Minecraft Bedrock Servers

MineEuphoric Factions PVP | McMMO | Drug Based Economy | Cartel Drug Dealers! | NEW || Active Growth! || #1 Trending on java 2023

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TomCarwyn's Avatar TomCarwyn
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
MineEuphoric Factions PVP | McMMO | Drug Based Economy | Cartel Drug Dealers! | NEW || Active Growth! || #1 Trending on java 2023
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United States
Game VersionMinecraft Bedrock
MineEuphoric - Factons PvP
MineEuphoric - Factons PvP
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Mine Euphoric a new Minecraft server compatible with all versions ex, Bedrock, IOS, Android, Xbox and more! our focus is to provide an immersive Faction based Minecraft experience to you.

We are The #1 Trending java server and would love the bedrock support!

- What we have to offer-

Custom Factions!

Over 10 Custom Drugs and Crafting Recipes for use and sale.

Black Market Traders accessible by anyone willing to explore! buy your combat goodies at a discount price.

Instant-Soup, Eating a mushroom stew instantly regenerates 4 hearts of health

Custom BOW PVP, Skill shot combat your love? enjoy it in a totally diffrent way. no more RNG spread for your bows. HIT headshots and get rewarded greatly for it.

Casino Games, after a long hard day mining what better way to unwind then gambling with your team.

Roulette Chests - Purchase a key or find it exploring. Open a roulette chest for some amazing Loot

Bank Robbery's - Enough people online? you and your friends looking for some combat? Fight over the bank for the large vault prize!

CRYPTO MARKET - up to date with real life currency exchanges Invest your money! learn about crypto while gaming


Trained Developers, Ever had something you wanted to see created in Minecraft. Look no further put in a suggestion and our developers will get right too it.

--A bit of history about The Team and Myself

I am a 24 year old based in the United States. Growing up Minecraft was a love for me. Over the last year I have been reminiscing heavy on the original Kit Faction servers and missing it dearly. Thats when I set out on my journey my goal with this community is to provide a fully customized community requested server for you guys to play on for the foreseeable future. Our staff team is role-players at heart. coming from GTA RP we always look to provide an immersive roleplay experience without straying too far from what we all love, Minecraft.

Welcome to your last gaming community! we hope to see you soon!

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