion on the PMC community?

I think it's great! There are so many inspiring people here, and theres a place for everyone. It's diverse, it's lovely <3


What is one of your favourite things about PMC?

I love seeing peoples art, whether that's skins or drawings. I honestly think it's really cool that it's more than just a minecraft site.


Are there any PMC-ers that inspire you or whose content/posts you really enjoy?

Yes. Yes there are.
I could make a list, but i'm afraid it might take all day...
I really like @autumn's skins, they're adorable and the designs are so pretty and unique. But seriously, all you guys are awesome, keep it up <3


What advice would you give to a new PMC-er?

Don't measure yourself against others.


You joined PMC in 2022. What kept you here?

I'd say the people I made friends with, and my inability to stop making skins. At the end of the day, It's hard to fully quit any social media though.


What sort of content do you usually post?

Mostly wallposts and occasional skins.

#26 || Asher Interviews: wqffles

Any advice for someone getting into skin-making?

Don't give up.
And practice does help. I started making skins a couple years ago, and I told myself that one day I'd actually be good at making them. I don't know if I'm there yet, but I have improved so much.


If you could make a new country literally anywhere, what would it be called and what would its climate/culture be like?

Is it a country in the real world within an existing continent? Am I the head of state? Do I live there?
I have too many questions lol


What inspired your persona? (If you have one?)

Me and the clothes I was wearing.
I guess all my personas are actual skins of myself, self portraits, rather than an image that I feel represents my identity/inner self. Did that make sense?


Why is your username?

Someone on the skindex cutely reffered to raffles as waffles, around the time I made my pmc account. It was the first thing I thought of for a username. I just swapped the a out for a q because waffles was taken.


Do you play Minecraft, and, if so, what is your favourite part of the game?

I do play Minecraft, and my favorite part is exploring. You could find something incredible, if you look far enough...


What are some hobbies you enjoy?

Sketching (traditionaly or digitally), crocheting, painting.


What do you usually do outside of PMC (online or irl)?

I do alot of stuff irl. Ive been watching Fringe and The X files, Painting, sewing, crochet, drawing, in my free time. Although My interests do change from time to time.


What are some things you are planning to/would like to do in the future?

There are some places I'd like to vist one day, Rome, greece, Scotland - among others. I want to learn to play guitar. Get around to sewing some clothes. Random things X)


What is your favourite (or some of your favourite) colour combinations?

pink and green, gold and navy, red and gold.


Favourite book/movie/game/series/fandom/franchise?

Monstrous regiment by Terry Pratchett, anchorman, oxygen not included, black books, don't have one and don't have one.


Favourite artists, bands, authors, content creators, etc?

David Bowie, Johnny Cash, Phoebe bridgers, boygenius, Terry Pratchett, Derek landy. To name a few lol


Does pineapple belong on pizza?

I belive that Anything can be put on pizza, it's just a matter of preference. I think cream cheese is amazing on pizza, but not everyone does. (I do love pineapple on pizza though)


Do you prefer comets, meteoroids, or asteroids?



What is something you want to tell about yourself that you probably wouldn't get to in a normal conversation?

Although I like swimming, I'm a little too optimistic when it comes to water temperature. Ive had hypothermia twice.


Describe yourself in a single sentence.

I'm creative, optimistic, a little bit mad, and probably very annoying X)


What is one thing you made and one thing someone else made that you'd like to advertise?

I don't really have anything from myself, but you should go check out Astralsapphire's spaceship builds


One last thing you'd like to say to the reader?

Remember to drink water
Goodbye <3


That's all for this interview!
Thank you, wqffles, for being interviewed, and thank you for reading!
Any constructive criticism, advice, or suggestions are welcome and encouraged!

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Shift Stardust
03/27/2024 12:50 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Loremaster Warrior
Shift Stardust's Avatar
Grate man
keep it up and i might have time
i remember im on list right?
03/27/2024 7:38 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
Yep you are on the list!
03/27/2024 7:12 am
He/Him • Level 35 : Artisan Blueberry Birb
Fatcqt's Avatar
03/27/2024 5:11 am
She/Her • Level 63 : High Grandmaster Strawberry Witch
pumpkinpvtch's Avatar
omg this is awesome !! (thanks so much for the shoutout waffle omg) <3
Ender Sparkle
03/27/2024 2:43 am
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Ender Sparkle's Avatar
I know Angel force feeded you pancakes or french toasts
03/26/2024 10:07 pm
Level 20 : Expert Warrior
Echolynx's Avatar
Wow! That's amazing!

Just to let you know, on question 8, the "Y" is the wrong color.
03/26/2024 10:33 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
I'm glad you enjoyed, and thank you so much for pointing that out!
03/26/2024 9:31 pm
He/Him • Level 31 : Artisan Wolf Artist
Fabful's Avatar
this is amazing your art is so cool
03/26/2024 10:33 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
Thank you :D
03/26/2024 6:31 pm
Level 44 : Master Artist Birb
ajthepeach's Avatar
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