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Right Wing

Podcast Dept.

What a Right-Wing Militia Sounds Like, from the Inside

“Chameleon: The Michigan Plot” is the latest podcast to show how extremist groups pair dangerous beliefs with an ordinary desire for community.
Q. & A.

How the Hindu Right Triumphed in India

A razed mosque, a new temple, and the rise of Narendra Modi.
Daily Comment

In Israel, a Glimpse of a Trumpian Future

Netanyahu is willing to undermine the rule of law in order to insure his own political survival. Sound familiar?
Annals of Communications

How Elon Musk Could Affect the 2024 Election

The personal politics of Twitter’s owner wouldn’t matter so much if he hadn’t also demonstrated an extraordinary capacity for pettiness.
The Political Scene Podcast

What to Make of the Fall of Tucker Carlson

The staff writers Kelefa Sanneh, who profiled Carlson in 2017, and Andrew Marantz, who covers right-wing politics, on Carlson’s demise—and what comes next.
Annals of Communications

The Gospel of Candace Owens

The Daily Wire host is waging a far-right fight for the soul of pop culture.
Q. & A.

What Israel’s Crisis Reveals About Its Democratic Compromises

Amid widespread protests, the Prime Minister has halted a package of illiberal reforms. What are the roots of his effort—and of its rejection?
Q. & A.

The Origins of Netanyahu’s “All-Systems Assault” on Israeli Democracy

A new coalition has brought extremist politics into the mainstream, but undemocratic strains go back to the country’s founding.
Letter from Israel

Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s Minister of Chaos

As unrest roils the country, a controversial figure from the far right helps Benjamin Netanyahu hold on to power.
Daily Comment

The Aftermath of Israel’s Gevalt Election

Benjamin Netanyahu’s orchestration of a union between two ultranationalist groups will likely return him to power and may allow him to escape prosecution.
News Desk

The Oath Keepers’ Radical Legal Defense of January 6th

Legal experts say the interpretation of the Insurrection Act put forward by Stewart Rhodes and his lawyers would dangerously expand the power of the President.
The Political Scene Podcast

Why Do Conservatives Love Hungary’s Viktor Orbán?

Tucker Carlson said Orbán provided a “signpost” for the U.S. Our reporter explores the American right’s admiration for the leader’s anti-democratic, authoritarian measures.
Curation Dept.

A Reporter in Right-Wing “Crazy Town”

Howard Polskin spends a morning trawling the Daily Caller and Infowars for TheRighting, his newsletter summarizing the day in conservative commentary, and sees cracks in support for Trump during the January 6th committee hearings.
Our Columnists

American Racism and the Buffalo Shooting

The gunman seems motivated by a vision of history, pushed by the right, in which American racism never existed and Black people are undeserving takers.

Dan Bongino and the Big Business of Returning Trump to Power

The Secret Service agent turned radio host is furious at liberals—so he’s trying to build a right-wing media infrastructure in time for 2024.
Q. & A.

Redefining Populism

A political philosopher offers a new way of looking at Donald Trump, Narendra Modi, Jair Bolsonaro, and other right-wing leaders.
Rome Postcard

The Last Stand at Steve Bannon’s “Gladiator School”

The Academy for the Judeo-Christian West is trying to stave off eviction from Trisulti, an eight-hundred-year-old monastery outside Rome, where its founder hopes to offer courses like “Cultural Marxism, Radical Jihad, and the C.C.P.’s Global Information Warfare.”
The New Yorker Radio Hour

Donald Trump’s American Carnage Comes to Washington

The New Yorker’s reporters and writers reflect on the convulsive end to the Trump years. And a game designer explains why the fiction of QAnon has been so appealing and so dangerous.
A Reporter at Large

Among the Insurrectionists

The Capitol was breached by Trump supporters who had been declaring, at rally after rally, that they would go to violent lengths to keep the President in power. A chronicle of an attack foretold.
Daily Comment

Gandhi, History, and the Lessons of the Events at the Capitol

The ugly infection that has always sapped America’s strength burst to the surface last week. Simply bandaging it will be a mistake.