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ღ Neneki ღ - Is Grammar Really Necessary? (Ft. Catbug)(Blog Pop Reel!)

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neneki's Avatar neneki
Level 26 : Expert Geek
Hello everyone! I bet you're wondering if this blog itself is even necessary. Well folks, for the generation of 2000-2013 it is! Apparently, no child from the ages 13 and below know what 'grammar' is. Shocking, I know! There are even people that are 14+ that don't even know/remember what 'grammar' is. To be honest, it's sad. Yeah, sometimes people slip and have typos, but full-out grammatical errors are seen everywhere! They're seen a lot in games but mostly, from what I can see, in Minecraft.

I know that Minecraft is for any and all ages, but sometimes I think children need to get off and head back to school. C'mon you know you all have thought it one time or another!

"Hai can i hve sum dimonz?"
"i need 2 go mining 4 iron and stuf"

We've seen countless of times horrible misspellings, using numbers for words, and worst of all things such as:


I'll have you know 'yolo' is not an actual word. I mean, even when you type it on here it gets that red squiggly line underneath it!

Grammar was taught to us from way back in Kindergarten or 1st grade all the way up to college! You learn grammar most of your life and it's there for a reason! I can imagine it now, the kids of this generation trying to fill out an application to a job later on in life.

'What experience do you have in (insert job description)?'
"o i hav lotz ov expuhreence in this job. i used 2 work at ur compani tahts down teh street frum here"


I'm just saying now, if I were your potential employer I would not hire you!

Here's one last example I know of. A girl posted something on her Facebook once:

'I'd rather be pissed off then pissed on'

See the problem with that sentence? It may be a small mess up, but c'mon that really changes the sentence doesn't it? It's just like 'Your' and 'You're'. It makes a total difference!

So moral of the story... Go get an education.


(Now here's just something cute.)


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I actually got a sort of pop reel for this in the blog section. Thank you guys for giving me my first (somewhat) pop reel!

Guys I understand what you're saying when you comment 'Oh, you're stereotyping younger children derp.' Well, as I mentioned up above, it's not just them and I understand that. Though, you see it more in the ones that are 13 and younger. It's not very common to see a 20 year old type as if they are a 2nd grader. Also as someone has mentioned. 'They are children. I don't expect them to use grammar'. Well, we are taught grammar from the time we enter school 'till time we leave it. Even in 1st grade you learn grammar. They teach you how to capitalize your sentences and use punctuation. I can understand more complex grammatical errors with 8 and younger, but when you take it to where it's not even legible it's simply ridiculous. I am not stereotyping anyone, I'm just having an opinion as everyone is entitled to one. I do know 'YOLO' is an acronym, but as someone mentioned, it's only correct when capitalized. (Still, it's a really idiotic acronym.) I will not answer or even bother reading any comments that say the same things I corrected in this update. Thank you for your opinions and support. G'day.

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09/02/2013 9:04 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
bens1226's Avatar
I guess the British Goverment noticed this because they added a grammer test into SATs :/
09/02/2013 9:05 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
bens1226's Avatar
Let's eat Grandpa!
Let's eat, Grandpa!

09/02/2013 9:17 am
Level 26 : Expert Geek
neneki's Avatar
Honestly, this is the best comment I've seen on this blog. Thank you for making me laugh. :P Also, I'm glad the British Government noticed it. I'd love to take SATs there. I'm not surprised America hasn't taken it into account quite yet. I'm sure we'd have low test scores if they did. xD
11/13/2013 1:04 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
Zmanboyshark's Avatar
Yesterday I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse


Yesterday I helped my uncle Jack off a horse
11/13/2013 1:07 am
Level 26 : Expert Geek
neneki's Avatar
Well, that second one makes me feel awkward. Thank you.
09/02/2013 6:09 am
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
NeoForce's Avatar
catbug is so cute even check out my page I have a catbug icon :3

impression:catbug:SUGAR PEAS! danny:DROP THEM catbug:OKAY
09/02/2013 6:31 am
Level 26 : Expert Geek
neneki's Avatar
Lol it's cute c: Catbug has to be my favorite cartoon character at the moment.
09/02/2013 4:46 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
Nahratt's Avatar
Have you ever actually seen someone legitimately type like "Hai can i hve sum dimonz?"? I mean, not joking and making fun of the "13- year olds" as you call stereotypically call them by talking liek dis 4 da lolzz.
09/02/2013 6:30 am
Level 26 : Expert Geek
neneki's Avatar
Honestly? I have. The person that did so was 12. That's how he talked the whole time, it was pretty hard to understand him. Also, as I've said before, I said that 15+ year olds talk like that as well. I'm not stereotyping younger kids but it's seen a lot more than 20 year olds talking like that.
09/02/2013 2:37 am
Level 35 : Artisan Nerd
Universe_Walrus's Avatar
We are all hypocrites. Type as I say, not as I do. :P I don't believe grammar is necessary, for is artificial and has not always been in use. I don't believe in moral or existential nihilism. *hint hint* Garbled views :P Regardless, I find it easier to communicate with correct grammar in use.
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