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1.20.1 CURSED VERSION (herobrine entity303 and greensteve)

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User4391770G's Avatar User4391770G
Level 13 : Journeyman Collective
this minecraft version is very cursed it is haunted with some of the most iconic entitys in minecraft such as herobrine entity303 and greensteve and this is supported by this being one of the only versions that dosent say "removed herobrine" in the fixes and if you dont trust me trust the video shown in this blog and for copyright reasons i have to say i did not publish this video. but if you dont want to watch the vid then i can just tell you what happens: "the player sumbols opon a plains biome and shortly after sees herobrine in the disent weilding a iron pickaxe next to a 2 block tall dirt tower with one more grass block ontop and herobrine startes running towards the player and the game crashes" and this all happens in the version 1.20.1 and soon i think they might patch this so if you want to try it out after this comes out use another launcher like multimc in a version thats older and still has 1.20.1 and for the cherry ontop i had a world on 1.20.1 that has the tower from the video naturly spawned in it heres the seed: -673123247581359717 and heres the command to tp to it: /tp @s 350.075 63.93750 784.543 and keep in mind this is in 1.20.1 i dont realy have much else about this to talk about rn but were gonna talk about this more on the next blog peace out!
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