NCBI Datasets v2 REST API

OpenAPI 3.0 specification for NCBI Datasets v2 REST API

The OpenAPI 3.0 Specification is an open-source format for describing and documenting APIs. An OpenAPI 3.0 specification serves as the core definition for the public Datasets interfaces, and is the single access mechanism used by all Datasets-based applications.

The NCBI Datasets OpenAPI 3.0 spec is available in YAML format, and can be utilized by a variety of open-source tools and other software frameworks to generate client code for interacting with the REST API in a way that is idiomatic for the target language or environment.

As endpoints reach the end of their lifecycle, they will be marked as deprecated on this page for 6 months and sunset headers will be sent in all responses. See the API retirement page for more information.


How to setup an API Key to use Datasets

Retired API Endpoints

Summary of retired API endpoint

Generated July 25, 2024