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#24 || Asher Interviews: BlazingVic925

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Angelonasher's Avatar Angelonasher
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
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(better quality cover image) (periodic-table name maker) (club penguin gif)
Featuring BlazingVic925

My questions are plum, his answers are salmon

#24 || Asher Interviews: BlazingVic925

What are some things you'd like the reader to know about you before we begin?

hi im BlazingVic925, and i have been known to cause mischief and mayhem so be ready for any pranks and weird wall posts.

#24 || Asher Interviews: BlazingVic925

How did you find PMC and why did you join?

DefaultEx by Stridey; I just wanted to fix MC I guess and give bedrock the love it deserves.


What sort of PMC-er do you consider yourself?

multimedia dabbler


What is your opinion on the PMC community?

okay; i havent found any toxic or rude people (other than that one guy that bashed me on armadillos ( c o n s t a n t I think)) and everyone seems to be very nice!


What is one of your favourite things about PMC?

people that make eye candy textures


Are there any PMC-ers that inspire you or whose content/posts you really enjoy?

idk really. careeoki?


What advice would you give to a new PMC-er?

make sure to never give up.
BUT ALSO do not make a project that you know you cant finish (trust me i have made many projects that I never finished)
and lastly, take breaks (do not take long ones tho).


You joined PMC in 2023. What kept you here?

BIG PACK BEING MADE once im done i will take a looooong break.


What sort of content do you usually post?

bedrock packs, skins, and other nonsense


Any advice for someone getting into skin-making?

try hive style its really quite fun


Is there any one or any thing that inspired you to start making texture packs?

again, DefaultEx by Stridey

#24 || Asher Interviews: BlazingVic925

Correct answer to the trolley problem, and why?

first of all WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT RIDDLE secondly heres my answer:
no. i grab my diamond pickaxe and break the rails, saving all six people. why? bc im no murderer.


If you could make a new country literally anywhere, what would it be called and what would its climate/culture be like?

i dont really have an opinion on that but id say antarctica? lol


What inspired your persona? (If you have one?)

i havent showed it yet but it started out as my skin which resembled my irl and then it got more fleshed out.


Why is your username?

there was an old game call dragon land by socialpoint (maker of dragon city) and there was a flame dragon named blaze. soon i level up and got to online racing mode. i made a username: BlazingVictory; and that was the first iteration of my username (the 925 is my bday 9-25)


Do you play Minecraft, and, if so, what is your favourite part of the game?

yes and building (my builds suck tho) i play on bedrock if you have a bedrock username tell me and I can invite you!


What are some hobbies you enjoy?

drawing and blockbench noodling


What do you usually do outside of PMC (online or irl)?



What are some things you are planning to/would like to do in the future?

publish my big pack and take a big break


What is your favourite (or some of your favourite) colour combinations?

lime is fave color. salmon and plum are my fave color combos


Favourite book/movie/game/series/fandom/franchise?

elephant in the garden/lego movie 2/minecraft/pocoyo/cookie run (formerly)/none really


Favourite artists, bands, authors, content creators, etc?

i can only answer content creator: mumbo jumbo


Does pineapple belong on pizza?

ive never tried it but it looks gross; no


If you could change your eye colour to any colour, what would you change it to?

im fine the way it is.


What is something you want to tell about yourself that you probably wouldn't get to in a normal conversation?

im lonely


Describe yourself in a single sentence.

mischief and mayhem


What is one thing you made and one thing someone else made that you'd like to advertise?

nothing really


One last thing you'd like to say to the reader?

go check my profile. bye


That's all for this interview!
Thank you, BlazingVic, for being interviewed, and thank you for reading!
Any constructive criticism, advice, or suggestions are welcome and encouraged!


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Ender Sparkle
03/13/2024 1:32 am
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Ender Sparkle's Avatar
At least you don't kidnap people anymore...
but we won't forget that one time you did
03/13/2024 7:27 am
She/Her • Level 40 : Master Sus Nerd
ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul's Avatar
How do you know they dont?
Ender Sparkle
03/13/2024 8:09 am
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Ender Sparkle's Avatar
The kidnapped person herself - do you know any intel about Angel?
03/13/2024 7:34 pm
She/Her • Level 40 : Master Sus Nerd
ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul's Avatar

Ender Sparkle
03/14/2024 12:38 am
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Ender Sparkle's Avatar
Has Angel imprisoned you AGAIN?!
c o n s t a n t
03/12/2024 9:56 pm
Level 25 : Expert Skinner Blacksmith
c o n s t a n t's Avatar
bruh it was a accident that i bashed you on armadillos im sorry blazingvic
03/12/2024 10:41 pm
He/Him • Level 37 : Artisan Pixel Puncher Birb
BlazingVic925's Avatar
c o n s t a n t
03/13/2024 12:30 pm
Level 25 : Expert Skinner Blacksmith
c o n s t a n t's Avatar
03/12/2024 10:34 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
they won't see the message unless you @ them
03/12/2024 7:50 pm
Level 44 : Master Artist Birb
ajthepeach's Avatar
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