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-Steve and Alex's Quest: Book 3-

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Orbiter's Avatar Orbiter
Level 49 : Master Fox
Yes, it's August 22nd, which means it time to write my new book! :D I've been looking forward to this the whole week, so yeah, let's get started! And just to clarify, this story will always be in Alka's POV.

Once upon a time, and even today it still remains, not far from here is a star system called Heria. Hearia is far more advanced then any other region of space in our galaxy. The story I am telling you taked place in the era of 1.5, a time not long ago, when I was about 32. 


"If this is a time of peace, then why are we preparing GUNSHIPS?" asked a person in our tour. "Because of Leonia. You never know when she'll decide to attack." responded the tour guide. We were touring the largest tower in the giga-city of Loris. "So then why are we calling it a time of peace if Leonia keeps attacking us?" asked the same person. "Because we're not at war with any REAL nations." the tour guide responded. A couple of people snickered, including Red Szabo, who was to my left. "Psst! Red!" I said in a low voice. "What?" she answered back. "I have to go. Make sure the tour guide doesn't notice me." I replied. "Why?? It's like 1:00 AM! Where are you GOING?" she asked, but I was already leaving. I found the elevator, pressed the 'Ground Floor' button, and went down the 1,540 story building.

-Chapter 1: Dealings
Location: District 49
Time: 1:07 AM
It was raining as I arrived at the meeting point at District 49, a starship docking area. I wished the Artificial Weather Generators (AWG) would shut off. I was soaking, my tail was wet, and my nice, warm wolf ears were dripping on my shoulders. After waiting another 5 minutes, a small B-Wing model car pulls up, and out steps my dealer. "You're late." I said. "I had some.. complications. Now, where's my payment?" asked the dealer. "Where's MY payment?" I asked back. The Dealer pulled out a small black suitcase out from the passenger's side of the B-Wing. "Good." I said as I shell out $5000. "Good to you too." said the Dealer back. I opened the suitcase, and yes, it was there. The last Void Crystal I needed to complete the set of three. As the Dealer drives away, I touch all three together accidently, and there was a flash of light. As my eyes started to blur, I saw four crystals, rotating around each other. And that's when I blacked out.

-Chapter 2: Something new
As I woke up, I could see a small orange ball on the horizon: 198-745a, our home star. I stood up and found the four Void Crystals in my pocket. The sunrise was beautiful, but I was paying more attention to the new ship just arriving on my left. The name plate read 'U.S.S Luciene'. "Must be a royal ship.." I said to myself as I walked toward it. I was a sizable solar sailer, black with shining blue around the guardrail. "What are you DOING?" asked a voice behind me. "Wha- Red?! How did you get here?" I asked in surprise. "Oh, I dunno.. maybe I walked?! What are you doing, what are your face, arms, AND your chest doing all scratched up, and why is your pocket glowing?!" Red asked. "I'm watching the sunrise, I have no idea, and.. er.. I left my flashlight on." I answered meekly. "Fine. You aren't telling me everything. I'll leave that for now. In the meantime, you're coming with me to my house. Those cuts aren't going to disinfect themselves." Red said, quite bossily in my opinion.

-Chapter 3: Lizza
Red had disinfected my cuts quite quickly. Almost exactly the moment she finished, The doorbell rang. "I'll get that!" Red yelled. The sunlight flooded in as Red opened the door. "Lizza! What a nice surprise! Come in!" Red says. "Oh! Hi Alka!" Lizza says cheerfuly. Her curly blonde hair was a mess this morning, as it was normally. "Didja see that new ship? I hear it belongs to someone called Captain Gashting." says Lizza. "You wanna check it out?" I ask. "Hold on. I want to know why your pocket is glowing like a beacon at night!" says Red. "Er.. fine." I say as I pull the four Void Crystals out of my pocket. "Oooh.. are those.. the Void Crystals??" Lizza asks. "Uh.. yes. I'd like to get going now.."

Thanks for reading! I shall be updaing this like normal, maybe not everyday, what with school and all, but yes! I will be updating.


2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Orbiter 08/30/2015 7:36:12 pmAug 30th, 2015

Added Chapter 3 <3

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08/02/2016 8:46 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
Oh my goodness.. this makes a great deal more sense now.. :DD
My sweet wife Red.. ;) ♥
08/02/2016 9:00 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Orbiter's Avatar
Aha, I hoped you would find this sooner or later. I desperately need to rework this.. xD
08/02/2016 9:02 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
I did find it awhile back, but it didn't make a dreadful lot of sense without some knowledge of the backstory. xD Now it does!
08/28/2015 1:08 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Hey Dude Wanna Join My EPBL? Check It Out Here
08/28/2015 5:42 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Orbiter's Avatar
I wooooouuullld, but I dunno how to use palletes. Sorry, I will once I find out how. :P
08/29/2015 6:15 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
You Don't Have To Use The Exact Colours Just Use Similar Ones ;)
08/29/2015 10:51 am
Level 49 : Master Fox
Orbiter's Avatar
I'll consider it.
08/29/2015 2:07 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
08/27/2015 8:19 pm
Level 26 : Expert Cowboy
loverboy's Avatar
Nya!  Awesome new chapter! =3
08/27/2015 8:20 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Orbiter's Avatar
Thankoo! :D
It's not thankee anymore xD
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