Data report schemas

Structure and fields for each type of data report

Data report schemas define the structure and fields for each type of data report. These schemas also include example values for many fields and Table Field Mnemonics for use with the dataformat command-line tool.

Gene report

Gene record metadata

Gene product report

Gene record identifiers, genomic locations, transcripts, and products

Genome assembly report

Genome record accession, organism, assembly statistics, and annotation info

Genome sequence report

Genome assembly sequence accessions, chromosome, and length

MicroBIGG-E report

MicroBIGG-E record accession, organism, location, and biosample information

Prokaryote gene report

Prokaryote gene record identifiers, protein info, and taxonomic scope

Prokaryote gene location report

Prokaryote gene location record identifiers, organism, and genomic locations

Taxonomy report

General information about a taxonomic identifier

Taxonomy names report

Detailed information about names associated with a taxonomic identifier

Virus report

Virus record metadata

Virus annotation report

Virus record identifiers, sample information, genomic locations, and products

Generated July 25, 2024