Minecraft Blogs / Interview

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ZappyGru's Avatar ZappyGru
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Batman Senpai
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π•΄π–“π–™π–Šπ–—π–›π–Žπ–Šπ–œ 𝖁𝕴

Hello, and welcome to the sixth installment of the Gru's News series! If you're new here, then here are the rules. I ask 10-15 questions about the interviewee, and they will answer in their honest opinion! Some questions may be short, some may be long! One more thing before we get started, I'd like to say that if you would like to join the next Gru's News blog please ask! There's a chance that you might be featured next. Now without further ado, let's announce today's interviewee, MoonAstraea (now known as MoonAstrea)!

Question 1: What were your origins for your username?
Mooniium: What were my origins for my username? That's actually a really good question, which I can't exactly answer fully, as someone else had this name before me, and only they really know how it came to be. I can, however, tell you what I think the origins of it are.

From what I can tell, the original creator of the name liked space, as well as the moon. The β€œ-iium” part seems to be a cooler form of the β€œ-ium” you usually see at the end of element names, and sort of leads me to believe, they may have liked chemistry also.

To clarify, I have both my PMC username and my MC IGN as the same thing. So while I didn't get the name from someone else on here, I did get it from someone else, whom had the MC IGN before me, and thought it would be nice to have as my username on PMC too. :)

ZappyGru: Ooh, that's very interesting! I love the amount of detail put into a username!

I fully agree with that! It's great to have the ability, and creative freedom, to be able to find the perfect username that feels right.

Question 2:
Onto the next question, what is your most prized submission? In other words, what is your favorite creation that you made on PMC?
Mooniium: Ooh, that's a tough question. I would have to say my most prized submission is Plex from β€œYo Gabba Gabba.”

It's my favorite for many reasons: One being, it was the first skin request I had ever gotten, by the super cool IndigoDusky. Another being, it's the first time I've been able to make as skin using the HD format, this time, in a creative and efficient way.
(Request) Plex from "Yo Gabba Gabba" Minecraft Skin

ZappyGru: "That looks amazing! Are you sure you never made an HD skin before?"

Mooniium: Haha, I have, but the first one I made wasn't too good, and the second one was better, but still didn't feel that great.

That skin was the only one I was actually really satisfied with, as it required me to use a reference, and I tried to be as accurate as possible, which is the case for many skins I've made.
Angel Topper w/ a Cute Twist Minecraft Skin Winter Holly-Day | Winterfest Submission Minecraft Skin

ZappyGru: Oh, that makes sense!

Question 3: Now imagine going back into time. To a time where you were about to join PMC. What was your reason for joining the site?
Mooniium: Initially, I didn't plan to join PMC, but decided to after seeing a reddit post showcasing someone's skin, in the 3D Preview of said submitted skin.

Now this is kind of funny, as I don't have reddit nor a reddit account, but let's just say, I found this reddit post as a search result when searching for a good skin to use.

I'll admit, I was intrigued, and thought that since I was already here, it couldn't hurt to make an account. And so, here I am, months later, still on PMC.

ZappyGru: Oh, nice!

Question 4: What kind of goals do you have in mind for the future of your account?
Mooniium: I'm not really good with setting or keeping up with goals, but, I guess one could be to reach as many people as possible, and start sharing knowledge about space and the universe. I do also want to start projects, and actually go through with them, as well as maybe express my own opinions more. The future is ever-changing, so, these goals (if you could call them goals) could change too.

ZappyGru: I think that's an excellent goal! Since the future could change just about anything, it's always a good idea to have your goal be much less strict so that you can change it whenever you like!

Question 5: So what are your favorite hobbies that you're comfortable sharing with everyone?
Hmm, I'd say drawing, reading, singing, skinning, and playing video games. I probably have others, but, these are some that I generally enjoy.

ZappyGru: "That's nice! I like to draw and make skins as well!"

Question 6: Changing up the subject to something a little more simpler, what is your favorite color?
Mooniium: That's actually a good question. My favorite color ranges from blue to turquoise to teal. If I had to choose, I'd say β€œocean blue” or aqua.

ZappyGru: Oh, that's nice! Ocean blue always has that soft and relaxing feel to it

Question 7: What kind of video games are you most interested in other than Minecraft?
Mooniium: What kind? I'd have to say, adventure or action games, as well as, simulation games. Sometimes, I'll play games that are a mix of two or all three of these genres, and I think that's nice.

