Fanatical Support Manifesto

  1. We, the PeepSo Team believe five star customer care is the most important part of our mission.
  2. We are committed to building amazing products: easy to use, user friendly, fast, scalable and free of third party conflicts.
  3. But even the best software is worthless if the authors wash their hands off after cashing in the license fee.
  4. We strive to redefine the way Open Source software developers relate to their customers.
  5. Every member of our team treats customer care as the highest priority.

The PeepSo Team

25% of cases handled in less than an hour

We use a dedicated support system where everyone is tended to personally – as opposed to many businesses. We don’t limit support to forums where getting any answers might take weeks (and the answer often being “search the forum”).

Despite having to handle a lot – 700 tickets a month – we are doing great. According to our statistics, 25% of the time we reply in less than an hour and over 85% of tickets are replied within 12 hours and 99.5% are replied within 24h. The average time for first reply is at about 2.5h (according to statistics from September 2021).

We’re able to effectively cover 24h having a core developer team in Asia and European team members working in shifts. All that is great, but we felt like we should be doing more, though. Starting from September 2019 we also got weekends covered by our team members on a rotary schedule.

Don’t take our word for it

We are proud to have built amazing and long-lasting relationships with our customers. You can check our reviews and see the happy majority for yourself.

The PeepSo community is a great place to ask questions, seek advice, or exchange tips and tricks with fellow users of PeepSo. The dedicated support groups are the icing on the cake of the dedicated support provided by our team.

Community by PeepSo

Super-light and free social networking plugin for WordPress