Minecraft Blogs / Interview

Interview // LaurenAngels_ ✧ [popreel]

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Level 37 : Artisan Fox
I just wanna start off by giving a big thanks to >> Lauren << for doing this! She's been one of my biggest role models on PMC for ages and this was really awesome to do! It's my second interview and this is definitely something that you guys can expect to see more of! Love it love it ^-^

p.s. the purple words are links so be sure to click on them to understand whats going on (◕‿◕✿)

Anyways, onto the interview! Interview // LaurenAngels_ ✧ [popreel]

Interview // LaurenAngels_ ✧ [popreel]

So, you’ve been a member on PMC for just over a year now, what keeps you coming back everyday?

I'm sort of addicted to it by now. PMC, in my opinion, is the best site there is for skinners, and I love making skins. I'm not sure what about it I love so much. People believe that it's tiring and annoying to do, because of time and effort but I really enjoy it! I suppose it's because I've always loved making things, and what I've loved more than that? Making things people could put to use. And for skins, that's how it is. People use skins to show their personality or interests in Minecraft. Like wearing a YouTuber's skin shows you enjoy their content, or wearing a video game character's skin shows you enjoy that specific game. I mean, if they don't enjoy either of those things and they are wearing a skin of them, then. I don't know what to tell ya.

Where do you spend most of your time on the PMC website? What is/are your favorite thing(s) to do on here?

I love exploring the site, like times I'll see a really nice skin on "latest" and I guess I end up stalking them. Exploring their skins, description, activity, etc. Sound creepy? I'm sure I do, and I don't do those things too often. I usually go to their subscriptions or subscribers, and see who else enjoys their work, and then my little PMC adventure continues on to new people. I love seeing other's content and how they make them.

There is a lot of content on PMC and I’m sure you do a lot of exploring! Do you have any favorite posts (blogs, skin, etc.) and what are they?

Ahhh, I have no favorites! I love a lot of other people's work, it's really hard to think of one off the top of my head. But I do love to see art blogs, and skins with a little comedy put into them.

You provide very impressive and quality content on PMC. How would you describe your account/profile in a few sentences?

I'd describe my account as: An average girl's profile, who enjoys playing Minecraft along with the rest of this community, and also enjoys making content for others to use and express themselves with.

Now onto the more personal questions! (:

What do you think makes your skins so special that they sometimes attract thousands of viewers?

Haha, I'm not sure to be honest. I used to think I was over rated, and that other people deserve the attention that I was getting. And I guess I still feel that way, but I'm trying to gain self confidence. I sometimes do try to show my effort into my skins, by making a ton in one skin. Like my sweaters I made for my Mabel Pines skin, or the Yandere Simulator one. (I will be making a new updated one soon, with all the new characters Yandere Dev has made.)

Do you have any future skins/projects that you’re currently working on or planning for?

So many things... I've learned quite a bit over my few years of playing Minecraft, and it's inspired me to do more things. Things like making a map or two, a texture pack, 10 other series of skins, (one series including over 333 different characters), an art blog that has tons of content in it, Youtube videos, just. Anything I can think of. I don't want to be known as that "girl who made Minecraft skins." I want to be known for doing many things, because that's what I love doing.

I’m sure you have a personal life outside of the world of Minecraft. What are some of your hobbies/favorite activities?

This is going to sound sad, but I don't actually leave my room that often. When I do leave, It's to go to a roller skating rink near my town. I've actually become quite good at rollerblading, and I can go really really fast. But that's all I can do at the moment. I'm currently practicing tricks. I'm also a little bit good at singing I guess, but I've always felt weird about it. People say I'm good, I've performed before, but other people have questioned my sex in the past because of my voice when hearing me over the internet through Skype. To the point where they'd have to ask multiple times, haha. Besides those two things, I've been practicing my art A LOT, because I hated my art before recently xD But I'm starting to make something of myself.

Your last meet-up seemed like a lot of fun. Are you planning on hosting another meet-up any time soon?

Well, my very last, last meet up wasn't that successful. I was told Elleanora came at one point, but I didn't know because I had to leave early. So because of this incident, I will definitely be hosting another meet up to make up for that one. Perhaps more as well, because I feel awful about it.

There are so many wonderful PMCers that are amazing at making content. Are there any PMCers in particular that you look up to?

I look highly up to Meggles and Felinka, their skins are amazing. I know Meggles doesn't make skins anymore, but she's still alive on Deviantart, and what she makes there is beyond amazing as well.

Anything else you would like to add? ^-^

Interview // LaurenAngels_ ✧ [popreel]


For my funscribers ~
Well I never knew she enjoys flying lawnmowers but eh. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thank you guys for tuning in and reading my second interview.
Please leave diamonds if you enjoyed and show some love to
Lauren for being the star of this whole thing. She's really awesome
and if you don't know about her then you've been living under a
rock so go subscribe to her! ~

also this is my first popreel and i'm crying


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07/29/2016 10:51 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Natural_Wonder's Avatar
Nice Picture
07/29/2016 11:05 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Fox
kai's Avatar
thank you :D
03/10/2016 10:06 am
Level 38 : Artisan Magical Girl
RosieRiley's Avatar
That's so awesome! Lauren is amazing!! I recently did my first interview with Leia and that was how I found this one!! I just had one question*how did you make that picture with you and Lauren?* I just wanted to know thanks!!
03/10/2016 1:08 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Fox
kai's Avatar
It's called "Wallpapers" from this website. (:

Thanks for the sub. ^-^ ♥
03/10/2016 6:51 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Magical Girl
RosieRiley's Avatar
Your welcome!!!SO you just use that formula picture thing:D
03/10/2016 6:58 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Magical Girl
RosieRiley's Avatar
It doesn't actually change to your walloper right??
03/12/2016 4:49 am
Level 37 : Artisan Fox
kai's Avatar
lol no, you just save the picture :D
03/12/2016 11:44 am
Level 38 : Artisan Magical Girl
RosieRiley's Avatar
03/01/2016 6:46 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Artist
Kebabi's Avatar
Great interview :D I love the lawnmower too :D it gave me inspiration
03/01/2016 7:41 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Fox
kai's Avatar
me too!!!! ^-^ and thanks (":
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