Examples of other games I play/have played are: COD, PvZ, SW:BF II, ACNL, ACNH, Terraria, Overcooked, Pikmin 3 Deluxe, etc. Roblox technically counts as a game, so, it's something else I play/have played.

I'm interested in a lot of video games, so anything listed or not listed above, I'm interested in, other than Minecraft.

ZappyGru: Neat! I've played most of the games that you listed! I remember playing Terraria when 1.4 was just coming out.

Question 9: What would you consider to be the greatest experience on PMC so far?
Mooniium: That's actually kind of a tough question to answer. I've only been here for about 6 months now, but, I've already experienced a lot during my time here. The greatest experience I've had so far would have to be meeting amazing people such as: chickenpants93, MOLTENONI, JadeFire170, Aurosilia, liIy, rainyafternoon, sonderrr, mcrjellyfish, Fiend, vonk, anonpmc2713049, StaticNCogs, FishStacks, Brick, the list could go on. I've had other great and not-so-great experiences on PMC, but, meeting people is probably the greatest I've had so far. It's been a pleasure being here, and meeting so many people, who are both inspiring and overall great people in general.

ZappyGru: "Amazing answer!"

Question 10: To top it all off, what would be your final message before we wrap this interview up?
Mooniium: For my final message, I'd like to say thank you for the opportunity to be interviewed, and thank you to every mod and member alike. You all make PMC feel like home away from home and I'm eternally grateful! PMC isn't just a community fan site, it's a place where you can be yourself, and unleash your inner creative side, while being accepted. :)

ZappyGru: "I love it! Thank you for letting me interview you!"

Wow, that was great! Thank you so much, MoonAstraea, for letting me interview you! It was a pleasure asking you those 10 questions. To finish up this blog, I'd like to say (once again) that if you would like to be interviewed by me, send a comment or a PM to me! There's a chance that you could be the next interviewee! Thank you, and have a good morning, evening, night, wherever you are in this world!

1 Update Logs

Style Improvement : by ZappyGru 12/16/2021 7:42:18 pmDec 16th, 2021

The style of the interview was modified with more pixel art of MoonAstraea's answers along with an updated banner to feature higher quality details.

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The Skin Shaper
β€’ 08/15/2021 8:37 pm
β€’ Level 43 : Master Procrastinator
The Skin Shaper's Avatar
Love it!
β€’ 08/15/2021 8:38 pm
β€’ Level 69 : High Grandmaster Batman Senpai
ZappyGru's Avatar
The Skin Shaper
β€’ 08/15/2021 8:46 pm
β€’ Level 43 : Master Procrastinator
The Skin Shaper's Avatar
Don't thank me, thank the big red thing inside your head! (Oh, and your bendy meat finger things. You have like, what, 10 of them?)
β€’ 08/15/2021 8:49 pm
β€’ Level 69 : High Grandmaster Batman Senpai
ZappyGru's Avatar
Leaked footage of my hand.
25 Fingers” by AlexandreGuilbert Score: 49/100 ARTINFO: In the spirit of  combining … | Photo manipulation, Photo manipulation photoshop, Photoshop  manipulation
β€’ 08/15/2021 10:41 am
β€’ Level 41 : Master Theorist
TheoRoar's Avatar
Epic! Moon is such a great person. This was fun to read

Being interviewed sounds fun. But I don't think i'd have much about the site to talk about other than how great the community is!
β€’ 08/14/2021 7:41 pm
Any/All β€’ Level 35 : Artisan Artist
rainyafternoon's Avatar
:D you are also an incredible person moon
β€’ 08/14/2021 7:40 pm
β€’ Level 73 : Legendary Fish Stack
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β€’ 08/14/2021 7:42 pm
β€’ Level 69 : High Grandmaster Batman Senpai
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When the Imposter Is Sus / Sus Jerma | Know Your Meme
β€’ 08/14/2021 7:26 pm
Any/All β€’ Level 56 : Grandmaster Wizard Professor
mcrjellyfish's Avatar
awh moon!! :D thank you, im happy to have come across you on my time here at pmc!
β€’ 08/14/2021 7:21 pm
β€’ Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
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