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#15 || Asher Interviews: Wagnerbaum

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Angelonasher's Avatar Angelonasher
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
First interview of the new year!

Dark green is my questions, light green is their answers.


What are some things you'd like the reader to know about you before we begin?

Umm... I'm from the US and love days when it gets to over 80-90 degrees [​27-32 Celsius].


How did you find PMC and why did you join?

I don't actually remember how I found PMC, but I joined so I could ask a question about custom block models in texture packs.


What sort of PMC-er do you consider yourself?

The type that barely interacts with other people and just watches conversations.


What is your opinion on the PMC community?

I'm surprised how many people in the community are SUPER nice and welcoming.
The community has its problems, as every community does, but it doesn't have that many.


What is one of your favourite things about PMC?

The sheer amount of content on the platform, and the fact that there are so many things to do.


What advice would you give to a new PMC-er?

First, introduce yourself, a lot of people are super welcoming. Then find some sort of content you enjoy making, and just make it.


You joined PMC in 2022. What kept you here?

The community for sure


What sort of content do you usually post?

I post skins occasionally, but I mostly don't post anything lol


Any advice for someone getting into skin-making?

Skin-making is a form of art, and just like any form of art, you can learn a lot by looking at other people's skins. If you are feeling discouraged that your skins aren't as good as someone else's, don't be. Everyone has to start somewhere.


What inspired your older skins that were made out of minecraft blocks?

I figured out how to make a netherite block skin, and it was super fun so I made a bunch more


Correct answer to the trolley problem?

Pull the lever to the secret 3rd option that creates a new track with nobody tied up on it

#15 || Asher Interviews: Wagnerbaum


What inspired your persona? (If you have one?)

Me irl


Why is your username?

Wilhelm (Vil-helm) Richard Wagner (Vog-ner) was a great German composer whom I am a huge fan of. "Baum" is German for "tree" or "lineage", so my username is "Wagnerbaum" to honor Wagner's music


What are some hobbies you enjoy?

Drawing, reading, gaming, and coding


What do you usually do outside of PMC (online or irl)?

"Try" to spend time with my family and friends


What are some things you are planning to/would like to do in the future?

Code a commercial game to sell


What is your favourite (or some of your favourite) colour combinations?

16261d and 6ae69d


Favourite book/movie/game/series/fandom/franchise?

(Book) Lord of the Rings, (Movie) It's a Wonderful Life, (Game) Minecraft


Does pineapple belong on pizza?

It doesn't taste bad, but It isn't my first choice of topping


If you were an animal, what animal would you be?

An owl


What is something you want to tell about yourself that you probably wouldn't get to in a normal conversation?

I'm [​REDACTED] years old


Describe yourself in a single sentence?

A guy that is super boring but for some reason everyone likes


What is one thing you made and one thing someone else made that you'd like to advertise?

this and this


One last thing you'd like to say to the reader?



And that's all for this interview :D
Thank you, Wangerbaum, for being interviewed, and thank you for reading :D
Please let me know things you liked about this interview and things you think I could improve on!

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01/04/2024 3:20 am
He/Him • Level 38 : Artisan Lego Builder Loremaster
_BenQ_'s Avatar
Can i be on the interview list?
01/04/2024 1:09 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
sure! i've added you now :D
01/04/2024 1:15 pm
He/Him • Level 38 : Artisan Lego Builder Loremaster
_BenQ_'s Avatar
btw make my answers red when you get around to me
01/04/2024 1:19 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
i mean the colours are determined by the "Favourite colour combination(s)?" question but sure I'll keep that in mind
01/04/2024 1:26 pm
He/Him • Level 38 : Artisan Lego Builder Loremaster
_BenQ_'s Avatar
01/03/2024 10:40 am
He/Him • Level 44 : Master Carrot Toast
Juillyoom's Avatar
i like 95 -105 temperature
01/03/2024 11:40 am
He/Him • Level 33 : Artisan Birb Musician
Wagnerbaum's Avatar
y e s
01/03/2024 3:02 am
She/Her • Level 41 : Master Strawberry Cake
wqffles's Avatar
cool interview :D
01/02/2024 9:48 pm
Level 44 : Master Artist Birb
ajthepeach's Avatar
01/02/2024 7:20 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Artist
MerBatPhan89's Avatar
Nice interview. I actually saw "It's a Wonderful Life" for the very first time last year at the theater in my new home.
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