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-+-Interview-+- Feat. Mintcherry (POPREEL)

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Bastet_the_Miner's Avatar Bastet_the_Miner
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pyro
Mintcherry is an amazing person and is soo nice! She makes the best chibis ever! Thank you so much for doing this interview!

Me: Orange
Mint: Peach

1. What inspired your username?

I thought mint and cherry are really cute, yummy words so I added them together.\

2.  When did you start skinning?

 I wanted to make myself a skin and I was like this is pretty fun to make! Maybe I should start making skins just like Agapl0/Felinka. And that's when I started making skins :)

3. Who is your biggest inspiration?

There are many inspirations! But I'll say the first person who inspired me to make skins, which is Felinka.

4. When did you discover ur 2fab4us art skills?

Hmmm 3-5 years ago.

5. What is your top goal in PMC?

Hmm I'm not sure. Maybe get 1000 subs?

6.  How do you feel when you get a new sub?

I feel all happy that people actually like my skins and take the time to click that subscribe button! :D

7. What is your favorite skin?

I really like nekeko's azusa skin because the hair shading is perfect and everything about it is perf, you know! It's just so cute, I can't stop staring at it ;o;

8. What is your favourite color?

Blue cuz, you know, the sky and the oceans are blue.

9. Did you enjoy this random and stupid interview?

Yes, yes I did! Sorry if I kept saying you know a lot and by a lot I mean 2 times -o-

I hope you guys enjoyed this!!! Mint is amazing! Find her channel here :3

CreditMintcherry, Bastet_the_Miner

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02/28/2015 10:13 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Just curious, but can you read the answers yourself properly with the font colour? I cannot anyway read it properly.
02/28/2015 3:42 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pyro
Bastet_the_Miner's Avatar
Yes I can, I'm sorry if you can't ;v;
03/01/2015 1:03 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Dragon
samkee00's Avatar
I can't read the answers either... Perhaps you should change the color.
03/01/2015 1:09 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pyro
Bastet_the_Miner's Avatar
I'm kinda busy right now... Sry, I will do it when I can
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